Last updated: Jul 30, 2022

.kv File Tutorial

What is .kv? By now, you will be having enough understanding about kivy and now we will be learning about the Kivy language file created by Kivy. The source code that is stored in this file is in kivy syntax and includes rule definitions and the main widgets and classes.
.kv File in Kivy
In this blog, we will be discussing the .kv file in Kivy and different methods to load it.
Author Anjali
Box Layout using .kv file EASY
In this blog, we will learn how we can create a box layout using .kv file.
Canvas in Kivy using .kv file EASY
The reader will learn about Canvas in Kivy using .kv file in this article.
Text Input using .kv file EASY
In this blog, we will learn how we can create a textinput using .kv file.
Checkbox using .kv file EASY
In this blog, we will learn how to create a checkbox using a .kv file.
Switch widget in Kivy using .kv file
This article will discuss the switch widget in kivy using the .kv file with the help of examples.
Switch Widget in Kivy EASY
This blog mainly focuses on the Switch Widget in Kivy. We will discuss the use cases of the switch widget in Kivy with proper implementation.
Spinner Widget in Kivy Using .kv File EASY
The article covers the usage of spinner widget in kivy with example.
PopUp Widget in KIvy EASY
The article covers the use of Kivy to create popup widget in python
Carousel Widget in Kivy using .kv File EASY
The article covers the use of Kivy to create carousel widget in python
Slider Widget using .kv file EASY
This article will discuss how to create a slider using kivy in python.
Progress Bar widget using .kv file EASY
This article will discuss how to create a progress bar widget in kivy python.
RecycleView Widget in Kivy
In this article, we will discuss the RecycleView widget in the Kivy toolkit for Python. We will cover the basic properties and implementation of the RecycleView widget.
Image Widget in Kivy
In this article, we will discuss adding images to the Kivy application using the “.kv” file. We will discuss the different properties of the image widget in Kivy.
Background Template in Kivy EASY
In this article, we will learn to use background templates in our apps using kivy. We will see an example in Python for setting the background.
Screen Manager in Kivy EASY
The article covers the brief description about use of ScreenManger Widget in Kivy.
Animations in Kivy EASY
In this article, we will see how to apply animation in Kivy. We will see the parameters and events attached to it and the various types of animations. We then implement all this to create animation.
Working with Buttons in kivy EASY
In this blog, we will learn about using buttons using kivy in multiple ways.
Working With buttons in Kivy MEDIUM
This blog covers the concept of Working With buttons in kivy
Changing Button Color in Kivy Using .kv File MEDIUM
In this blog, we will be discussing the colors of buttons using the .kv File in Kivy and how to change them in an application.
Author Anjali
Button Color in Kivy EASY
In this blog, we will be discussing colors of buttons in Kivy and how to change them in an application.
Author Anjali
Size and Position of a Button EASY
In this article, we have discussed how to change the size and position of a button in kivy.
Button Size and Position in Kivy using .kv file EASY
The article discusses the implementation of Button Size and Button position in .kv file.
Toggle Button using .kv file EASY
The article discusses the implementation of Toggle Button in .kv file.
Image as a Button in Kivy EASY
In this blog, we will learn how we can use an image as a button in Kivy.
Image Button using .kv file
In this blog, we will learn to use photos as buttons utilising the .kv file capabilities and give the button some design.
Shaping the button using .kv file EASY
The article covers the implementation of changing button configuration using .kv file.
Shaping a button in kivy using kv file EASY
In this article, we will learn how to shape and decorate a button in Kivy with examples.
Shaping The Button EASY
In this article, we will discuss how to round the button corners in kivy python.
Disable Kivy button using .kv file EASY
This article will discuss how to disable a button in kivy using the .kv file.
Floating Action Type button in kivy EASY
This blog covers the Floating Action Type button in the kivy concept.
Text Input Box with a verification button MEDIUM
This blog covers the concept of Text Input Box with a verification button.
Text Input with a button EASY
In this article, we have discussed how to take text Input with a button in Kivy
Creating Circular Button in Kivy Using .kv File MEDIUM
In this blog, we will be discussing the creation of circular buttons using the .kv file in Kivy.
Author Anjali
Grid Layout in Kivy without .kv file
In this blog, we will discuss Grid layout, how to implement it in python, uses of grid layout and APIs.
Grid Layout EASY
In this article, we will discuss Grid Layout in Kivy. We will cover how to manipulate rows and columns in Grids and see some examples to understand the layout better.
StackLayout in Kivy using .kv file
The reader will learn about StackLayout in kivy using the .kv file in this article.
FloatLayout in Kivy using .kv file
The reader will learn about FloatLayout in kivy using the .kv file in this article.
Kivy Float Layout in Python EASY
In this article, we will work with the Kivy GUI tool in Python to develop applications with the help of a few examples.
Anchor Layout using .kv File EASY
In this blog, we will learn about the Anchor Layout and how to implement it using a .kv file.
AnchorLayout EASY
This article will discuss the AnchorLayout in kivy.
RelativeLayout EASY
This article will discuss the Relative Layout in kivy.
Relative Layout using .kv file EASY
In this blog, we will learn about the relative layout and how we can use it in a .kv file.
PageLayout EASY
This article will discuss the PageLayout in kivy.
Page Layout using .kv File EASY
In this blog, we will learn about the page layout in kivy and how we can implement it using a .kv file.
Dropdown List in Kivy EASY
This article will discuss the implementation of a Dropdown list in Kivy python using a .kv file with the help of examples.