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Table of contents
Project Structure
Managing Test Suites
Disable Test Suites
Enable Test Suites
Clone a Test Suite
Clone Several Test Suites 
Move Several Test Suites
Remove Test Suite
Rename Test Suite
Change Test Suite Order
Save Test Suite
Managing Test Cases
Disable Test Cases
Enable Test Cases
Clone/Move Individual Test Case
Clone Several Test Cases
Move Several Test Cases
Validate Test Cases
Remove Test Cases
Rename Test Case
Change Test Case Order
Save Test Case
Managing Test Steps
Add Test Step
Disable Test Steps
Enable Test Steps
Clone/Move Individual Test Step
Clone Several Test Steps
Clone Test Steps from a Single Test
Move Several Test Steps
Remove Test Step
Rename Test Step
Change Test Step Order
Common Actions and Settings
Frequently Asked Questions
What is ReadyAPI?
Why is test management critical?
What is an API?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Managing Test Items in Ready API

Author Manish Kumar
1 upvote


Hey Ninja!! 🥷You must have used the TV remote and never bothered to understand how it works 😂. Similarly, in the world of software development or web development, we tend to overlook a variety of sub-domains in terms of their architecture. 

API's come into the picture when we want to offer our services or take someone else's services in the tech domain. APIs hide the complexity that we don't need to know. These APIs are pretty complex and thus need rigorous testing and updation regularly.

 In this blog, we will learn how to manage these tests and structure our tests for optimal performance.



Project Structure

Let us look through the project structure panel and learn the components present. Having a firm knowledge of the contents present in the panel will help simplify the management of tests.

Project Structure


You can clearly identify the test suites, cases and steps in the above image. We will go into more detail about these topics in the sections below. ❄️

Managing Test Suites

Suites stand at the top of the testing hierarchy. They define the general testing design that we are going to implement. Managing test suites is itself a big challenge. We will go through various operations that we can perform on test suites. So what are you waiting for? Lets's jump into the details directly!!⚡⚡⚡⚡

Disable Test Suites

A lot of times, you may want to disable a test suite. That is, you want to skip these sets of tests while testing. To do so, right-click on the suite and select 'Disable Test Suite'. 

Test Suite

Enable Test Suites

If your test suite is disabled, right-click on the suite and click on the 'Enable Test Suite' option.

Test suite enable

Clone a Test Suite

We often don't want to perform any changes in our test suite but test some changes inside it. Cloning a test suite comes in handy in such situations. To make a copy of the test suite, right-click and select the option 'Clone Test Suite'.

Clone Test Suite


After this, give your new suite a name and its target project.



Clone Several Test Suites 

ReadyAPI gives us the power to clone many test suites to use them in a different projects. To clone several test suites, open the context menu and select Clone Test Suites. You can configure the settings from the dialogue box.

Several clone

Move Several Test Suites

To move several test suites within the project or from outside the project, follow these steps:

  • Select desired test suites
  • Open the context menu and click on Move Test Suites
  • Configure the dialogue box and click on Move to complete the operation.
Move Test SUite

Remove Test Suite

To remove a test suite, right-click on the suite from the panel and select the Remove option. You may press the Shift+Delete button combination as well.

Remove suite


Rename Test Suite


To rename the test suite, right-click on the suite and then click Rename option. Alternately, after selecting the suite, press F2.


Rename Suite

Change Test Suite Order

To change the test suite order, drag and drop to the correct place or select Move up or down from the context menu.

Save Test Suite

First of all, make sure that the suite is not empty and it is not under a composite project. Either false will lead to a warning, and the suite will not be saved. To save the test suite follow these steps: 

  • Go to the context menu
  • Right-click on the test suite and select composite actions -> Save Test Suite.


Save suite

Managing Test Cases

Test cases are at the second level in the hierarchy tree. These define the instances in which tests are to be performed. It contains multiple test steps which are to be executed to perform tests.

Let us now go through the actions that can be performed on test cases.

Disable Test Cases

There are instances when we want to skip a particular test case. In those times, disabling a test case comes in handy. To disable test cases, right-click on the test case and select Disable Test Case. Alternately, select the test case and from the context menu, click on Case and then Disable Test Case.

Enable Test Cases

If a test case is disabled, to enable it, follow these steps:

  • Right-click on the disabled test case and click on Enable Test Case.
  • Alternatively, you can select the disabled test case, click on the Case option from the context menu, and click on Enable Test Case.

Clone/Move Individual Test Case

To clone a test case, right-click on the test case and then select the Clone Test Case option.


Clone Individual case


Configure settings according to your needs and click OK to finish cloning.

Clone Several Test Cases

You can create clones of several test cases similar to how you learned to develop them for test suites. All the cloned copies will be the same at the time of cloning, which you can later change according to your needs. To clone multiple test cases, follow these steps:

  • Select test cases
  • From the context menu, choose Clone Test Cases
  • Configure the cloning process in the following dialogue box, and click on Clone to complete the cloning process.


