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Table of contents
Machine Learning
What are the different types of machine learning?
Who's using machine learning, and what's it used for?
Different Libraries for Machine Learning in Python
Frequently Asked Questions
How is Python used in machine learning?
Is Python good for machine learning?
 Is Python or C++ better for machine learning?
Is machine learning hard in Python?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Machine Learning with Python


There has never been a better alternative to Python when it comes to Machine Learning and Data Analytics, thanks to a lot of libraries that are available to us for free, and they offer such a great power that some of the most difficult tasks can be achieved with the help of them. 

Let's first understand what ML with Python is and how various python libraries have made it very easy for us to make advanced machine learning models, and then let's look at almost all of the popular libraries that are available in Python and where you can find their uses. 

Also Read About, Python for Data Science

Machine Learning

Machine Learning is nothing but predicting the future with the help of past data, there can be many techniques and use cases to do this, but the essence remains the same. 

Sometimes we are given what the output of these past data points is, and sometimes the output of the data points is not even known to us and not even the definition of the output for the data point. This is precisely what is the case between supervised and unsupervised learning. 

In supervised learning, we get labelled data, i.e. in this, everything is told to us what information the data has.

What are the different types of machine learning?

Traditional machine learning is defined as the process through which an algorithm learns to improve its prediction accuracy. The four main approaches are supervised learning, unsupervised learning, semi-supervised learning, and reinforcement learning. The type of data that data scientists want to predict determines the algorithm they apply.

Supervised learning: Data scientists feed labelled training data to algorithms and tell them the variables they want the programme to seek for correlations between in this type of machine learning. The input and output of the algorithm are both available.

Unsupervised learning: This machine learning employs algorithms that train on unlabeled data. The algorithm looks for links between datasets that are important. The data utilized to train algorithms, as well as the predictions or suggestions generated by them, are all predetermined.

Semi-supervised learning: This method of machine learning combines the two previous approaches. Although data scientists may feed an algorithm primarily labelled training data, the model is allowed to explore the data and expand its understanding of the set.

Reinforcement learning: Reinforcement learning is a technique used by data scientists to teach a machine to execute a multi-step procedure with precisely stated rules. Data scientists submit labelled training data to algorithms and indicate the variables they want the software to seek for correlations between in this type of machine learning. Both the input and output of the algorithm are supplied.

Who's using machine learning, and what's it used for?

Machine learning is used in a wide range of applications. One of the most well-known instances of machine learning in action is the recommendation engine that drives Facebook's news feed.

Facebook uses machine learning to personalise how each member's feed is delivered. If a member frequently visits a group's posts, the recommendation engine will start highlighting the activity of that group in the feed.

The engine works behind the scenes to encourage the member's online behaviour habits. If a member's reading habits change and he or she fails to read posts from that group in the coming weeks, the news feed will be changed.

Other applications of machine learning, in addition to recommendation engines, include:

Customer relationship management. Machine learning models can be used in CRM software to scan email and motivate sales team members to respond to the most critical communications first. Advanced systems can even make recommendations for possible beneficial solutions.

Business intelligence. Machine learning is used in analytics suppliers in their software to discover anomalies, patterns of data points, and potentially crucial data points.

Human resource information systems.HRIS systems can utilize machine learning models to go through applications and locate the best applicants for open positions.

Self-driving cars. A semi-autonomous vehicle may use machine learning techniques to detect a partially visible object and alert the driver.

A type of virtual helper is a virtual assistant. Smart assistants frequently use supervised and unsupervised machine learning models to analyze spoken speech and provide context.

Recommendation Systems: When you open Instagram or Twitter how do you think they give you a personalized feed? Here also machine learning comes into use. 

Natural Language Processing: Where machines decipher the language and make the meaning out of it.

Different Libraries for Machine Learning in Python


TensorFlow is a free and open-source machine learning framework. It's used to build deep learning and machine learning applications. TensorFlow was established by the Google team to develop and investigate fascinating artificial intelligence ideas.TensorFlow is designed in the Python programming language; hence it is considered an easy to understand framework.

Let us now consider the following essential features of TensorFlow −

  • It includes a feature that defines, optimizes and calculates mathematical expressions quickly with the help of multi-dimensional arrays called tensors.
  • It includes programming support of deep neural networks and machine learning techniques.
  • It includes a highly scalable feature of computation with various data sets.
  • TensorFlow uses GPU computing, automating management. It also includes a unique feature of optimizing the same memory and the data used.


