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Postman provides a variety of options to customize your team's experience, from the initial setup to ongoing team and plan management. As a Team Admin, you can streamline the onboarding process for your team, manage access control, and keep your team up to date with the latest version of Postman.
Setting up your team
Once you've created your Postman team, you can take the following steps to enable an efficient onboarding process for end users:
Use the Onboarding checklist to ensure that Postman is accessible on employee devices and functions as expected.
Enable team discovery to allow fellow Postman users from your organization to request to join your team.
Configure SSO.
Configure SCIM provisioning.
Managing team members
You can invite collaborators, remove existing team members, and update user permissions at any time directly in Postman.
Inviting users
You can invite users to your Postman team by navigating to Manage Team and selecting Invite People. Enter the email addresses of the individuals you'd like to invite and select Add. Assign these users one or more team roles, then select Send Invites.
Invite a user to join your team with a link using Get Link.
Only Team Admins and Super Admins can send invitations. However, any team member can submit requests to invite collaborators to your team. You can review these requests in your team dashboard and opt to approve or dismiss them. If you approve the request, Postman will send an invitation to the individual.
You can also allow Postman users from your company to request to join your team by enabling team discovery.
Postman enterprise teams can enable SCIM provisioning, which enables you to create, update, and deactivate user accounts at scale through your identity provider.
Removing team members
To remove a member from your team, go to your team dashboard. Select the delete icon next to the team member's name.
When you remove a user from your team, you will still retain access to any data they have shared with the team. Reassign their personal workspaces to another team member to ensure the team continues to have access to any unshared work done by the user being removed. Then to confirm, select Remove Member.
Assigning data to a team member
Note that when you remove a member from your team, this doesn't automatically reduce the number of paid slots for your team unless the member was added by Auto- flex during the current Auto-Flex cycle. If you want to reduce the number of paid slots on your team, a member of your team with the Billing role can edit your plan.
Managing team roles
Each team member must have one or more team roles, which will allow them to perform various actions within your team. Roles can be granted to users individually, or to members of a group.
You can change the roles of team members by selecting Team in the upper right > Manage Team.
Under Members, select the roles next to the user you'd like to update. Select the roles you'd like to assign or remove, then Update Roles to confirm your changes.
Each team member must have at least one team role assigned to them
Teams can have two support accounts at no extra cost. Support accounts are members with only Admin or Billing roles. Members with a Super Admin or Developer role will consume a paid slot on your team.
Managing your team’s Postman plan
You can manage your team size or upgrade your plan at any time during your team's billing cycle.
Changing team size
Team members with the Billing role can change your team's number of paid slots in the billing dashboard. Team Admins can invite more users without having to pay in advance for more seats with Auto- flex.
Upgrading your plan
Team members with the Billing role can upgrade your team plan in the billing dashboard.
Managing user groups
With Postman groups, you can organize team members into groups that reflect your organizational structure. Groups enable you to manage access to your team and onboard new team members.
You must be a Postman Team Admin to create, manage, and delete groups.
Creating a group
As a Team Admin, you can create a group by selecting Team in the upper-right corner > Manage Team.
Under Members and groups, select Groups > Create Group.
Give your group a name and description, add your team members, and select the team roles you would like to assign to the group, then Create Group.
Creating a group
Team members will receive an email and in-app notification when added to a group.
Editing a group
You can edit a group at any time by managing a group's team members and access to Postman entities.
Managing members of a group
In Postman, select Team in the upper-right corner > Manage Team. Under Members and groups, select Groups. Locate the group you would like to update and select it to edit.
Select + Add to add a team member to the group. Select X next to a team member to remove them from the group.
Assigning roles to group members
Group members will receive an email and in-app notification when added to or removed from a group.
Managing access control for a group
You can control a group's access at the team level, workspace level, and on individual collections, APIs, environments, mock servers, and monitors.
Editing details for a group
In Postman, select Team in the upper-right corner > Manage Team. Under Members and groups, select Groups. Locate the group you would like to update and select it to edit.
Editing a group
Select the group's name at the top of the page to edit it. To add a description, select Add a description under the group's name. To update an existing description, select it to edit. Save Changes to confirm your updates.
Deleting a group
In Postman, select Team in the upper-right corner > Manage Team. Under Members and groups, select Groups. Locate the group you would like to update and select it to edit.
Select Delete to delete the group, then Delete Group to confirm.
Confirming to delete a group
Configuring domain capture
Domain capture allows you to identify and manage all user accounts in Postman that have been created with your organization’s domains and subdomains. With this feature, you can consolidate all of your organization's Postman users into a single Postman team and ensure that any new users who sign up for Postman with your domain are automatically added.
Enabling domain capture
To enable domain capture, open Postman and select Team > Team Settings in the upper-right. Select Authentication in the left sidebar.
Confirm that your team has only the SSO authentication method enabled. Then, select the Domains tab.
Select Add Domain. Enter the domain or subdomain you'd like to add, then select Generate Verification Records. Copy the TXT record and add it to your domain's DNS configuration.
Window showing domain details
In Postman, you can select ← Back to return to your domain dashboard.
Verification status will change from "Created" to "In Progress" after the TXT record has been added to the domain's DNS configuration.
Postman's team will check your requested domain and update its status to "Verified" in your domain dashboard. They will also email your Team Admins.
Once your domain has been verified, you can enable it by selecting the switch under Domain authentication.
Select Confirm to enable domain capture.
Admin experience
Users with the Team Admin Role can manage the domains and subdomains that have been added to a team by navigating to the domain dashboard. Here, Admins can add, activate, deactivate, or delete domains and subdomains for their team at any time.
User experience
When domain capture is enabled, Postman users with accounts associated with the domain or subdomain will only be able to access Postman after joining your Postman team. This applies to existing users who are a part of other Postman teams, existing individual Postman users, and new users who sign up for Postman.
Frequently Asked Questions
What happens in domain capture if a captured user isn't a part of any team?
In such a case, all existing user sessions are revoked and the next time the user logs in, they will be prompted to join your organization's team using SSO.
What happens if a captured user is a part of an existing free or paid team?
In such a case, they are removed from their existing team. All existing user sessions are revoked and the next time the user logs in, they will be prompted to join your organization's team using SSO.
Can a Team Admin view the list of user accounts that will be captured before enabling domain capture?
Yes, a Team Admin can view the list of the unclaimed Postman accounts that will be captured prior to confirming they'd like to enable domain capture.
We hope this blog has helped you enhance your Knowledge about Postman and various ways to manage your team and user groups in Postman.
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