Necessity of JDBC
JDBC is an evolution of ODBC, which is platform-dependent and has many drawbacks. The ODBC API is written in C, C ++, Python, and core Java, platform-dependent languages. Therefore, the development of JDBC was by a database provider consisting of classes and interfaces written in Java to eliminate dependencies.
Establishing Connection in JDBC
To establish the JDBC Connection, we need to follow a specific process. Let us now understand what that process is by going through the steps involved in it one by one:
1. First of all, we do need to Import the database.
2. Then we have to load the driver using the forName () method.
You must first load or register the driver before using it in your program. We need to load the driver before using it in our program. We can register the driver in one of two ways:
i. Class.forName ():
This method loads the driver class files into memory during the run time. You don't have to use new objects or create objects. In the following example uses Class.forName () to load the Oracle driver as follows:
The syntax for this is Syntax: Class.forName(“oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver”)
ii. DriverManager.registerDriver ()
DriverManager is a Java built-in class with static member registers. Here, we have called the constructor of the driver class at the compile time. In the following example uses DriverManager.registerDriver () to register the Oracle driver. Let us have a look at it.
Syntax: DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver())
3. Now, we have to register the driver in DriverManager.
4. Next, form a Connection using a Connection class object
After loading the driver, we can establish a connection in the following ways
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url,user,password)
It requires the following parameters:
- user: The user name that can access the SQL prompt.
- Password: The password you can use to access the SQL prompt.
- Con: This is a reference to the connection interface.
- URL: Uniform Resource Locator
We have looked at all the parameters required to maintain the connection. Let us see an example to understand it better:
Example :
String url = “ jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:5421:xe”
5. We now need to create a statement.
Since we have established the connection, we can work with the database. The CallableStatement, JDBCStatement and PreparedStatement interfaces define the methods we can use to send SQL commands and receive data from the database. The usage of the JDBC statement is as follows:
Statement st = con.createStatement();
6. Execution of the query
The query here is a SQL query. Now you know that you can execute multiple types of queries, like queries to update/insert a table in the database. A query to get the data. We use the executeQuery () method of the Statement interface to execute a query to get a value from the database. This method returns an object in the ResultSet. We can use the ResultSet object to extract the records from the table. We use the executeUpdate (SQL query) method to execute update/insert queries.
7. Closing the connection
In the end, we have sent the data to the specified location and are nearing the task's completion. When you close the connection, the Statement and ResultSet objects close automatically. We use the close () method of the Connection interface to close the connection.
It will be as follows:
con.close ();
// A Java Program for Establishing Connection in JDBC
// Importing the database
import java.sql.*;
// Importing the required classes
import java.util.*;
// Main class of Java
class Main
// The Main driver method
static void main(String a[])
// Creating a connection using Oracle DB
String url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:5241:xe";
// Username and password to access DB
// Custom initialization
String user = "superuser";
String pass = "54321";
// Entering data
Scanner k = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("enter employee_name");
String employee_name =;
System.out.println("enter employee_id");
int employee_id = k.nextInt();
System.out.println("enter department");
String department =;
// Inserting data using SQL query
String sql = "insert into employee1 values('" + employee_name + "'," + employee_id + ",'" + department + "')";
// Connection class object
Connection connectionn = null;
// Try block to check for exceptions
// Registering drivers
new oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver());
// Reference to connection interface
connectionn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user,
// Creating a statement
Statement st = connectionn.createStatement();
// Executing query
int m = st.executeUpdate(sql);
if (m == 1)
"inserted successfully : " + sql);
System.out.println("insertion failed");
// Closing the connections
// Catch block to handle exceptions
catch (Exception ex)
// Display message when exceptions occurs
Enter employee_name
Enter employee_id
Enter department
inserted successfully: insert into employee1 values(‘Ninja',6523, '12A')
Practice by yourself on java online compiler.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the main steps in Java to establish JDBC Connection?
The main steps are as follows:
a. Load the driver.
b. Make the Connection
c. Get the object of statement
d. Execution of query
e. Close the connection
What are the different types of JDBC statements?
There are basically three types of JDBC statements:
a. Statement
b. PreparedStatement
c. CallableStatement
JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) is a crucial API for connecting and executing queries with databases in Java. It simplifies database interactions, supports a variety of database systems, and enables seamless integration of database operations into Java applications. JDBC enhances data handling capabilities, promotes code portability, and is essential for building robust, data-driven applications. Proper management of JDBC resources ensures efficient and reliable database access.
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