Table of contents
Java Vs Ruby
Access specifiers
Exception Handling
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Ruby better than Java?
Which editors provide support for Ruby?
What are the data types supported by java?
What are the best books for ruby?
What are the best IDEs for java?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Java vs Ruby

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We need a language to communicate with people, so they can understand what we tell or ask. Similarly, we need a special language to communicate with computers because it doesn't understand the language we speak. The language we speak is considered a High-Level Language(HLL), which is not understandable by the computer. So we choose programming languages instead to communicate with the computer or any machine. Let’s learn the two most used programming languages Java and ruby, and a detailed comparison of Java vs ruby. This java vs ruby comparison will give you a better understanding to choose the best language based on your requirements.

Java vs Ruby

Read this topic-  Iteration Statements in Java, Duck Number in Java


Java is an object-oriented and high-level programming language that is most used nowadays. It is platform-independent as the code is compiled into byte codes. It was developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems in 1995. Java provides developers with vast developer tools, including 

  • JDK(Java Development Kit) for running and compiling the java code.
  • JVM(Java Virtual Machine) to convert compiled bytecode into machine-specific code.
  • JRE(Java Runtime Environment) provides required classes and libraries to run a java code.

Know the Difference between JDK, JRE and JVM here.

These tools together can make Java powerful. The companies that use Java are Google, Uber, Netflix, Airbnb, Netflix, Amazon, Pinterest, etc. The key features of Java are:

  • Platform Independent
  • Open-source
  • Object-oriented language 
  • Both compiled and interpreted language
  • Automatic garbage collection
  • Static typing
  • Dynamic compilation and loading of classes
  • Multithreading capabilities

    Check out  Why is Java Platform Independent and Java Ioexception in detail.


Ruby is an open-source, object-oriented, and general-purpose programming language. It is an interpreted programming language developed by Yukihiro Matz Matsumoto in the mid-1990s. It has similar features to that of Perl and Python. The companies using Ruby are Dribbble, Github, Twitter, Shopify, Airbnb, etc. The key features of ruby are:

  • Open-source
  • Interpreted language
  • Multi-platform
  • Smart garbage collector
  • Object-oriented language
  • Can embed Ruby into HTML
  • High scalability
  • Applicable for writing CGIs, building web and intranet apps

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Java Vs Ruby


Java is a compiled programming language, so the code requires compilation before running. But the, ruby is an interpreted scripting language, so we can directly run the script to generate the bytecode without compiling it.


Access specifiers

The variables in java can have access specifiers like public(can be accessed from anywhere), private(can be accessed within the same class), and protected(can be accessed within the same package and subclasses). In contrast, all the variables in ruby are private.

Access specifiers


Typing refers to how variables and arguments of a method work in the code. As Java is a statically types language, you must provide the data types of variables while declaring it. When we try to assign any value other than the declared data type, the compiler will raise an error. In contrast, ruby is a dynamically typed language; you don’t have to provide any data type while declaring or instantiating the variables. The values assigned to the variables can also be changed later to another data type.

Typing errors


Java is a good choice for high computational applications and high-traffic sites as it provides more tools and support to applications. In contrast, ruby is better for the fewer traffic sites and less load computational applications.

website traffic


Java makes the syntax more complicated, even to print a single statement. In contrast, a single statement is enough in ruby to print something.

Example :


class Main {
  static public void main() {
    System.out.println("java vs ruby");
You can also try this code with Online Java Compiler
Run Code



puts "java vs ruby"
You can also try this code with Online Ruby Compiler
Run Code


Both the code will produce the same output, "java vs ruby", but the syntax of Java is more complicated than ruby.

Exception Handling

Java contains two types of exceptions; checked and unchecked exceptions. The coder should handle the checked exceptions, or the program will not run. But in ruby, we have only one exception, and we don't need to handle that error, but the application will crash if we don’t.

Exception Handling


The frameworks supported by ruby are Ruby on Rails, Sinatra, and Hanami, whereas the frameworks supported by Java are spring, JSF, and GWT.


Also see, Hashcode Method in Java  and Swap Function in Java

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Ruby better than Java?

Java and Ruby are object-oriented languages, but ruby is simpler than Java; hence it is faster. Ruby is apt for less-load computational applications, whereas Java is apt for high computational applications.

Which editors provide support for Ruby?

The editors that support ruby are Emacs or XEmacs, Vim (version 5.7 or later), Jedit, Nedit, Atom editor, Sublime Text, Visual Studio code, etc. 

What are the data types supported by java?

The data types supported by java are int, byte, short, long, float, double, boolean, and char.

What are the best books for ruby?

The best books for ruby are Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmer’s Guide by David Thomas and Andrew Hunt, The Ruby Programming Language by Matz et al., and Ruby Pocket Reference by O’Reilly.

What are the best IDEs for java?

The best IDEs for executing java are Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, NetBeans, BlueJ, Oracle JDeveloper, Android Studio, XCode, JCreator, Greenfoot, and Visual Studio code, etc.


We have discussed the concept of java Vs ruby in this article. You can now start coding in your preferred language.

C++ vs Java

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