The Laravel is an open-source PHP framework that is robust and easy to understand. It follows an MVC(model-view-controller) design pattern. Laravel reuses the existing components of different frameworks, which helps create a web application. The web application thus designed is more structured and pragmatic.
Laravel offers a rich set of functionalities that incorporates the basic features of PHP frameworks like CodeIgniter, Yii, and other programming languages like Ruby on Rails. Laravel has a rich set of features that will boost the speed of web development.
If you are familiar with Core and Advanced PHP, Laravel will make your task easier. It saves a lot of time if you plan to develop a website from scratch. Furthermore, a website built in Laravel is secure and prevents several web attacks.
Here are some of the most asked Laravel Interview Questions.
Laravel Interview Questions For Freshers
Here are some of the basic level Laravel Interview Questions.
1. What is Laravel Framework?
The Laravel is an open-source, widely used PHP framework. This platform was intended for the development of web applications by using MVC architectural patterns. Laravel is released under the MIT license. Hence, its source code is hosted on GitHub. It is a reliable PHP framework that follows explicit and accurate language rules.
2. What is the latest Laravel version?
The latest Laravel version is 10.x. New features, upgrades, and additions often appear in new versions. As a result, programmers can benefit from the framework's most recent tools, features, and capabilities. Security is among the most crucial justifications for keeping your software updated. Additionally, updated versions of frameworks like Laravel frequently include bug patches for problems that were found in earlier iterations.
3. What is a composer, and how can we install Laravel by the composer?
Composer is an application-level package manager for PHP. It supplies a standard format for managing PHP software dependencies and libraries.
For example, one of the most used packages for authentication will be Passport. To include that into your project, you can run the below command on your terminal:
composer requires laravel/passport
Follow these steps to install Laravel using Composer:
Step 1: Install Composer: You must download and install Composer if it isn't already on your computer.
Step 2: New Laravel Project Creation: After installing Composer, you can use it to start a new Laravel project. Go to the directory where you wish to build your Laravel project by opening your terminal or command prompt. Run the following command after that:
Step 3: Navigate to Project Directory: When the installation is finished, go to the project directory that was just created.
cd project-name
Step 4: Run the development server.
4. How will you explain HTTP middleware in Laravel?
HTTP middleware is a technique for filtering HTTP requests. The Laravel includes a middleware that checks whether the application user is authenticated or not.
5. What do you mean by bundles in Laravel?
Bundles are referred to as packages which we use to increase the functionality of Laravel. A package can have configuration, views, migrations, routes, and tasks.
6. What are the advantages of using Laravel?
The following are some of the main benefits of utilising Laravel for creating web applications:
Numerous tools and built-in capabilities in Laravel accelerate the development process.
Developers can build understandable and maintainable code more easily because to Laravel's clear and expressive syntax.
Version control and managing database schema changes are made simple with Laravel's migration system.
A robust command-line interface (CLI) for Laravel is called Artisan. For activities like generating code, making database tables, conducting migrations, and more, Artisan offers a set of pre-built tools.
7. Explain Auth?
Auth is a method of identifying user login credentials with a password. In Laravel, we can manage it with a session that takes two parameters:
8. Explain faker in Laravel?
It is a type of module or package which are used to create fake data. We can use this data for testing purposes. We can also use it to generate:
Lorem text.
9. Define Implicit Controller?
Implicit Controllers aid you in defining a proper route to handle controller action. We can define them in the route.php file with the Route:: controller() method.
10. What is Eloquent?
Eloquent is an ORM(Object-relational mapping) used in Laravel. It supplies simple active record implementation working with the database. Every database table has its Model, which interacts with the table.
11. Define Laravel guard?
The Laravel guard is a special component we use to find authenticated users. The incoming request is initially routed through this guard to validate credentials entered by users. Guards are defined in the ../config/auth.php file.
12. Explain collections in Laravel?
Laravel Collections is a wrapper class we use to work with arrays. The Laravel Eloquent queries use the most common functions to return database results.
