Table of contents
Keyboard Shortcuts
Manage Files and Projects
Editor Windows
Text Selection
Text Editing
Searching and Replacing
Run and Debug
Frequently Asked Questions
Does Katalon support Java?
How do you use Katalon for free?
Is Katalon Studio easy?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Keyboard Shortcuts in Katalon Studio

Author Sagar Mishra
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Katalon Studio is an automation tool made up using the Selenium engine. It was first introduced in January 2015. Katalon Studio is mainly made for non-coders to write the code once and use it later. It helps the developer to automate test scripts for user interfaces. Katalon Studio lets you run automated tests of UI elements, including iFrames, pop-ups, and wait time.

Keyboard Shortcuts in Katalon Studio

In this article, we will discuss Keyboard Shortcuts in Katalon Studio.

Keyboard Shortcuts

There are a lot of Keyboard shortcuts present in Katalon Studio. Let us discuss them one by one.

Manage Files and Projects

Manage Files and Projects

⭐ Ctrl + R: It will open the Resource. It may be a file, folder, or project.

⭐ Ctrl + F5: It will refresh your page.

⭐ Ctrl/ Command + Shift + 0: It will import the default packages of built-in keywords.

⭐ Ctrl + W: It will close your current file.

⭐ Alt + Enter: It will show the file properties. You can edit them too.

⭐ Ctrl + Shift + S: This shortcut will let you save all your files.

⭐ Ctrl + S: You can save your current file using this shortcut.

Editor Windows

Let's now come to the Editor window. To utilize these shortcuts, your cursor must be in an Editor Window. There are four features available for the Editor Window.

🌼 Navigation.

🌼 Text Selection.

🌼 Text Editing.

🌼 Searching and Replacing.

Let us discuss them one by one.



Shortcuts in Navigations are:

⭐ Ctrl + M: It maximizes or restores the current Editor Window.

⭐ Ctrl + Arrow Up/Down: You can scroll the window without moving the cursor position.

⭐ Ctrl + +/-: It is used to zoom in or out of the screen.

⭐ Ctrl + L: It will open the Go to Line dialog. You can go to any specific line using this shortcut.

⭐ Home/End: Using this shortcut, you can go to the start or end of the indentation. Click home twice to jump to the start of the current line.

⭐ Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Up/Down: You can go to the previous or next method.

Ctrl + Home/End: This shortcut will take you to the source's beginning or end.

Ctrl + Arrow Left/Right: Go one word to the left or right.

Text Selection

Text Selection

Shortcuts in Text Selection are:

🩸 Ctrl + A: It will select all the text.

🩸 Shift + Home/End: It will expand the selection of the start or end of the current line.

🩸 Shift + Arrow Up/Down: It will expand the selection by one line up or down.

🩸 Ctrl + Shift +Arrow Right/Left: It will expand the selection to the previous or next word.

🩸 Shift + Arrow Left/ Right: It will expand the selection by one character to the left or right.

Text Editing

Text Editing

Shortcuts in Text Editing are:

⚡ Ctrl + C/X/V: You can copy, cut, and paste text using these shortcuts.

⚡ Ctrl + Z: Clicking this will undo your last action.

⚡ Ctrl + Y: Clicking this will reverse the previous undo.

⚡ Shift +Ctrl + X: It will change the selected text to Upper case.

⚡ Shift +Ctrl + Y: It will change the selected text to Lower case.

⚡ Ctrl + D: This command will delete the current line.

⚡ Ctrl + Delete: It will delete the next word.

⚡ Shift + Enter: This shortcut will enter one line below the current line.

⚡ Ctrl + Shift + Enter: This shortcut will enter one line below the above line.

⚡ Ctrl + Backspace: It will delete the previous word.

Searching and Replacing

Shortcuts in Searching and Replacing are:

✏️ Ctrl + F: This shortcut will open the Find or Replace dialog box.

✏️ Ctrl + H: This shortcut will open the search option.

✏️ Ctrl + K: This shortcut will help you to find the next occurrence of the text that has been searched.

✏️ Ctrl + Shift + K: This shortcut will help you to find the previous occurrence of the text that has been searched.

Run and Debug

Run and Debug

Our next topic is Run and Debug. Here we will discuss the shortcuts used while running and debugging the code in Katalon Studio.

💢 F5: When a function is found in the debugged line, the debugger enters the function and continues debugging lines simultaneously.

💢 F6: Using this shortcut, the debugger jump over the currently debugged line by one line.

💢 F7: Using this shortcut, the debugger jumps out of the currently debugged function to the line where the function is called.

💢 F8: This shortcut will resume the execution.

💢 Ctrl + Shift + A: This shortcut will save the file and run the currently opened Test case or Test Suite.

💢 Ctrl +Shift +D: This shortcut will save the file and debug the currently opened Test case or Test Suite.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Katalon support Java?

Katalon Studio runs a Katalon Studio instance and uses test projects using the standard embedded JRE version 8. So yes, Katalon supports Java.

How do you use Katalon for free?

KSE and KRE can be used for a 30 days trial period. If you want to keep using KSE and KRE after your trial has ended, you must purchase licenses; otherwise, you can use the free Katalon Studio license with minimal testing capabilities.

Is Katalon Studio easy?

Katalon Studio is a simple, straight automation testing tool. It does not require advanced coding skills to write automated tests. Katalon also offers a scripting mode for more advanced users and test cases.


This article discusses the topic of Keyboard Shortcuts in Katalon Studio. In detail, we have seen the sections that include Manage files and projects, Editor Window, and Run and Debug.

We hope this blog has helped you enhance your knowledge of Keyboard Shortcuts in Katalon Studio. If you want to learn more, then check out our articles.

⚡ What is data-driven testing in Katalon Studio?

⚡ Settings in Ready API.

⚡ Targets in Ready API.

And many more on our platform Coding Ninjas Studio.

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