Syntax, Parameter and Return Value
_.padEnd([string=''], [length=0], [chars=' '])
[string=''] (string): The string to pad.
[length=0] (number): The padding length.
- [chars=' '] (string): The string used as padding.
Return Value:
(string) - Returns the right-padded string.
Padding the End of a String:
var _ = require('lodash');
var text = 'hello';
console.log(_.padEnd(text, 10));
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'hello '
Demonstrates extending a string to a total length of 10 characters by adding spaces to the end.
Padding with Custom Characters:
var message = 'Note:';
console.log(_.padEnd(message, 10, '*'));
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Shows padding the end of a string with a custom character.
Aligning Text in Table Columns:
var items = ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Cherry'];
var paddedItems = => _.padEnd(item, 10));
You can also try this code with Online Javascript Compiler
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'Apple '
'Banana '
'Cherry '
An example of using _.padEnd() to align text in a column format.
Formatting Data for Fixed-Width Output:
var ids = ['123', '4567', '89'];
var formattedIds = => _.padEnd(id, 5, '0'));
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Demonstrates using padding to format data for a fixed-width output.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does _.padEnd() handle strings longer than the specified length?
If the string is already longer than the specified length, _.padEnd() returns the original string without adding any padding.
Can _.padEnd() pad with multiple characters?
Yes, you can specify a string of multiple characters for padding, and _.padEnd() will repeat this string until the total length is reached.
Is the padding applied evenly when using multiple characters?
If the padding string needs to be truncated to achieve the specified length, _.padEnd() will truncate the padding string at the end to fit the required length.
Lodash's _.padEnd() method is a valuable tool for extending the length of a string by adding padding characters to its end. It's useful for aligning text, preparing data for fixed-width formats, and ensuring uniform string lengths in various text formatting and data processing tasks.
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