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Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Listing Methods Unique to an Object in Ruby

Author Riya Bhogra
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Few elements in a dynamic language like Ruby are static. Classes may acquire new techniques while losing older ones. Methods can be manually defined or automatically defined by adequately written code.

The use of reflection and metaprogramming by the Ruby programming philosophy to prevent the programmer from having to write repetitive code is probably its most intriguing feature. 


When you list the methods accessible to an object, the list is crowded with new methods from the object's superclasses and modules that have been mixed in. You want to see a list of just the direct class of that object's methods.


Subtract the instance methods from the superclass of the object. All that will be left to you are the methods defined by the direct class of the object (plus any methods defined on the object after its creation). Every Ruby object now has the following capability thanks to my methods only method defined here:

class Object
      def my_methods_only 
         my_super = self.class.superclass
         return my_super ? methods - my_super.instance_methods : methods

s = ''
s.methods.size                                                     # => 166
Object.instance_methods.size                            # => 57
s.my_methods_only.size                                     # => 109
(s.methods - Object.instance_methods).size      # => 109

def s.singleton_method
s.methods.size                                                  # => 166
s.my_methods_only.size                                   # => 109

class Object 
     def new_object_method 
s.methods.size                                                     # => 167
s.my_methods_only.size                                     # => 109

class MyString < String
     def my_string_method
end                    # => [:my_string_method]


The superclass, its child classes, and any mixin modules included by those classes are all removed using the my_methods_only technique. For instance, when it is mixed into the Kernel module, it removes the 40 methods defined by the Object class. It won't take away methods from mixin modules that the class itself has included.

Although there may be many of them (Enumerable, for example, defines 48 methods), these methods are typically not cluttered. You can do this by beginning with my_methods_only, iterating over the ancestors of the target class, and then removing all the methods defined in modules:

class Object
    def my_methods_only_no_mixins
        self.class.ancestors.inject(methods) do |mlist, ancestor| 
        mlist = mlist - ancestor.instance_methods unless ancestor.is_a? Class
[ ].methods.size                                            # => 174
[ ].my_methods_only.size                            # => 115
[ ].my_methods_only_no_mixins.size         # => 77 

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you understand by Ruby programming language?

Ruby is an open-source, dynamic, reflective, general-purpose programming language emphasizing efficiency and productivity. Ruby combines elements of Perl, Ada, Lisp, Eiffel, and small talk. To create a new language that balances the functionality of imperative languages, Ruby was created.

Why is Ruby regarded as a flexible language?

Ruby is a flexible programming language because it allows its creator to change the programming constructs. The language can have some specific clauses removed or redefined. The user is not constrained by Ruby. Ruby, for instance, allows the + sign or the word "plus" to add two numbers. The built-in class Numeric in Ruby can be used to change this.

Describe a Ruby object.

The default root of all Ruby objects is called Object. Because Ruby objects derive from BasicObject, it is possible to create different object hierarchies.

Explain Ruby Method.

Ruby methods prevent us from repeatedly writing the same code in a program. Ruby methods are comparable to other languages' functions.


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