Syntax, Parameter and Return Value
_.method(path, [args])
path (Array|string): The path of the method to invoke.
- [args] (...*): The arguments to invoke the method with.
Return Value:
(Function) - Returns the new invoker function.
Dynamic Method Invocation:
var _ = require('lodash');
var object = {
data: [1, 2, 3],
getData: function(index) { return[index]; }
var getDataMethod = _.method('getData', 1);
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Demonstrates creating a function to invoke a method of an object with a specific argument.
Using with Collections:
var users = [
{ 'user': 'barney', 'age': 36, 'greet': function() { return 'Hi ' + this.user; } },
{ 'user': 'fred', 'age': 40, 'greet': function() { return 'Hello ' + this.user; } }
var greetMethod = _.method('greet');
var greetings =, greetMethod);
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['Hi barney', 'Hello fred']
Shows creating a function to invoke a method on each object in a collection.
Accessing Nested Object Methods:
var store = {
checkout: {
processPayment: function(amount) { return 'Processed ' + amount; }
var processPayment = _.method(['checkout', 'processPayment'], 100);
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'Processed 100'
An example of using _.method() to access and invoke a method of a nested object.
Conditional Method Execution:
var rectangle = {
width: 10,
height: 20,
area: function() { return this.width * this.height; },
perimeter: function() { return 2 * (this.width + this.height); }
var getArea = _.method('area');
var getPerimeter = _.method('perimeter');
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Demonstrates using _.method() for conditional execution of object methods based on runtime requirements.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can _.method() handle methods with multiple arguments?
Yes, _.method() can handle methods with multiple arguments by specifying them in the [args] parameter.
How does _.method() differ from directly invoking object methods?
_.method() provides a way to create a reusable function that can dynamically invoke object methods, which is particularly useful in higher-order functions or when the object or method is not known until runtime.
Is _.method() suitable for all objects and methods?
_.method() is suitable for most objects and methods, but it requires that the method path is correctly specified and the object structure adheres to the expected format.
Lodash's _.method() function is a handy tool for creating functions that invoke specified methods on objects, adding flexibility and dynamism to method invocation, especially useful in functional programming patterns and when dealing with dynamic or variable object structures.
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