13. What is the Laravel API rate limit?
It is a feature of Laravel. It provides handle throttling. Rate limiting helps Laravel developers develop a secure application and prevent DOS attacks.
14. What is the difference between authorization & authentication?
Authorization means gathering access to the system, while authentication means confirming user identities through credentials.
15. What do you mean by Laravel Dusk?
Laravel Dusk is a tool that is used for testing JavaScript-enabled applications. It provides powerful browser automation and testing API.
16. What databases are supported by Laravel?
Laravel supports several databases, including MySQL, Postgres, SQLite, and SQL Server. You can configure your database connections in the app/config/database.php file, where examples for each supported database system are provided.
17. What are the default routing files in Laravel?
In Laravel, routes are defined in the routes/web.php file for web routes and routes/api.php for API routes. The framework automatically loads these files from the routes directory, with web.php routes assigned to the web middleware group and api.php routes assigned to the API middleware group.
18. What is the role of service providers in Laravel?
Service providers in Laravel handle the bootstrapping and configuration of application services. They bind classes into the service container, register services, and set up various application components. Service providers are located in the app/Providers directory.
19. How do Laravel's job queues function?
Laravel's job queues enable the deferral of resource-intensive tasks, like sending emails or processing files, to background processes. Jobs are added to a queue and processed by a worker, enhancing the application's performance and responsiveness.
20. How is Laravel's caching system utilized?
Laravel's caching system boosts performance by storing frequently accessed data. The Cache facade is used to manage caching, with methods like Cache::put('key', 'value', $minutes) to store data temporarily and Cache::get('key') to retrieve it.
Intermediate Level Laravel Interview Questions
Here are some of the intermediate-level Laravel Interview Questions.
21. Explain necessary directories used in a common Laravel application?
Directories used in a common Laravel application are
Config/: Holds the app's configuration files. These are usually not modified directly but rely on the values set up in the .env (environment) file at the app's root.
App/: This is the source folder where our application code lies. All controllers, policies, and models are in this folder.
Public/: Publicly accessible folder having compiled assets and an index.php file.
Database/: It houses the database files, including migrations, seeds, and test factories.
22. What is reverse Routing in Laravel?
Reverse routing in laravel means the process used to generate the URLs based on the names or symbols. The URLs are being generated based on their route declarations. With reverse routing, the application becomes more flexible and provides a better interface for the developer to write cleaner codes in the View.
23. What is Database Migration, and how to use this in Laravel?
Database migration is like the database's version control, allowing the team to modify and share the application's database schema. Database migrations are paired with the schema builder of Laravel, which is used to build the application's database schema.
24. What is a Service Container?
A laravel service container is one of the most powerful tools used to manage dependencies over the class and perform dependency injections. Advantages of Service Container:
Freedom to manage class dependencies on object creation.
Service contain as Registry.
Ability to bind interfaces to concrete classes.
25. What is with() in Laravel?
We use the with() function to eager load in Laravel. Unless using two or more separate queries to fetch data from the database, we can use it with the () method after the first command. It provides a better user experience as we do not have to wait for a longer period to fetch data from the database.
26. What is composer lock in Laravel?
After running the composer install in the project directory, the composer will generate the composer.lock file. It will record all the dependencies and sub-dependencies installed by composer.json.
27. What are the differences between Laravel & CodeIgniter frameworks?
There are several differences between Laravel & CodeIgniter frameworks; some main differences are shown in the table below.
Laravel Framework
CodeIgniter Framework
Relational object-oriented
Supports custom HTTPS routes
Does not support HTTPS routes fully
Has authentication class features
No built-in authentication features
Has an inbuilt unit testing feature
No inbuilt unit testing feature
Use blade templates
Does not use blade templates
Not easy to learn for beginners
Easy to learn for beginners
Easy to develop REST APIs
Not easy to develop REST APIs
Supports ORM
Does not support ORM
28. What is the Repository pattern in laravel?
It allows using objects without having to know how these objects are persisted. It is an abstraction of the data layer. Our business logic does not need to understand how data is retrieved. The business logic relies on the repository to get the correct data. It decouples our application's data access layers and business logic.