Clone Test Cases

Move Several Test Cases

You can move several test cases at once from multiple suites and projects. ReadyAPI will copy the test cases automatically to the destination project if needed. To move numerous test cases, follow these steps:

  • Select the test cases
  • From the context menu, click on Move Test Cases
  • Finally, configure the dialogue box and click on Move to complete the process.


Move Cases

Validate Test Cases

Validation is necessary to remove any errors which might have crept in due to external dependencies. ReadyAPI shows Validate Test Case option if there is any error after cloning.  Using the dialogue box, you can remove any mistake if present. 


Validate Case

Remove Test Cases

Sometimes you may want to delete a test case. This option is helpful in such situations if you made a clone by mistake or no longer need that test case. To remove a test case, follow these steps:

  • Right-click on the test case and select the Remove option.
  • Alternatively, select the test case, and then Case->Remove.

Rename Test Case

To rename a test case, follow these steps:

  • Right-click on the test case and select the Rename option.
  • Alternatively, select the test case and then Case->Rename.

Write the new name in the dialogue box and click on OK to complete the process.

Change Test Case Order

To change the execution order, you can change the order from the panel. To do this, follow the steps:

  • Click on a test case and drag it to its correct position.
  • Alternatively, right-click on the test case and select the Move Up or Move Down option.

Save Test Case

ReadyAPI allows us to save test cases in a composite project to avoid saving individual test cases. This is helpful when we want to keep a test case rather than the project itself.

To save a test case in a composite project:

  • Go to the context menu
  • Right-click on the test case and then follow Composite Actions → Save Test Case
Save Case

Managing Test Steps

Managing test steps is the most critical aspect of testing. This is where you write the actual testing logic and the steps. It is crucial to handle these steps to perform efficient testing. Let us go through the necessary actions we can take to address the steps.

Add Test Step

Adding a test step is relatively easy. Right-click on the test case, click on Add Step and select the desired type of Step you need from the list.


Add Step

After adding a test step, ReadyAPI automatically opens the step editor.

Disable Test Steps

Sometimes you may want to skip a step from the sequence of steps. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Right-click on the step and select Disable Test Step
  • Alternatively, select the step and then follow Step → Disable Test Step

Enable Test Steps

To enable a disabled test step, follow these steps:

  • Right-click on the step and select Enable Test Step
  • Alternatively, select the step and then follow Step → Enable Test Step

Clone/Move Individual Test Step

To clone an individual test step, follow the steps:

  • Right-click on the step and select Clone Test Step
  • Alternatively, select the step and then follow Step → Clone Test Step
Clone Step

Configure the dialogue box and click on OK to complete the cloning process.

Clone Several Test Steps

You have the option to create copies of multiple test steps at once to use them somewhere else. ReadyAPI will automatically copy them to the destination location. To clone several test steps at once, follow these steps:

  • Select test steps you wish to clone
  • From the context menu, select the Clone Test Steps option
  • Configure the dialogue box and click Clone to complete the process


Clone several steps

Clone Test Steps from a Single Test

ReadyAPI allows copying test steps from a single test case as well. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Right-click on the test case from which you wish to clone steps
  • Click on Clone Test Steps from the context menu
  • Configure the dialogue box and click OK


Clone from single test

Move Several Test Steps

ReadyAPI provides the functionality to move several test steps at once. You can select steps from multiple locations, including suites, cases and steps. To move simultaneously, follow these steps:

  • Select the steps you wish to move
  • From the context menu, click on the Move Test Steps option
  • Configure the dialogue box and click on Move to complete the process
Move Several steps

Remove Test Step

Sometimes you may want to remove a test step. To remove a step, follow these steps:

  • Right-click on the test step and select the Remove option
  • Alternatively, select the test step and then follow Step → Remove

In the following dialogue box, confirm the operation.

Rename Test Step

Sometimes you may want to rename a test step. To rename a step, follow these steps:

  • Right-click on the test step and select the Rname option
  • Alternatively, select the test step and then follow Step → Rename

In the following dialogue box, click on OK to finish the operation.

Change Test Step Order

You may need to change the order of execution of these steps. To change the order, follow these steps:

  • Right-click the Step and click the Move Up or Move Down option from the panel.
  • Alternatively, after selecting the step, perform the Step → Move Up or Step → Move Down operation

Common Actions and Settings

All the steps have some settings available in the context menu. Some are step-specific, and some are general settings. You may use these to manage steps efficiently.

Common Settings

Frequently Asked Questions

What is ReadyAPI?

ReadyAPI is an API testing platform. It gives all the functions required to test an API. You can perform functional, security and performance tests using built-in tools.

Why is test management critical?

Loosely implemented testing will lead to bugs in the application. Therefore it becomes an aspect of immense importance to perform robust testing. ReadyAPI is one such platform that tests APIs rigorously.

What is an API?

API stands for Application Programming Interface. These are the endpoints through which various services are accessed without knowing the inner complexities of the service/application.


In this blog, you learned how to manage test items in ReadyAPI. All the important topics related to Managing Test Items in ReadyAPI were covered in detail.

Also, do refer to other API testing-related articles:

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