Syntax, Parameter and Return Value
_.replace([string=''], pattern, replacement)
[string=''] (string): The string to modify.
pattern (RegExp|string): The pattern to replace.
- replacement (string): The string to replace the pattern with.
Return Value:
(string) - Returns the modified string.
Replacing a Substring in a String:
var _ = require('lodash');
var text = 'Hello world';
console.log(_.replace(text, 'world', 'there'));
You can also try this code with Online Javascript Compiler
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'Hello there'
Demonstrates replacing a specific substring within a string.
Using Regular Expressions for Replacement:
var sentence = 'This is a test. This is only a test.';
var regex = /test/g; // 'g' for global replacement
console.log(_.replace(sentence, regex, 'demo'));
You can also try this code with Online Javascript Compiler
Run Code
'This is a demo. This is only a demo.'
Shows using a regular expression to replace all occurrences of a pattern.
Dynamically Replacing Template Strings:
var template = 'Name: %name%, Age: %age%';
var data = { name: 'John', age: 30 };
var result = _.replace(template, /%name%/,;
result = _.replace(result, /%age%/, data.age);
You can also try this code with Online Javascript Compiler
Run Code
'Name: John, Age: 30'
An example of using _.replace() for replacing placeholders in a template string.
Sanitizing User Input:
var userInput = 'I <3 JavaScript!';
var sanitizedInput = _.replace(userInput, /<3/g, 'love');
You can also try this code with Online Javascript Compiler
Run Code
'I love JavaScript!'
Demonstrates sanitizing user input by replacing specific patterns.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does _.replace() handle patterns not found in the string?
If the pattern is not found in the string, _.replace() returns the original string unchanged.
Can _.replace() handle complex regular expressions?
Yes, _.replace() can handle complex regular expressions, making it versatile for various text manipulation tasks.
Is _.replace() suitable for replacing multiple different patterns?
For multiple different patterns, _.replace() would need to be called multiple times, once for each pattern to replace.
Lodash's _.replace() method is a versatile tool for modifying strings by replacing specified patterns with replacement strings. It's useful for a wide range of text manipulation tasks, from simple string replacements to more complex pattern matching and data sanitization.
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