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Last updated: Dec 14, 2021

Linear Regression

Learn about Linear Regression, a simple yet powerful algorithm for determining variable relationships. It should be noted that Linear Regression is limited to only one variable.
Gradient Descent Algorithm
This blog covers the Gradient Descent algorithm in its entirety
Stochastic Gradient Descent
This article will cover the basics of Gradient Descent, the importance of learning rate, and an in-depth explanation of SGD and specific significant differences between GD and SGD.
Mini-Batch Gradient Descent
Mini-Batch gradient descent is an algorithm optimization technique under gradient descent that divides the data set into batches making computation easy & fast.
Linear Regression Introduction EASY
In this blog, We'll see what a Regression problem is, and then we'll study the working of the Linear Regression Algorithm and its implementation
Linear Regression in Machine Learning MEDIUM
In this blog, We'll see what a Regression problem is, and then we'll study the working of the Linear Regression Algorithm and its implementation
Author Akash
Linear Regression: Theory and Code from Scratch
The objective of this blog is to understand the theoretical and practical implementation of linear regression
Multivariable Regression and Gradient Descent
This blog will learn about the exciting Machine learning algorithm, Multivariate Regression, and Gradient descent algorithm. We will focus on the mathematics behind these algorithms.
Multivariate Linear Regression - Implementation
In this blog, we’ll learn the mathematical significance and python implementation of multivariate linear regression.
Linear Regression on Boston Housing Dataset MEDIUM
This blog discusses Linear Regression which is used to predict prices on the Boston Housing Dataset. It also discusses the implementation of Linear Regression using the sklearn library.