29. Explain the concept of encryption & decryption in Laravel.
Encryption is transforming any message using some algorithms so that the third user cannot read information. Encryption is quite helpful in protecting your sensitive information from an intruder. We perform encryption using a Cryptography process. The message before encryption is called plain message, and the message obtained after the encryption is referred to as cipher message. This process is called decryption when converting cipher text to plain text or message.
30. What is a Singleton design pattern in laravel?
The Singleton Design Pattern in Laravel is one where a class presents a single instance of itself. It is used to restrict the instantiation of a class to a single object. It is useful when only one instance is required across the system. When used properly, the first call shall instantiate the object; after that, we shall return all calls to the same instantiated object.
31. How to rollback a particular migration in the laravel?
If we want to rollback a specific migration, look in your migrations table. We'll see each migration table has its batch number. So, when we roll back, each migration that was part of the last batch gets rolled back. Use the command to rollback the last batch of migration
php artisan migrate:rollback --step = 1
32. What is tinker in laravel?
Laravel Tinker is a powerful REPL tool that interacts with the Laravel application's command line in an interactive shell. Tinker came with the Larvel release of version 5.4 and is extracted into a separate package. To execute tinker, we can use the command:
php artisan tinker
33. What is the use of Accessors & Mutators?
Laravel accessors and mutators are custom-defined methods that let you format Eloquent attributes. We use Accessors to format attributes when you retrieve them from the database.
Defining an accessor
Syntax of an accessor is where getNameAttribute() Name is capitalized attribute we want to access.
public function getNameAttribute($value)
return ucfirst($value);
Defining a mutator
The Mutators format the attributes before saving to the database.
Syntax of a mutator function is where setNameAttribute() Name is a camel-cased column we want to access. So, let's use our Name column, but this time we want to make a change before saving it to the database:
public function setNameAttribute($value)
$this->attributes['name'] = ucfirst($value);
34. What is a lumen?
Lumen is a newly introduced micro PHP framework that is a faster, smaller, and leaner version of a full web application. It is introduced by Taylor Otwell, the creator of Laravel. It uses the same components as Laravel, but especially for microservices.
It has a simple installer like Laravel. You have to use this command to install lumen.
composer global require "laravel/lumen-installer = ~1.0"
35. What are gates in laravel?
The Laravel Gate holds a sophisticated mechanism that ensures the users are authorized to perform actions on the resources. Gate does not define the implementation of the models. It renders the users the freedom of writing every complex spec of the use case that a user has in any way they wish. Moreover, we can also use the ACL packages with the Laravel Gate. With the help of Gate, users can decouple access and business logic. We can remove this way clutter from the controllers.
36. How do you use skip() and take() in Laravel queries?
The skip() and take() methods in Laravel queries allow you to control the number of results retrieved. skip() is used to bypass a specified number of records, while take() limits the number of records returned by the query.
37. What does REPL stand for?
REPL stands for Read-Eval-Print Loop. It is an interactive shell that processes user inputs one at a time, evaluates them, and returns the results. REPLs are commonly used in programming languages like Ruby and Python for testing and experimentation.
38. How does Laravel’s cache tag work?
Laravel’s cache tag feature enables you to categorize and manage cache entries more effectively. By tagging cache items, you can group them and clear all tagged entries simultaneously. For instance, Cache::tags(['users'])->put('key', 'value', $minutes) assigns a tag, and Cache::tags(['users'])->flush() removes all entries with that tag.
39. How can you stop an Artisan service in Laravel?
To stop an Artisan service, open Task Manager with Ctrl + Shift + ESC, locate the PHP process running Artisan, and end it. Afterward, restart your command line and attempt to restart the server.
