We all have heard about the looping statement we use in our programming languages.
But have you ever wondered how these looping statements work in Katalon Studio?
So, let's begin with this article to learn more about it.
Katalon Studio
Katalon, Inc created the automation testing software tool Katalon Platform. The application testing software is built on the open-source Selenium and Appium automation frameworks with a specialized IDE interface.
Looping Statements
A looping statement is a series of statements that run again, up to a specified number of times, or until certain conditions are met.
Looping Statements in Katalon Studio
Katalon studio control statements or Katalon studio decision-making statements. If, else, switch, loops, and other useful statements are provided by Katalon Studio. Let's look into the different control statements or decision-making statements.
Control statement in Katalon studio.
Decision-making statements
Looping statements
Branching statements
Exception handling block
Decision-making statements in Katalon studio
The Katalon Studio offers both manual and script-writing options for your test scenarios. You can use the manual method, but if you know a little about programming, using the script will be simple for you.
For manual mode
If else statement
//write your statements…………
//write your statements…………
Operator used:
== equal
!= different (or not equal)
< less than
<= less than or equal
> greater than
>= greater than or equal
For manual mode
Switch statement
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
Looping statements in Katalon Studio
Let's see how to create looping statements in Katalan Studio using manual mode and script mode.
For manual mode
For loop
for (statement 1; statement 2; statement 3) {
//code block to be executed
The loop (the code block) begins before Statement 1 is performed.
The requirement for executing the loop is specified in Statement 2 (the code block).
Once the loop (the code block) is run, statement 3 is carried out.
For manual mode
While loop
while (condition) {
//code block to be executed
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you run a test case multiple times in Katalon?
Call the current test case and add a loop statement.
What is a dynamic test suite?
You can manage and define query plugins from the Katalon Store using Dynamic Test Suite.
What language is Katalon?
Groovy, a Java-based language used by Katalon Studio, requires the loading of numerous libraries to parse test data, test objects, and logging.
How do you call one test case from another test case in the robot framework?
Inside the keyword area, you can write your reasoning. The Test script will then receive the Name of the Custom Created keyword (Equal String).
What is unit testing?
The smallest testable components of an application, known as units, are separately and independently examined for proper operation during the software development process.
We have extensively discussed Looping Statements in Katalon Studio. Decision-making statements in Katalon Studio. In the end, we saw the for loop and while.