Basic Boolean Check:
var _ = require('lodash');

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Demonstrates checking various values for Boolean type.
Validating Function Parameters:
function toggleFeature(isEnabled) {
if (!_.isBoolean(isEnabled)) {
throw new Error('Invalid parameter type');
// Proceed with enabling or disabling the feature

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Shows how to validate that a function parameter is a Boolean.
Conditional Logic Based on Data Types:
var data = { featureEnabled: true };
if (_.isBoolean(data.featureEnabled)) {
// Handle Boolean-specific logic

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An example of using _.isBoolean() in conditional logic based on the data type.
Filtering Booleans in an Array:
var mixedArray = [true, 1, 'yes', false];
var booleans = _.filter(mixedArray, _.isBoolean);

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[true, false]
Demonstrates filtering Boolean values from a mixed array.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does _.isBoolean() differ from using the typeof operator?
_.isBoolean() specifically checks for Boolean values (both true and false), while the typeof operator returns 'boolean' as a type. The Lodash method offers a more direct and explicit check.
Can _.isBoolean() detect Boolean objects created with the new Boolean() constructor?
Yes, _.isBoolean() can detect Boolean objects created with the new Boolean() constructor, as well as primitive Boolean values.
Is _.isBoolean() necessary for simple true/false checks?
For simple true/false checks, directly using conditional statements is often sufficient. _.isBoolean() is more useful for validating data types or filtering collections.
Lodash's _.isBoolean() method is a straightforward and reliable way to determine if a value is a Boolean. It is particularly useful in scenarios where the type of a value can significantly impact the logic or outcome of code execution.
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