Syntax, Parameter and Return Value
_.sumBy(array, [iteratee=_.identity])
array (Array): The array to iterate over.
- [iteratee=_.identity] (Function|Object|String): The iteratee invoked per element to generate the criterion by which the sum is calculated.
Return Value:
(Number) - Returns the sum of the array values based on the iteratee.
Summing a Specific Property:
var _ = require('lodash');
var products = [
{ name: 'Product 1', quantity: 4 },
{ name: 'Product 2', quantity: 2 },
{ name: 'Product 3', quantity: 3 }
var totalQuantity = _.sumBy(products, (p) => p.quantity);

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Demonstrates calculating the total quantity of products.
Using Property Name Shorthand:
var orders = [
{ id: 1, amount: 100 },
{ id: 2, amount: 200 },
{ id: 3, amount: 150 }
var totalAmount = _.sumBy(orders, 'amount');

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Shows the use of property name shorthand for summing order amounts.
Calculating Total in Data Analysis:
var salesData = [
{ month: 'January', sales: 80 },
{ month: 'February', sales: 120 },
{ month: 'March', sales: 100 }
var totalSales = _.sumBy(salesData, 'sales');
console.log('Total Sales:', totalSales);

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'Total Sales: 300'
An example of using _.sumBy() in data analysis to calculate total sales.
Complex Structures Summation:
var measurements = [
{ item: 'Item1', dimensions: { length: 10, width: 5 }},
{ item: 'Item2', dimensions: { length: 15, width: 10 }}
var totalLength = _.sumBy(measurements, item => item.dimensions.length);
console.log('Total Length:', totalLength);

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'Total Length: 25'
Demonstrates calculating the total length from a complex data structure.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does _.sumBy() handle non-numeric values?
_.sumBy() ignores non-numeric values when calculating the total. If the iteratee function returns non-numeric values, they may affect the calculation, leading to unexpected results or NaN.
What happens if the array is empty or the property is missing?
If the array is empty or the specified property does not exist on any object in the array, _.sumBy() returns 0.
Can _.sumBy() be used with arrays of simple values?
For arrays of simple values (like numbers), _.sum() is more suitable. _.sumBy() is specifically designed for arrays of objects.
Lodash's _.sumBy() method is a valuable tool for calculating the sum of a specific property in an array of objects. It provides a concise and effective solution for financial computations, inventory management, and data analysis involving complex data structures.
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