Syntax, Parameter and Return Value
_.curryRight(func, [arity=func.length])
func (Function): The function to curry.
- [arity=func.length] (number): The arity of func.
Return Value:
(Function) - Returns the new curried function.
Basic Currying from Right Example:
var _ = require('lodash');
function concatenate(a, b, c) {
return a + b + c;
var curriedConcat = _.curryRight(concatenate);
console.log(curriedConcat('C')('A', 'B'));

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Demonstrates a simple curried function for concatenation, applying arguments from right to left.
Currying with Data Transformations:
function transformData(data, transformFunction) {
return transformFunction(data);
var curriedTransform = _.curryRight(transformData);
var toUpperCase = curriedTransform(str => str.toUpperCase());

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Shows using _.curryRight() for data transformation functions.
Event Handler with Curried Function:
function logEvent(event, message) {
console.log(message + ':', event.type);
var curriedLogger = _.curryRight(logEvent);
document.addEventListener('click', curriedLogger('Click event occurred'));

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// On a click event, logs: 'Click event occurred: click'
An example of using a curried function as an event handler.
Combining Functions in Right-to-Left Order:
var greet = name => 'Hello, ' + name;
var exclaim = statement => statement + '!';
var excitedGreeting = _.curryRight(greet)(exclaim);

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'Hello, Alice!'
Demonstrates combining two functions, applying the exclaim function first, followed by the greet function.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between _.curry() and _.curryRight()?
While _.curry() applies arguments from left to right, _.curryRight() applies them from right to left, offering an alternative way of currying that starts with the rightmost arguments.
How does _.curryRight() handle extra arguments?
Similar to _.curry(), a curried function created by _.curryRight() will execute after receiving its expected number of arguments, ignoring any extra arguments passed to the final function call.
In what scenarios is _.curryRight() particularly useful?
_.curryRight() is useful in scenarios where functions need to be composed in a right-to-left order, or when the latter arguments of a function are known or fixed ahead of time.
Lodash's _.curryRight() method offers a powerful way to apply currying in a right-to-left order, enhancing the flexibility and expressiveness of function composition in functional programming. It's particularly useful for scenarios requiring partial application of the latter arguments or right-to-left function composition.
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