Syntax, Parameter and Return Value
_.split([string=''], separator, [limit])
[string=''] (string): The string to split.
separator (RegExp|string): The separator to split the string by.
- [limit] (number): The limit on the number of splits to be found.
Return Value:
(Array) - Returns the array of split substrings.
Splitting a String by a Character:
var _ = require('lodash');
var text = 'a-b-c';
console.log(_.split(text, '-'));
['a', 'b', 'c']
Demonstrates splitting a string into an array using a character as the separator.
Using a Regular Expression as Separator:
var data = 'one,two,three;four';
console.log(_.split(data, /[,;]/));
['one', 'two', 'three', 'four']
Shows how to split a string using a regular expression to match multiple separators.
Limiting the Number of Splits:
var sentence = 'This is a test sentence';
console.log(_.split(sentence, ' ', 3));
['This', 'is', 'a']
An example of limiting the number of substrings returned by the split operation.
Parsing CSV Data:
var csv = 'name,age,gender\nJohn,30,male\nJane,25,female';
var lines = _.split(csv, '\n');
var parsedData = => _.split(line, ','));
[['name', 'age', 'gender'], ['John', '30', 'male'], ['Jane', '25', 'female']]
Demonstrates parsing CSV formatted data into an array of arrays.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does _.split() differ from JavaScript's native String.prototype.split()?
_.split() is similar to JavaScript's native split() method but integrates seamlessly with other Lodash utilities and can be more readable in a Lodash-based codebase.
What happens if the separator is not found in the string?
If the separator is not found, _.split() returns an array containing the original string as the only element.
Can _.split() handle complex splitting logic?
Yes, by using regular expressions as separators, _.split() can handle complex splitting logic based on multiple conditions or patterns.
Lodash's _.split() method is a versatile tool for dividing a string into an array of substrings based on a specified delimiter. It's invaluable for parsing structured text, processing user inputs, and other string manipulation tasks where splitting strings into parts is required.
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