Key Points About Local Functions
- You can use async and unsafe modifiers in local functions.
- Local functions have access to the container method's local variables, including method parameters.
- You are not permitted to use any member access modifiers, including the private keyword, in the local function definition since they are private, and you are not permitted to make them public.
- You may not additionally use the static keyword with a local function.
- It is also forbidden to apply attributes to the local function, its parameters, or its parameter type.
- It is possible to have many local functions.
- Local functions are not permitted to be overloaded.
using System;
public class ExampleProgram {
// Main method
public static void Main()
// Local Function
void LocalFunction(int x, int y)
Console.WriteLine("Value of x is: " + x);
Console.WriteLine("Value of y is: " + y);
Console.WriteLine("Sum of x and y is: {0}", x + y);
// Calling Local function
LocalFunction(12, 10);
LocalFunction(40, 30);
Value of x is: 12
Value of y is: 10
Sum of x and y is: 22
Value of x is: 40
Value of y is: 30
Sum of x and y is: 70
Advantages of Local Functions
Local generic functions are permitted.
using System;
public class ExampleProgram {
// Main method
public static void Main()
// Local Function with out parameter
void LocalFunction(string str, out string s)
s = str + "Learn"
+ "Grow";
string x = null;
// Calling Local function
LocalFunction("Ninjas!!", out x);
You can use parameters in local functions.
using System;
public class ExampleProgram {
public static void Main()
// Local Function
// Using params
void LocalFunctions(params string[] chars)
for (int x = 0; x < chars.Length; x++)
// Calling Local function
LocalFunctions("Learn", "Code", "CodingNinjas", "1234CN");
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the different types of functions in C#?
Pure virtual method, Virtual method, Abstract method, Partial method, Extension method, Instance method, Static method.
Are functions called methods in C#?
To execute the function, you must call it in the Main() method after it has been created. To call a method, first, construct an object of the contained class, then call the method using the dot(.) operator. If a method is static, there is no need to build an object; simply call it followed by the class name.
What is the difference between function and method?
The phrases method and function are interchangeable. In object-oriented programming, a method is a process or function. A function is a collection of reusable code that may be invoked from anywhere in your application. This avoids the need to write the same code again and over.
Recommended Topic - singleton design pattern in c#
In this article, we have extensively discussed the Local functions in C# with examples.
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