Last updated: Apr 22, 2022

Logical Puzzles

Logical puzzles mainly refer to the puzzles which are more to the creative or logical side than following mathematics or algorithms. These puzzles will give the same type of answer for the same categorial question no matter how twisted the question may be. You only need to identify the logic behind such puzzles and the question is solved.
Medicine Chest on a Boat
This article gives us the solution to the famous medicine on a boat puzzle that will sharpen your thinking skills.
Quarters on a Table
This article is to understand quarters on a table puzzle that will brush up your analytical skills.
Blindfolded Coin Toss
This article is to understand the blindfolded coin toss problem along with its solution in detail.
Light Switches in the Cellar
This article discusses light switches in the cellar problem with their solution. We will also understand how obvious the answer is, which requires some out-of-the-box thinking.
Daughters' Ages
This blog will cover the problem of daughters' ages with its solution approach to build your critical thinking skills.
Jelly Beans Jars
This blog will cover a famous interview puzzle of Jelly Beans Jars with a solution approach in detail
Genie and Hats
In this article, we have extensively discussed the Interview puzzle, genie and hats, which involves logical thinking and critical observation to reach the solution.
The Tribe
This blog will discuss the problem statement and the approach to the puzzle The Tribe that will increase your thinking ability skills.
Two Pills Each Day
In this article, we have extensively discussed the Interview puzzles Two pills each day that involves logical thinking and observation to solve them.
Two Numbers
In this article, we have extensively discussed the Interview puzzle, two numbers, which involves logical thinking and critical observation to reach the solution.
Min Elevator Trips
This article discusses min elevator trips with their solution. We will first understand the problem statement and then will discuss the solution in detail.
Puzzle Interview Questions EASY
In this article, we'll answer 15 common puzzle interview questions with explanations of how to approach & solve each one.
Good Processor
In this article, we have extensively discussed the Interview puzzle, Good Processor, which involves logical thinking and observation to solve them.
Helium Balloon
In this article, we have extensively discussed the Interview puzzle, Helium Balloon, which involves logical thinking and observation to solve.
Color of the Bear
This article is to understand the color of the bear puzzle that will enhance your logical ability.
Place the Numbers
This article is to understand a famous interview puzzle called place the number that will help you increase your logical ability skills.
Policeman and the Prisoner
In this blog, we will be studying the statement and solution regarding the Prisoner and Policeman Puzzle.
MatchStick Problem
In this blog, we will explain the different solutions to the Matchstick problem that includes some tricks to make 3 squares of equal side by moving 3 matchsticks. This puzzle will enhance your thinking ability skills.
2 Eggs 100 Floors
This article gives us the solution to the frequently asked interview puzzle, 2 eggs 100 floors that will help you to build up the thinking skills.
Monkey and the Coconut Problem
This article is about the solution to the famous mathematical puzzle i.e. Monkey and the coconut problem. We will be solving this problem using some tricks to find out the number of coconuts are there in the original pile.
The Knight and the Shortest Path MEDIUM
This article discusses the knight and the shortest path problem with its solution. We will also understand how to get the answer, which requires logical and critical thinking.
100 Prisoners with Red and Black Hats
100 prisoners with red and black hats is a very crucial interview puzzle that involves critical thinking.
100 People in a Circle with a Gun EASY
This blog covers the puzzle problem of 100 people in a circle with a gun with two type of solution approach and implementation in C++, Java, and Python.
Missile, Gun and the Robot
This article discusses the missile, gun and the robot problem with its solution. We will also understand how to get the answer, which requires logical and critical thinking.
Cheryl’s Birthday Puzzle
This article is about the solution to the famous Cheryl’s birthday puzzle where your critical thinking will get sharp.
Camel and the Banana Puzzle
In this article, we will solve the camel and the banana puzzle including two methods to solve the puzzle that will enhance your logical thinking.