40. What does the Route::resource method do in Laravel?
The Route::resource method in Laravel simplifies route creation by automatically mapping standard CRUD operations (index, create, store, show, edit, update, destroy) to corresponding controller methods, streamlining the routing process.
41. What is Laravel Nova?
Laravel Nova is an administration panel for Laravel applications that provides an intuitive interface for managing database records. It integrates seamlessly with Eloquent models and offers features for easy installation and maintenance.
42. What is seeding in Laravel?
Seeding in Laravel involves populating the database with test data using seeders. This practice helps developers test their applications with sample data and identify issues, improving the overall performance and functionality.
43. What is the role of Laravel’s config function?
The config function in Laravel retrieves configuration values from files in the config directory. It allows dynamic access to settings, such as config(''), which fetches the name value from config/app.php.
44. What are Laravel's registries?
In Laravel, registries like the Illuminate\Http\Request class are used to handle HTTP requests and session cookies. After a request is made to a route, the request object is accessible within controller methods through dependency injection.
45. What does Laravel’s FormRequest class do?
The FormRequest class in Laravel manages request validation and authorization logic separately from controllers. It centralizes validation rules and authorization checks, keeping controller methods clean. Create form requests with php artisan make:request RequestName and use them by injecting into controller methods.
Advanced Laravel Interview Questions
Here are some of the advanced-level Laravel Interview Questions.
46. What is the templating engine used in Laravel?
We use Blade as a Templating engine Laravel. The blade allows to use its mustache-like syntax with the plain old PHP and gets compiled into PHP and cached until another change happens in the blade file. The blade file has .blade.php extension.
47. What is an artisan?
Artisan is the command-line tool for Laravel to help the developer build the application. You can enter the below command to get all the available commands: PHP artisan list: The artisan command can help create the files using the make command. Some of the users make commands are listed below:
php artisan make:controller // Make Controller file
php artisan make:model // Make a Model file
php artisan make:migration // Make Migration file
php artisan make:seeder // Make Seeder file
php artisan make:factory // Make Factory file
php artisan make:policy // Make Policy file
php artisan make:command // Make a new artisan command
48. What are seeders in Laravel?
We use the seeders in Laravel to put data in the database tables automatically. After running migrations to make the tables, we can run `php artisan db:seed` to run the seeder to populate database tables.
We can create a new Seeder using the below artisan command:
php artisan make:seeder [className]
49. What are factories in Laravel?
Factories are a way to put values in a particular model's fields automatically. For testing, when we add multiple fake records to the database, we can use these factories to create a class for each model and put data in the fields accordingly. All new laravel application comes with database/factories/UserFactory.php. We can create a new factory using
php artisan make:factory UserFactory --class=User
50. How to implement soft delete in Laravel?
Soft Delete means when any data row is deleted by any means in the database, we are not deleting the data but adding a timestamp of deletion.
We can add soft delete features by adding a trait in the model file below.
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes;
class Post extends Model {
use SoftDeletes;
protected $table = 'posts';
// ...
51. Explain logging in Laravel?
Laravel Logging is a way to log information inside an application. Laravel provides different channels for logging like file and slack. Log messages can be written on multiple channels at once as well.
We can configure the channel to be used for logging in to our environment file or in the config file at config/logging.php.
52. What are Requests in Laravel?
Requests in Laravel are a way to interact with incoming HTTP requests, sessions, cookies, and even files if submitted with the request.
The class responsible for doing this is Illuminate\Http\Request.
When any request is submitted to a laravel route, it goes through to the controller method. With the help of dependency Injection, the request object is available within the method. We can do all kinds of things with the request, like validating or authorizing the request, etc.
53. What is Localization in Laravel?
Localization is a way to serve content concerning the client's language preference. We can create different localization files and use a laravel helper method like `__(‘auth.error’)` to retrieve translation in the current locale. These localization files are located in the resources/lang/[language] folder.
