Table of contents
About the Role👨‍🏫
Roles and Responsibilities🔥
Skills and Experience💥
Salary and Perks💲
Salary as an ML Engineer🔥
Perks as an ML Engineer🔥
Career Map🚀
Preparation Strategy🎯
Resources for preparation👨‍💻
     Interview Resources
     Coding Resources
     Aptitude Resources
    Other Technical Resources
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is a Machine Learning Engineer?
Do Machine Learning Engineers code?
Which programming language is mainly used by machine learning engineers?
Is a machine learning engineer a software engineer?
Is it hard to become a machine learning engineer?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Machine Learning Engineer at Zomato

Author Gunjan Batra
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Willing to join Zomato as a Machine Learning engineer? If the answer is yes, then you are in the right place. If you are confused about how to get into Zomato, don’t worry. Coding Ninjas always have your back!

Machine Learning Engineer

This article will discuss the roles and responsibilities, the salary and perks, skills and experience you will require, your preparation plan, and the final career map for a machine learning engineer.

About the Role👨‍🏫

Machine Learning engineers are IT professionals engineers who use their skills and experience to deal with data. These programmers are technically sound and can automate the models through AI( artificial intelligence). 

About Role Image

A Machine Learning Engineer can research, build, maintain and design artificial intelligence systems to automate predictive models. 

A Machine Learning Engineer at Zomato is an expert in collecting and analyzing the data and giving the best out of it.

They work closely with data scientists, analysts, architects, and web developers. Now, after learning about machine learning engineers' roles, let's see their roles and responsibilities.

Roles and Responsibilities🔥

Machine Learning Engineer at Zomato is expected to do the following tasks and will have the following roles in the organization.

Roles Image

🎯Understand the data and select the proper data sets.

🎯Analyze the algorithms, solve the complex issues, and see the changes and progress using those algorithms.

🎯Select the best data representation model and check the data quality.

🎯To understand, analyze and identify the data distribution differences that affect the data model.

🎯To perform the statistical analysis and implement the machine learning algorithms according to the needs and requirements.

🎯To work with peers and interact with them regarding the new technologies and implementing them for better performance.

🎯To understand the data requirements and solve their issues using the data knowledge.

🎯Delpoying the model to production, analyzing and finding the errors, and solving them with the best technology.

🎯To understand and analyze the model when deployed and make the changes to gain the best performance in the market.

🎯To perform the machine learning test and develop machine learning apps according to the requirements and needs of the clients.

Skills and Experience💥

After going through the roles and responsibilities, you must know what skills you need to perform those roles.

In this, we will thoroughly go through the skills, knowledge, and qualifications you need to get a job as Machine Learning Engineer at Zomato successfully.

Skills Image

🧾 Bachelor's degree of 4 years or master's or Ph.D. or any equivalent experience in the computer science field.

🧾To have sound knowledge of Databases technologies. Get your hands on SQL and NoSQL

🧾Should have experience and full proficiency with Python.                  

🧾Should be familiar with python frameworks like  KerasCaffe, TensorFlowSci-Kit, and PyTorch.

🧾Good knowledge of python library NumPyMatplotlib, and pandas.

🧾Good understanding of ML pipelines.

🧾Advantage of knowing other programming languages like C, R, HadoopJavaand C++.

🧾 Hands-on experience with working on Linux.

🧾Familiary to work with a large amount of data, and it is an advantage to have hands-on experience with Airflow/PySpark.

🧾Familiar with cloud computing languages. Be familiar with the two most powerful cloud storage AWS and Microsoft Azure.

🧾Expertise in working with large amounts of data and performing data visualization.

🔥To land a job as a Machine Learning Engineer, you can start as a fresher with a good understanding of the mentioned skills.

Salary and Perks💲

Salary as an ML Engineer🔥

The salary you receive as a machine learning engineer at Zomato is mentioned below:

Salary Image
The estimated average salary of ML engineers at Zomato is ₹14,16,422 - ₹20,84,020
The average Annual Salary in India is ₹ 3,50,000 to ₹ 21,00,000.

The salary figures mentioned above are subject to change.😐

Perks as an ML Engineer🔥

✨Medical Health Insurance

✨Sick Leave

✨Maternity Leave

✨Performance Leave

✨child care

✨Work from Home

✨Transportations Facility

✨Free snacks and lunch

✨Job training and skill development

Career Map🚀

Teaching machines to perform the same activity as humans are difficult. It requires lots of effort and knowledge to train machines with algorithms and data to learn things. It is a fascinating career in this century. There are multiple opportunities that one can explore after being or is in the process of becoming a machine learning engineer.

Career Map

NLP Scientist: NLP stands for natural language processing. After getting a strong foundation in python and data analytics, you can get a job as an NLP scientist. You can train the machine to learn the activities and speech of a human being. The robots will be the human version.

Data Scientist: You can start your career as a data scientist. As a data scientist, you will deal with large amounts of data and give the best results. You will use advanced analytics technologies like predictive modeling and machine learning to analyze the data and upgrade the business model.

Business Intelligence Developer:  You can also get a job as Business Intelligence Developer. You will understand the business and helps in the growth of the business. You will be responsible for analyzing the data and giving the insights that help the business executive make fruitful decisions for the company.

You can also check out Data Analyst vs Data Scientist here.

Preparation Strategy🎯

Preparation Image

Don’t Worry after reading the responsibilities. Prepare yourself well, and You’re good to go. Coding ninjas have ample amount of resources that will help in your preparation.

The links below will help you prepare for a job as Machine Learning Engineer at Zomato.

 🔥You should have strong knowledge of any one programming language. Python, Java, Ruby, Perl. Learn Python

 🔥Problem-solving skills. Improve problem-solving by practising Data Structures and Algorithms with Python.

 🔥Learn python libraries such as NumPyMatplotlib, and pandas.

 🔥Knowledge of Databases is a must. Learn Database Management System Learn SQL and NoSQL.

  🔥Learn python frameworks like  KerasCaffe, TensorFlowSci-Kit, and PyTorch.

 🔥Prepare your Aptitude for the interviews because having a solid foundation in maths is a plus point.

 🔥 Learn Cloud ComputingLearn the two most powerful cloud storage, AWS and    Microsoft Azure.

 🔥Learn Big Data and Data Science.

Resources for preparation👨‍💻

     Interview Resources

     Coding Resources

     Aptitude Resources

    Other Technical Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is a Machine Learning Engineer?

A machine learning engineer closely works with the data science team. Their primary role is designing, analyzing, improving, building, and creating artificial intelligence systems.

Do Machine Learning Engineers code?

Machine Learning Engineers are not software engineers, but they do code and use their programming skills to analyze the data and give the best insights from data.

Which programming language is mainly used by machine learning engineers?

Python is the essential programming language that machine learning engineers mainly use. It is 33% used by engineers for development. 

Is a machine learning engineer a software engineer?

Machine learning Engineers are a part of software engineers. They are not software engineers but work with them to better understand the software.

Is it hard to become a machine learning engineer?

Machine learning becomes hard as it requires in-depth knowledge of algorithms and a better understanding of programming languages. You should be strong in mathematics and have a firm grip on artificial intelligence.


This article has widely discussed the details of becoming a Machine Learning Engineer at Zomato. This article has helped you enhance your knowledge and give you insights about grabbing the job as a Machine learning Engineer at Zomato.

To learn more about the job openings at Zomato, please refer to our blog:

Zomato Preparation Guide

Internships at Zomato

Ways to Join Zomato

Job Opportunities at Zomato

You can also consider our Machine Learning Course to give your career an edge over others.

Happy Coding!

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