Syntax, Parameter and Return Value
_.extend(target, ...sources)
target (Object): The destination object.
- ...sources (Object): The source objects.
Return Value:
(Object) - Returns the modified target object.
Merging Inherited Properties:
var _ = require('lodash');
function Parent() {
this.inheritedProperty = 'inherited';
Parent.prototype.parentMethod = function() {};
var childObject = new Parent();
var sourceObject = { ownProperty: 'own' };
_.extend(childObject, sourceObject);

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{ inheritedProperty: 'inherited', ownProperty: 'own' }
Demonstrates merging both own and inherited properties into an object.
Combining Multiple Objects:
var target = { a: 1 };
var source1 = { b: 2 };
var source2 = { c: 3 };
_.extend(target, source1, source2);

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{ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }
Shows how _.extend() combines properties from multiple source objects into a target object.
Extension and Overriding:
var base = { name: 'Base', method: function() {} };
var extension = { name: 'Extended', newMethod: function() {} };
_.extend(base, extension);

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{ name: 'Extended', method: [Function], newMethod: [Function] }
An example of extending an object with new properties and overriding existing ones.
Working with Prototype Properties:
var parent = { inheritedProp: 'parent' };
var child = Object.create(parent);
child.ownProp = 'child';
var extended = _.extend({}, child);

You can also try this code with Online Javascript Compiler
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{ ownProp: 'child', inheritedProp: 'parent' }
Demonstrates using _.extend() to copy both own and inherited properties from a child object to a new object.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does _.extend() differ from _.assign()?
While _.assign() only copies an object's own properties, _.extend() (or _.assignIn()) copies both own and inherited properties from the prototype chain.
Is _.extend() suitable for deep merging of objects?
_.extend() performs a shallow merge, meaning it only merges properties at the top level. For deep merging, a method like _.merge() should be used.
What happens in case of property name conflicts?
If multiple source objects have properties with the same name, _.extend() will overwrite the property in the target object with the last source's value for that property.
Lodash's _.extend() method is a versatile tool for merging properties from source objects into a target object, including inherited properties. It's particularly useful in object-oriented programming and scenarios where a comprehensive combination of properties from an object's prototype chain is required.
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