54. What is a Service Provider in Laravel?
A Service Provider is a way to bootstrap or register services, events, etc., before booting the application. Laravel’s own bootstrapping happens using Service Providers as well. Additionally, registers service container bindings, event listeners, middlewares, and even routes using its service providers.
If we create our application, we can register our facades in provider classes.
55. What are route groups?
Route Groups in laravel are used when we need to group route attributes like middlewares, prefixes, etc., we use route groups. It saves us a headache to put each attribute to each route.
Route::middleware(['throttleMiddleware'])->group(function () {
Route::get('/', function () {
// Uses throttleMiddleware
Route::get('/user/profile', function () {
// Uses throttleMiddleware
56. What is the register and boot method in the Service Provider class?
The register method in the Service Provider class is used to bind classes or services to the Service Container. We should not use it to access any other functionality or classes from the application as the service you are accessing may not have loaded yet into the container.
The boot method runs after all the dependencies have been included in the container and now we can access any functionality in the boot method. Like you can create routes, create a view composer, etc., in the boot method.
57. Can we use Laravel for Full Stack Development (Frontend + Backend)?
Laravel may be used for full-stack web development, which entails both frontend and backend development, without any issues. Although Laravel is mostly recognised for its backend capabilities, it also offers features and tools that let you design frontend components and make full web apps.
Frontend Development
Laravel offers tools that facilitate frontend development, even if it does not include a frontend framework like Vue.js or React. To compile and bundle frontend components like CSS, JavaScript, and pictures, use Laravel Mix, a wrapper for Webpack.
Backend Development
Laravel is a strong backend framework that offers capabilities for managing routing, database interactions, authentication, authorisation, API development, and more.
58. What is dependency Injection in Laravel?
The Laravel Service Container or IoC resolves all controllers' dependencies. So we can type-hint any dependency in controller methods or constructors. The dependency in methods will be resolved and injected into the method. This injection of resolved classes is called dependency Injection.
59. What are queues in Laravel?
While building any application, we face a situation where some tasks take time to process, and our page gets loading until that task is finished. One task is sending an email when a user registers. We can send the email to the user as a background task, so our main thread is always responsive. Queues are a way to run such tasks in the background.
60. What are facades?
Facades are a way to register your class and its methods in Laravel Container, so they are available in your whole application after getting resolved by Reflection.
The main benefit of using facades is that we don't have to remember long class names and don't require those classes in any other class to use them. It also gives more testability to the application.
The below image could assist you in understanding why we use Facades:
61. What is the difference between Laravel 8 and Laravel 9?
Laravel 9 includes support for Symfony 6.0 in addition to other significant updates that were necessary in Laravel 8. Comparing Flysystem 3.0 to earlier versions, there has been considerable improvement. The designers of Laravel 9 have made an effort to address the problems with bugs and usability. Laravel 9 also requires less PHP than previous versions.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is laravel basic concept?
Laravel basic concept is to simplifies the web development using the MVC pattern. It provides tools for routing, controllers, models, views, middleware, and more.
What are the main features of Laravel?
Effective ORM: This feature of Laravel allows users to query the database tables by using PHP syntax without writing any SQL code.
Authentication: Laravel has an inbuilt authentication system. It is an important feature where you only need to configure models, controllers, and views to make the application work.
What is middleware in Laravel interview questions?
Middleware acts as a bridge between the HTTP requests and the application’s routes. It filters and modifies the requests before they reach the destination.
What is eloquent in Laravel?
Eloquent is the default object-relational mapping system in Laravel. It provides an intuitive way to interact with the database using PHP syntax.
In this article, we have discussed 50+ Top Laravel Interview Questions and Answers. This article can help you to prepare for a Laravel interview. Mastering the key concepts and understanding the framework's core features will give you a competitive edge. This list of 50+ top Laravel interview questions and answers is designed to help you solidify your knowledge and boost your confidence.