Syntax, Parameter and Return Value
_.memoize(func, [resolver])
func (Function): The function to have its output memoized.
- [resolver] (Function): The function to resolve the cache key for storing results.
Return Value:
(Function) - Returns the new memoized function.
Memoizing a Complex Calculation:
var _ = require('lodash');
function complexCalculation(a, b) {
// Simulate expensive operation
return a * b;
var memoizedCalc = _.memoize(complexCalculation);
console.log(memoizedCalc(2, 3));
console.log(memoizedCalc(2, 3));

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Calculating... 6
6 (cached result, no 'Calculating...' message)
Demonstrates memoizing a function to optimize repeated calls with the same arguments.
Custom Resolver Function:
function fetchData(id) {
console.log('Fetching data for ID:', id);
// Fetch and return data
var memoizedFetch = _.memoize(fetchData, id => id.toLowerCase());
memoizedFetch('DataID'); // Fetching performed
memoizedFetch('dataid'); // Fetching not performed, cached result used

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Shows using a custom resolver to determine how cache keys are computed.
Memoizing Recursive Functions:
var memoizedFactorial = _.memoize(function factorial(n) {
console.log('Calculating factorial for:', n);
return n <= 1 ? 1 : n * factorial(n - 1);
console.log(memoizedFactorial(5)); // Calculations performed for 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
console.log(memoizedFactorial(5)); // Cached result used

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An example of memoizing a recursive function to enhance performance.
Improving Rendering Performance:
function renderUser(user) {
console.log('Rendering user:',;
// Render user details
var memoizedRender = _.memoize(renderUser, user =>;
var user = { id: 'u1', name: 'Alice' };
memoizedRender(user); // Rendering performed
memoizedRender(user); // Cached result used, no rendering

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Demonstrates memoizing a rendering function to avoid unnecessary re-rendering.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does memoization affect memory usage?
While memoization improves performance by caching results, it can increase memory usage, especially if used on functions with a vast range of arguments or large result sets.
Can the cache of a memoized function be cleared?
Yes, the cache of a memoized function (accessible via memoizedFunction.cache) can be cleared, allowing for manual control over memory usage.
Is _.memoize() suitable for all kinds of functions?
_.memoize() is most suitable for pure functions (functions where the output depends only on the input and has no side effects). Using it on impure functions may lead to unexpected results.
Lodash's _.memoize() method is an effective tool for optimizing performance, particularly when a function is repeatedly called with the same arguments. It reduces computational overhead by caching results, making it an essential technique in resource-intensive operations.
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