Every web developer at the start of their career thinks why do I have to learn JQuery and the benefit of JQuery because modern JavaScript can do almost all the tasks that a JQuery does.
So, in this blog, we will find out what JavaScript and JQuery are, their use cases, and how they are different from each other so you can choose whether to learn JQuery or not if you already know JavaScript.
What is JavaScript
Javascript is a programming language that you execute on your browser. JavaScript provides you with a lot of functionality while working with HTML pages. Some of the essential features of JavaScript are:
- It can make your static web pages dynamic/interactive.
- It can animate your images and control your media.
- It can validate form data in a webpage.
We can use JavaScript in many other places, like creating games, building web servers, creating web pages, and building a mobile application.
Some Interesting Facts about JavaScript
Brendan Eich invented JavaScript in 1995. It became an ECMA standard in 1997. JavaScript is known as the scripting language. As of today, all of the browsers support JavaScript.
In JavaScript, you can start your statement with a semicolon(;).
Example: ;var a = 2
Equal is not always equal in JavaScript. What does that mean? In JavaScript the “==” operator is used when you have to compare two values, and the “===” operator is used when you have to compare their values as well as their data types.