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The Javascript prompt() Method allows the developer to collect data from the user directly, making the web more engaging and interactive.
Understanding how to use JavaScript prompts is an essential skill for every developer. So get ready to enter into the world of javascript prompts!
What is Prompt() in Javascript?
A prompt is a function in Javascript that displays a message box to the user and has only two options “OK” or “Cancel”.The dialogue box would wait for the user to enter any input and loads the webpage afterwards. If the user does not wish to respond to the pop-up/dialogue box, press the Cancel option to cancel it. Generally, it takes a string as input.
Syntax of javascript prompt()
The syntax for the javascript prompt function is as follows:-
prompt(message, default)
Parameters of prompt() function:
message: shows the message that we want to display for the user to enter information and it is an optional parameter. If the input is not provided, the prompt box will display some browser default message.
default: It is a string value that appears in the input field of the prompt box, and if not provided, the input field will be left blank. It is also an optional parameter and used as an aid for the users.
Example of how to use both parameters with the javascript prompt function
var favLan = prompt("Hey Ninja Coders! Tell us your favourite Coding language?", "Enter name here ");
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In the above example, the prompt box would display a message and the input field, which prompts the user to enter a name.
**Note: The above code is running in the Chrome Browser Console.
Return value of prompt() Method in JS
The prompt function in javascript returns a string value according to the user's input. If the user enters some value and clicks the ok button, the prompt function will return that value which the user enters otherwise on clicking cancel button, a null value is returned.
working of JavaScript Window.prompt() Method
The window.prompt() method is the same prompt() method discussed above, the prompt() is a short-hand name of this. They both are built-in javascript methods and the Window.prompt method also displays a dialog box to the user with an input field and a message. The user entered text is returned or null in case the user clicks the cancel button.
Example of how to use Window.prompt() Method
Let's see how window.prompt() method works by using an example
var favLan = window.prompt("Hey Ninja Coders! Tell us your favourite Coding language?", "Enter name here 👇");
if (favLan !== null) {
alert("Namaste " + favLan + "coder");
} else {
alert("Wrong Button");
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In the above example, the prompt box would display a message and the input field, which prompts the user to enter a name and then displays the user entered text if it is a not null value otherwise shows an alert message saying “Wrong Button”.
Examples to understand JS prompt()
In this section, we are going to implement the javascript prompt method.
Example 1
In this example, we create a prompt box which asks for the user name and displays a message prompt according to the user input value. We are handling non-value entered and cancel button response from the user.
<title>javascript prompt</title>
var name = prompt("Hey there! Welcome to Coding Ninjas. What's your name?", "Enter your name here");
// checking for the edge cases when user did not enter a value or click cancel
if (name === null ) {
// display error and ask again
alert("Cannot proceed further without entering your name");
// Display a welcome message with the entered name
alert("Welcome to Coding Ninjas, " + name );
Before Click
After entering name and Click OK
Example 2
In this example, we will do the same things we did in the previous example, but here we have added styles to the prompt box and displayed the name in the webpage.
button {
background-color: #45A29E;
color: blue;
cursor: pointer;
function showPrompt() {
var defaultval= "Enter your name ";
let input = prompt("Please enter your name:", defaultval) ;
if (input !== null ) {
document.getElementById("cn").innerHTML = `Welcome to Coding Ninjas, ${input}!`;
} else {
document.getElementById("cn").innerHTML = "Error";
<body style="text-align: center; background-color:#635147;">
<h1 style="color: orange;">Coding Ninjas</h1>
<h2 style="color: #45A29E;">This is Javascript prompt() Method</h2>
<button onclick="showPrompt()">
Click me!
<p id="cn"></p>
Before Click:
During and After Click:
Exceptions of prompt() Function inJS
The exceptions of the javascript prompt are:-
null should be properly handled in the case when the user clicks on the cancel button
"Blocked a frame with origin" error may occur in some browsers if our prompt method is called on a web page that is not active currently. It is a security feature of the web browsers and to fix it refresh the page.
Entering a lengthy message or default value could lead to bad UI or some browsers would cut the text.
When the input provided by the user is not a string but an integer then we have to perform casting otherwise it could lead to some error.
Frequently Asked Questions
How to check the user’s input in the prompt box?
To check for invalid or empty input, we could use conditional statements or regular expressions before accepting the value and also can implement the isNaN() method to check whether the return value is a number or not.
How to convert a prompt method string to a number?
By using parseInt or parseFloat functions in javascript, we can change the string to a number and for checking whether we have received a number or not we can use the isNaN() method.parseInt will convert the string to an integer while parseFloat will convert to a floating-point number.
How to ask for multiple inputs using the prompt method?
To ask for multiple inputs from the user we can define multiple prompt function calls and then works on each function call return value according to our need. We can also use a loop to iterate over each input and call the prompt function inside the loop.
What are all Web Browsers supported for the prompt method?
The most modern web browser supports the prompt method, a few names are Google Chrome (version >= 4), Firefox (version >= 2), and Edge (version >= 12).Point to note that some browsers may block the prompt method if it is not called in response to user interaction such as key press or button click.
How to prompt a button in JavaScript?
To prompt a button in JavaScript, use the prompt() method. This method takes two arguments: the first argument is the label that displays in the text box, and the second argument is the default string, which displays in the textbox and it contains two buttons, OK and Cancel.
This article has discussed the javascript prompt and the syntax of the javascript prompt function. We have also discussed examples of how to implement the javascript prompt function.
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