Approach 1(Sorting)
Arranging the elements in descending order is a straightforward technique to identify the array's greatest element. After sorting, the largest element will be represented by the first element, the second-largest by the next, and until the last part represents the array's smallest element.
Steps to a Solution
- Sort the data in the array.
- Return the element to the array's first index.
- Start.
- Array Declaration.
- Initialization of the array.
- To find the largest element in a given array, use two for loops
- To hold each element of the array, use the first for loop.
- To compare the element to the rest of the elements, use the second for loop.
- To sort the elements, swap them around.
- Show the element that is the largest.
- Exit.
Here is the Java programme for the Sorting Method:
/*Java Program to find the largest element in an array using Sorting of elements*/
import java.util.Scanner;
class Coding_Ninjas_01
public static void main(String []args)
Scanner sc=new Scanner(;
int r; //Declaring the size of the array
System.out.println("Enter the size of your array");
r=sc.nextInt(); //Initialise array size
int arr[]=new int[r]; //Declaring the array
System.out.println("Enter your array");
for(int i=0;i<r;i++) //Initialising the array
for(int i=0;i<r;i++) //Use to hold an element of the given array.
for(int j=i+1;j<r;j++) //Use to check for rest of the elements of the array
if(arr[i]<arr[j]) //Comparing and swapping
int temp=arr[i];
System.out.println("The Largest element of the given array is "+arr[0]); //Display the Largest after sorting

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Enter the size of the array 5
Enter the array 32 57 63 55 48
The Largest element of the given array is 63

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Time complexity: O(N2) where there are N elements in the array
Space complexity: O(1)
Approach 2(Iterative Method)
This program aims to discover the largest element in the array. This can be done by keeping a variable called large, which will initially retain the value of the first element. By comparing the value of ‘large’ with the array's items, you may loop across the array. If any element's values are more than large, the element's value is stored in large.
- Declare a variable called large and set its value to the first entry of the array.
- Check each index from 1 to n(size of the array) in a loop.
- Set large = arr[i] if arr[i]>large.
- Print the largest number after completing all iterations.
Here is the Java Program for the Iterative method:
public class Coding_Ninjas_02 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Initialise array
int [] arr = new int [] {32, 57, 63, 55, 48};
//Initialise large with first element of array.
int large = arr[0];
//Loop through the array
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
//Compare elements of array with large
if(arr[i] >large)
large = arr[i];
System.out.println("The largest element in the given array: " + large);

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The largest element in the given array: 63

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Time complexity: O(N) where there are N elements in the array
Space complexity: O(1)
Learn more: Array in Java
Approach 3(Recursive Method)
The Top-down Recursive approach mainly consists of three steps:
- Creation of a Recursive Function: Construct a recursive function with the name getmin (int arr[], int num)
- Deciding a base condition: If (num==1) is true, return arr[0]
Otherwise condition: Return max(arr[num-1], getmax(arr, num-1)) if base condition is not true.

Here is the Recursive program to find the largest element of the given array.
// Recursive Java program to find maximum
import java.util.*;
class Coding_Ninjas_03 {
// Recursive function to return maximum element using recursion
public static int findlarge(int arr[], int num)
// if num== 1 means we have only one element
if(num == 1)
return arr[0];
return Math.max(arr[num-1], findlarge(arr, num-1));
// Driver code
public static void main(String args[])
int arr[] = {52, 47, 63, 55, 48};
int num = arr.length;
// Calling Recursive Function
System.out.println(findlarge(arr, num));

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Also check out Addition of Two Numbers in Java here.
Frequently Asked Questions
How to declare an array in Java?
In Java, you may declare an array in the following way:
dataType[] arrayVariableName = new dataType[arraySize];
You may declare an int array as follows for the int data type:
int[] temp = new int[20];
Can we resize the array in Java after creation?
We can't adjust the size of an array after it's been created. On the other hand, other data structures can alter in size after being created.
Can we pass a negative number as the size of the array?
No, a negative value cannot be used as an Array size. We won't get a compile-time error if we use a negative number for Array size. Instead, the NegativeArraySizeException will be thrown at runtime.
What's the distinction between an ArrayStoreException and an ArrayOutOfBoundsException?
If you try to add an incompatible data type, an ArrayStoreException is produced. For example, if you try to add an integer object to a String Array, you'll get an ArrayStoreException.
When an attempt is made to access an Array with an illegal index, an ArrayOutOfBoundsException is issued. For instance, an illegal index is either negative or bigger than or equal to the Array's size.
In Java, what is an Anonymous Array?
Anonymous Arrays are arrays that have no name (or reference). They're helpful in situations where we just need to use Array once. As an example,
Anonymous int array: new int[] {3, 4, 2, 8, 9};
This article has discussed the Java Program to find the largest element of a given array using the Sorting method, iterative and Recursive Methods.
We hope this article has helped you. You can also learn Object-Oriented Properties of Java, such as Abstraction in java, Inheritance in Java. You can also learn about the properties like association, aggregation, composition, and many more.
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