Table of contents
What is an Array Data Structure?
Problem statement
Sample Examples
Implementation in Java
Complexity Analysis:
Frequently Asked Questions
When will the ‘ArrayIndexOutOfBounds’ Exception occur?
Mention some disadvantages of Array.
What is the easiest way to sort an Array?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

K maximum sums of non-overlapping contiguous sub-arrays

Author Rupal Saluja
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In this blog, we will solve a question of dynamic programming Array data structure problem in which we will see how to form non-overlapping sub-arrays. With every problem we see, a different approach is used which teaches us how a problem like that should be solved. The examples given below clearly explain what the problem says, what type the input should be, what type the output should be, and the complexity analysis of the solution provided. 

In this problem particularly, we will see how sub-arrays are formed, which can be usednot only in this problem but also in numerous other problems.

Also Read About, Array Implementation of Queue and  Rabin Karp Algorithm

What is an Array Data Structure?

A collection of elements stored at contiguous memory locations is an Array. The elements stored in the array are of the same type. The contiguous memory locations of the array make it easier to calculate the position of each element in the array.

The first element is at index 0. As we transverse the array, the index increases by 1 till n-1 if there are n elements in the array. 

Problem statement

Firstly, we will have a look at what exactly the problem says.

Given an array of n elements. From that array, we need to create all non-overlapping contiguous sub-arrays. We will also input one other value, k. The variable ‘k’ will specify the number of maximum sums that needs to be created. Once the sub-arrays have been created, we will find the sum of the elements of sub-arrays and display the ‘k’ maximum sums.

Here, we are assuming that all the elements in an array are positive. 

Sample Examples

Example 1: 


In the example above, we have taken an array of 6 elements as input and value of k as 1. The program will run to find sub-arrays and pick up that one whose elements add to give maximum sums. Since, value of k is 1 here, only one value will be returned in the output. The subarray which will give the above sum is {3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17}.


Example 2:


In this example, we have taken a different array, input[], and value of k as 3. Again for this input, the program will run, sub-arrays would be determined and those would be picked up whose elements add to give maximum sums. Since the value of k is 3 here, three values are returned. The subarrays which will give the above sums would be {1,4}, {2, 2}, {0}.


To solve this problem, we will use Kadane’s Algorithm.

Kadane’s Algorithm is a dynamic programming algorithm using which we search for sub-arrays. To read more about this algorithm, refer to this.

Now, that we know what is Kadane’s Algorithm, we will find sub-arrays using that algorithm and the sum of their elements respectively.

As per the value of k, which can be any positive integer, we will determine how many values are to be returned. The values returned should be the maximum sums of all sub-arrays that could be created from that input array.


static void max(int input[], int k, int len) 
    int a = 0;
    while(a < k)
        // Kadane's algorithm.
        int mmax = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        int hmax = 0;
        int first = 0, last = 0, sum = 0;
        int b = 0;
        while(b < len)
            hmax += input[b];
            if (mmax < hmax)
                mmax = hmax;
                first = sum;
                last = b;
            if (hmax < 0)
                hmax = 0;
                sum = b + 1;
        for (int c = first; c <= last; c++)
            input[c] = Integer.MIN_VALUE;

Implementation in Java

public class Main
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Test case
        int input[] = {4, 2, 1, 0, -3, -5, 6, 2, 8, 2};
        int k = 3;
        int len = input.length;
        // Function calling
        max(input, k, len);
    static void max(int input[], int k, int len) 
         int a = 0;
         while(a < k)
            // Kadane's algorithm.
            int mmax = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
            int hmax = 0;
            int first = 0, last = 0, sum = 0;
            int b = 0;
            while(b < len)
                hmax += input[b];
                if (mmax < hmax)
                    mmax = hmax;
                    first = sum;
                    last = b;
                if (hmax < 0)
                    hmax = 0;
                    sum = b + 1;
            for (int c = first; c <= last; c++)
                input[c] = Integer.MIN_VALUE;



input[]= {12, 3, -9, -2, 10, 4, 0, 3}, k=2



sums[]= {18, 7, 0}


Complexity Analysis:

We are using nested loops in the above code, the outer loop is running k times while the inner loop will run n times, therefore when we combine them the time complexity would be O(n*k).

Since we have not used any extra space. So, the space complexity for the above code is O(1).

Frequently Asked Questions

When will the ‘ArrayIndexOutOfBounds’ Exception occur?

The ‘ArrayIndexOutOfBounds’ Exception is a type of segmentation error. This kind of error occurs at runtime when a program tries to access the invalid index in an Array, that is, such indices that don’t even exist.

Mention some disadvantages of Array.

  • Array allows storing only a fixed number of elements as per the size defined initially.
  • If all the array elements are not used, then it leads to a waste of memory space.
  • Array requires a larger number of scan positions.


What is the easiest way to sort an Array?

int Serial [] = {17, 10, 12, 14, 9};


In this article, we learned in brief about Array data structure, and in detail about the problem, statement, formation of sub-arrays, and approach. For an effective understanding of the method, prior reference to PseudoCode is given and for the implementation purpose, refer to the Implementation part of the article. 

We hope the above discussion helped you understand and solve the problem better.

If you want to solve more problems on array then you can refer to these links.

Recommended Readings:

Refer to our Guided Path on Coding Ninjas Studio to upskill yourself in Data Structures and AlgorithmsCompetitive ProgrammingJavaScriptSystem Design, and many more! If you want to test your competency in coding, you may check out the mock test series and participate in the contests hosted on Coding Ninjas Studio! But suppose you have just started your learning process and are looking for questions asked by tech giants like Amazon, Microsoft, Uber, etc. In that case, you must look at the problemsinterview experiences, and interview bundle for placement preparations.

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