Table of contents
What is Data?
Big Data
Big Data Stack
Layer 0: Redundant Physical Infrastructure
Importance of Physical Infrastructure
Design Considerations
Physical Redundant Networks
Hardware Management
Infrastructure Operations
Where does Big Data come from?
How is Big Data being used for competitive advantage?
What are the steps involved in the deployment of a Big Data solution?
What can be the disadvantages of Big Data?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Layer 0: Redundant Physical Infrastructure

Author Rupal Saluja
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In this blog, we will discuss Layer 0: Redundant Physical Infrastructure, its importance in Big Data Stack, Redundant Networks, Hardware Management, and Infrastructure operations. 

But before jumping into the topic, let's first learn about the basics of Big Data and Big Data Stack.

What is Data?

In the context of databases, data is a piece of information stored in a database, either individually or as a set. Data can be in a structured form, that is, organized in the form of tables, into rows and columns with defined lengths and format. It can be in unstructured form, also known as Raw Data, which is unorganized and they are not present in a specified format.

On the basis of source, data can be classified into Machine-generated and Human-generated.

Big Data

Big data is built on top of the evolution of data management practices. But for the first time, the cost of computing cycles and storage has reached a tipping point. This has helped organizations that would typically compromise by using snapshots or subsets just because of storage cost and limitations in processing to store and analyze data.

Virtualization of data has become possible with Big Data. In addition, increased efficiency of network speed and reliability have promoted the management of massive amounts of data at a commendable pace. It is efficient to manage a huge volume of disparate data, at the right speed, and within the right time frame to allow real-time analysis and reaction.

3 V’s of Big Data

Big Data Stack

A full-scale stack on how to deal with big data technologies is known as Big Data Stack. To address functional requirements for projects on big data, we use Big Data Stack. Initially, based on specific problems, you may focus on certain aspects, but it is essential to know about the complete stack as it may be required in the future.

                                                           The Big Data Stack

Layer 0: Redundant Physical Infrastructure

Physical Infrastructure, which comprises hardware, network, and so on is at the lowest level of the stack. Already present data centers and investments made earlier on physical infrastructure just cannot be ignored. There has to be a way to use those existing assets. Big Data implementations have very confined requirements which have to be studied on a layer-to-layer basis. This will ensure that the implementation will take as per the demands of the business.

Some prioritized requirements which judge the efficiency of Physical Infrastructure are-

  • Responsiveness
  • Availability of staff and service
  • Availability of networks, servers, and storage
  • Scalability in terms of disk space and computing power
  • Flexibility to add resources and recover from failures
  • Cost on the basis of necessities

Importance of Physical Infrastructure

Big Data goes around 3V’s, that is, Velocity, Volume, and Variety. When these are the essential conditions, Physical Infrastructure can literally ‘make’ or ‘break’ the implementation. The more resilient infrastructure is, the more its resources are in place, ready to jump into action, which leads to less failure of hardware. Redundancy ensures that malfunction won’t cause an outage. 

Resiliency and Redundancy are interrelated. Resiliency ensures single points of failure in the infrastructure are eliminated and this further reduces the risks. For example, large data centers that have business continuity requirements, have multiple network connections existing between their business and the Internet. 

Design Considerations

Some important design considerations which are to be taken care of while designing physical infrastructure are mentioned below:

Physical Redundant Networks

Redundancy and capacity accommodation for expected volume and velocity are the most basic qualities a redundant network should possess. In addition to the normal network traffic, the capability to handle a Big Data environment is also necessary. This is because Velocity and Volume will surely increase as you make data an integral part of the computing business.

The responsibility to create flexible physical implementations that are prepared for expected increases is with the designer. The infrastructure should come with monitoring capabilities so that the changes in workload can be made when in need of more resources.

Hardware Management

Hardware devices are assets in any computer architectural environment which play a vital role in making a system. Storage devices and servers must have enough speed and capacity to handle all the problems which come in the way while dealing with Big Data. If any of these, storage devices or servers lack the capability, it is most likely to become a bottleneck. An efficient set of storage devices and servers, however, can help enhance the performance of the whole system.

Infrastructure Operations

Infrastructure Operations Management ensures the highest levels of performance. In a well-managed environment, strategies are flexible, and prediction of failures can be done and therefore, prevented. Maintaining the integrity and security of data is of the utmost importance. For Infrastructure to be decided, firstly, the type of data is analyzed and coordination of devices is maintained among all the devices.


Where does Big Data come from?

Businesses collect data they want in several ways. These are Email tracking, Smart devices, Online purchases, Web interactions, Internet cookies, Search and Transaction histories, Social Media activities, etc.

How is Big Data being used for competitive advantage?

Big Data collected and analyzed boosts confidence while making decisions; ensures optimization of staff, assets, and energy; reduces cost; may generate new revenue sources, and results in better customer engagement.

What are the steps involved in the deployment of a Big Data solution?

The three steps involved in the solution of any Big Data problem are Data Ingestion, Data Storage, and Data processing.

What can be the disadvantages of Big Data?

There may be many disadvantages of Big Data. Some of them are storage can cost a lot; most of the data is unstructured; sometimes violate principles of privacy; may result in social stratification; is not useful in the short run etc.


Through this article, we gained insights on Big Data Stack and specifically about its first layer, that is, redundant physical infrastructure, in detail. If such a massive amount of data is analyzed for a longer duration, it will leverage wonder benefits. 

We hope that this blog helped you enhance your knowledge regarding Redundant Physical Infrastructure and if you would like to learn more, check out our articles here. To know more about Big DataHadoop and Databases, check these out. Do upvote our blog to help other ninjas grow.

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