Keras is based on open-source machine learning packages such as TensorFlow, Theano, and the Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK). Theano is a Python module for doing quick numerical computations. The most well-known symbolic math toolkit for constructing neural networks and deep learning models is TensorFlow. TensorFlow is extremely adaptable, and its main advantage is distributed computing. Microsoft created the CNTK deep learning framework. It makes use of libraries like Python, C#, and C++, as well as standalone machine learning toolkits. Theano and TensorFlow are great libraries for building neural networks, but they are challenging to grasp.

Keras is based on a simple framework that makes it simple to build deep learning models using TensorFlow or Theano. Keras is a deep learning framework that allows you to quickly define models. Keras, on the other hand, is an excellent choice for deep learning applications.

Keras makes high-level neural network API easier and more performant by utilizing multiple optimization approaches. It has the following capabilities:

  • API that is consistent, straightforward, and extensible.
  • Minimal structure - easy to achieve the result without any frills.
  • Multi-Platform support.
  • It is a user-friendly framework which runs on both CPU and GPU.
  • Highly scalability of computation.


Pandas is a Python module for working with huge data collections.

It offers tools for data analysis, cleansing, exploration, and manipulation.

Wes McKinney came up with the name "Pandas" in 2008, which refers to both "Panel Data" and "Python Data Analysis."

Pandas provide you with data-related responses. Like:

  • Is there a correlation between two or more columns?
  • What is the average value?
  • Max value?
  • Min value?

Pandas can also delete rows that are no longer relevant or have incorrect values, such as empty or NULL values. This is referred to as data cleaning.


Matplotlib is a low-level graph plotting library in Python that serves as a visualization utility in ML; there are many times that we need to visualize the data and find how the algorithm is performing with a number of iterations and how data is taking shape for all such visualizations, we have our go-to solution that is Matplotblib, when there is a plot in Python there is matplotlib.There are a lot of utilities available for visualizations and we make graphs of almost any kind in Matplotlib in Python. 


PyTorch is a machine learning framework based on the Torch library that is open-source. Developed primarily by Facebook's AI Research division for machine vision and natural language processing applications (FAIR). It's free software released under the Modified BSD licence. PyTorch also has a C++ interface, but the Python interface is more developed and is where the majority of the development is focused.


Scikit-learn (previously scikits.learn, and also known as sklearn) is a free Python machine learning package. It includes support vector machines, random forests, gradient boosting, k-means, and DBSCAN, among other classification, regression, and clustering techniques, and is designed to work with the Python numerical and scientific libraries NumPy and SciPy. Scikit-learn is a financially supported NumFOCUS project.


SciPy is a Python extension that contains a set of mathematical methods and convenience functions. It gives the user a lot of power by providing high-level commands and classes for manipulating and displaying data in an interactive Python session.


Theano is a Python framework and compiler for manipulating and analyzing mathematical expressions, especially those with a matrix value. Theano computations use a NumPy-like syntax and are designed to perform quickly on either CPU or GPU architectures.

Theano is an open-source project largely created by the Université de Montréal's Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms (MILA).

The software's name is a homage to the ancient philosopher Theano, who has long been linked to the invention of the golden mean.


It had been a popular library but it has been deprecated and moved to Pytorch, and now we can just use Pytorch APIs. 

Also see, Convert String to List Python

Frequently Asked Questions

How is Python used in machine learning?

Python provides code that is both concise and readable. Machine learning and AI are based on sophisticated algorithms and flexible workflows, while Python's simplicity allows developers to design dependable solutions. Instead of focusing on the technical subtleties of the language, developers can devote all of their attention to solving an ML problem.

Is Python good for machine learning?

Python is, without a doubt, the best language for machine learning. Because it's simple to understand, data validation is quick and error-free. Developers can do difficult operations without coding since they have access to a well-developed library ecosystem.

 Is Python or C++ better for machine learning?

Python strives to mimic the standard English language, but C++ has additional syntax constraints and other programming conventions. Python is the most popular language for machine learning and data analysis, whereas C++ is the finest language for game development and huge systems.

Is machine learning hard in Python?

If you want to explore machine learning, you should start with these fundamental mathematical ideas and work your way up to the coding parts. Many artificial intelligence languages, such as Python, are considered to be quite simple.


In a nutshell, Python is such a boon to Machine Learning, it makes implementing things easy and has a lot of libraries which offer a wide range of easy implementations of difficult algorithms enhancing how we build advanced Machine Learning Models quickly.

Recommended Reading -

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