Syntax of eval() in Javascript
Now let’s look at the syntax for the JavaScript eval function
// Using the eval function
const ans = eval("4+4");

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The function eval accepts a string with a “” symbol. It can be an expression, or a statement or a sequence of statements.
The output for an eval function is the output of the expression. Here as we can calculate 4+4 is 8. Therefore, eval function returns 8 as the output. If the input is a statement, then the output will be a statement. If there is no calculated value, then undefined is returned.
Examples of the Eval Function
Here we will discuss some of the examples to understand the eval function of JavaScript
To Call a Function
Example 1 - Let us see how to pass a function as an argument inside the eval function.
// Defining a function
function add(x, y) {
return (x + y);
// Variable to store the answer
let ans;
// Using the eval() function
ans = eval("add(7, 4)");
// Displaying the result

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In the code above, we passed a function with two arguments that adds the parameters x and y and stores the answer in the ‘ans’ variable. Now the eval function is called for 7 and 4 as inputs and therefore 11 is returned as the output.
To Pass an Object as an Argument
Example 2 - Now let’s use JavaScript eval function to pass an object as an argument and then use the eval function to evaluate the expression.
// Using the eval function
console.log(eval(new String('2 + 1')));

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[String: '2 + 1']
In the code, we passed a string object into the eval function, and because we passed a string object, it printed “2+1”.
Using Eval Function with JavaScript Statements
Example 3 - Now, we will use the eval function to execute the if-else statement.
// Create variables
let marks = 93;
let state;
// If else condition inside the string
state = "if(marks >= 80 && marks <= 100) {'You got A grade';} else {'You got B grade';}"
// Output

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You got A grade
In the code, we run a conditional statement in the string. Since the mark is 93, “You got A grade” is printed as the output.
Use Eval Function with a JSON Object
Example 4 - Using JavaScript eval function to execute the string as JavaScript code and convert it to a JavaScript object.
// Create a variable
let obj;
// Create an object string
obj = "({'country': ['Japan', 'Bangladesh'], 'capital': ['Tokyo', 'Dhaka']})";
// Use eval() function to convert string to a JS object
const res = eval(obj);
// Print the output
console.log("The capital of",[0], "is",[0]);

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The capital of Japan is Tokyo
In the code, the string obj contains data in the form of a JSON object. Now after storing this JSON object in a variable res, we will be able to access the properties of the object.
Disadvantages of using Eval
The eval function can execute any type of code, including malicious code that can compromise the security of your system. For example, attackers may steal sensitive data.
- The eval function can be slow for large amounts of code.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the JavaScript eval function?
The JavaScript eval function is a built-in function in JavaScript that executes a string of code.
What is the parameter of the eval function?
A String is a parameter of the eval function.
What does the eval function return in JavaScript?
The eval function returns the value of the code given as an argument.
Can the eval function modify the global scope in JavaScript?
Yes, the eval function can modify the global scope in JavaScript as it can change variables in the global scope.
Can the eval function improve the performance of the code in JavaScript?
No, the javaScript eval function can slow down the performance of the code in JavaScript.
In this article, we discussed the JavaScript eval function. You can also read the article An Introduction to JavaScript to improve your knowledge about javascript.
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