Syntax, Parameter and Return Value
[string=''] (string): The string to convert.
Return Value:
(string) - Returns the snake cased string.
Converting a Regular String to Snake Case:
var _ = require('lodash');
var text = 'Foo Bar';
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Demonstrates converting a space-separated string to snake case.
Standardizing Object Keys:
var object = { 'FirstName': 'John', 'LastName': 'Doe' };
var snakeCasedKeysObject = _.mapKeys(object, (value, key) => _.snakeCase(key));
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{ 'first_name': 'John', 'last_name': 'Doe' }
Shows how to convert object keys to snake case for consistency.
Formatting Strings for Database Fields:
var fieldName = 'UserEmail';
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An example of formatting a string to snake case for use as a database field name.
Creating Filenames from Titles:
var title = 'My New Article';
var filename = _.snakeCase(title) + '.txt';
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Demonstrates creating a filename in snake case from a title.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does _.snakeCase() handle non-alphanumeric characters?
_.snakeCase() removes non-alphanumeric characters and uses underscores to separate words.
Can _.snakeCase() handle camelCase and PascalCase strings?
Yes, _.snakeCase() can convert strings from camelCase, PascalCase, and other formats into snake case.
Is _.snakeCase() suitable for all string conversion needs?
_.snakeCase() is ideal for converting strings to snake case. For other naming conventions like camel case or kebab case, different Lodash methods or custom logic would be required.
Lodash's _.snakeCase() method is an effective and straightforward way to convert strings of various formats to snake case. It's particularly useful for standardizing identifiers, creating system-friendly filenames, and ensuring uniformity in text strings across programming contexts.
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