Last updated: Mar 4, 2023

JS Interview Questions

JavaScript has long been regarded as the beating heart of web development and design. Javascript is the foundation of many libraries and packages, making it essential in a Software Developer or Web Developer interview. Follow this category to learn about various JavaScript interview questions, problems, and code.
Debounce and Throttle EASY
In this blog, we will see what debounce and throttle are. Furthermore, we will know the difference between them.
Implement Search With Custom Debounce Function EASY
In this blog, we will see how to implement search with custom debounce function.
ES6 Features EASY
The following article talks about the basic definition of ES6 and describes the most popular ES6 features that we can use in our everyday JavaScript coding.
In this blog, we will discuss ES5 and ES6, the basic differences between them, and the pros and cons of both functions.
Convert Pascal Case String to Snake Case String EASY
In this blog, we will learn about pascal case string and snake case string and learn how to convert pascal case string to snake case string.
Convert Snake Case String to Camel Case String EASY
In this blog, we will learn about snake case string and camel case string and learn how to convert snake case string to camel case string. We will write its code in the javascript function.
Difference between Javascript Push and Concat methods EASY
In this article, we extensively discuss the differences between push() and concat() functions in JavaScript
JavaScript Boxing and Unboxing EASY
This article helps understand the concept of boxing and unboxing in JavaScript.
Lexical Scoping
In this blog, we will discuss what is Lexical Scoping, its example and needs, how does it work, how JavaScript creates scope, and the basic difference between glocal scope, functional scope, and block scope
Explain "this" keyword and Scope of this in Javascript Arrow Functions EASY
This article discusses the "this" keyword and its scope in the javascript arrow function. We will understand how it makes the development process much less cumbersome by defining functions anonymously.
Difference Between Shallow Copy and Deep Copy EASY
Explore the difference between shallow copy and deep copy with code examples. Learn to solve shallow copy issues and understand scenarios where deep and shallow copies behave similarly.
Implement Custom Deep Clone Method EASY
The given article talks about implementing the deep clone method in Javascript along with a brief overview of shallow and deep clones.
Memoization in Javascript
In this article, we will discuss memoization in JavaScript which is a depth-first, top-down optimization approach for storing previously run calculations.
Sort an Array with and without inbuilt methods EASY
This article will brief you on how to Sort an Array with and without inbuilt methods.
Find the Second Highest Element in an Array EASY
This article will brief you on how to Find the second highest element in an array..
Fibonacci Series in JavaScript EASY
In this blog, we will be discussing a special number series called as Fibonacci series and implement an algorithm to generate the Fibonacci Series as required.
Implement Linear Search and Binary Search in an Array EASY
This blog will learn how to implement linear search and binary search in an array in javascript. We will first discuss what linear search and binary search is. Then we will go through the implementation.
Implement digital watch/Timer in vanilla JS and show time in HH:MM:SS format EASY
In this article, we will learn how to implement digital watch/timer in vanilla js.
How to Create a Stop Watch In Javascript EASY
In this article, we will discuss the stopwatch implementation using Vanilla Js, HTML, and CSS.
Author Akash
Implement StopWatch in vanilla JS and show time in HH: MM: SS format EASY
In this article, we will discuss the stopwatch implementation using Vanilla Js, HTML, and CSS.
Temporal Dead Zone and Hoisting Behavior in JS
In this blog, we will be studying temporal dead zone and hoisting behaviour in JS.
What are Differences Between Cookie, Local Storage, and Session Storage
In this article, we will be discussing the major differences between cookies, local storage, and session storage. Also, we will be looking at its use cases and accessibility.
Explain Iterators and generators EASY
In this article, we will learn about iterators and generators used in javascript.
What object.freeze() does, How to make objects immutable? EASY
In this article, we will learn how to make objects immutable.
Creating and Publishing your First npm Package EASY
This article will go through steps that one can follow to publish their npm package to the official npm repository.
How does instanceOf work difference with typeof EASY
In this article, we will learn how the instanceof operator works and its difference with the typeof operator.