Syntax, Parameter and Return Value
func (Function): The function to flip arguments for.
Return Value:
(Function) - Returns the new function with flipped arguments.
Flipping Arguments of a Simple Function:
var _ = require('lodash');
function subtract(a, b) {
return a - b;
var flippedSubtract = _.flip(subtract);
console.log(flippedSubtract(1, 2));
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1 (2 - 1)
Demonstrates flipping the order of subtraction.
Using Flip in String Operations:
function append(str1, str2) {
return str1 + str2;
var flippedAppend = _.flip(append);
console.log(flippedAppend('World', 'Hello '));
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'Hello World'
Shows flipping arguments to change the order of string concatenation.
Flipping with Higher Order Functions:
function divide(dividend, divisor) {
return dividend / divisor;
var flippedDivide = _.flip(divide);
console.log(flippedDivide(2, 10));
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5 (10 / 2)
An example of flipping arguments in a division function.
Using Flip in Event Handlers:
function handleEvent(element, event) {
console.log('Event:', event.type, 'on element:',;
var flippedHandler = _.flip(handleEvent);
var button = document.getElementById('myButton');
button.addEventListener('click', event => flippedHandler(button, event));
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// On click: Logs event type and button's id in reversed order.
Demonstrates using _.flip() to reverse argument order in an event handler.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a common use case for _.flip()?
A common use case for _.flip() is in functional programming where the order of arguments needs to be adjusted for functions to be composed or used as callbacks.
Does _.flip() work with functions that have more than two arguments?
Yes, _.flip() reverses the order of all arguments, regardless of how many the original function accepts.
Is the flipped function permanently altered?
No, _.flip() creates a new function without altering the original. The original function remains unchanged and can be used in its standard form elsewhere.
Lodash's _.flip() method offers a unique and functional way to reverse the order of arguments passed to a function. This enhances the versatility of existing functions, making them adaptable to new contexts and requirements without modifying their core logic.
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