Last updated: Jun 13, 2022


MapReduce is basically a programming model. It is used for the processing and generation the big data sets. In order to generate these big data sets, it uses a parallelly distributed algorithm on the given cluster or data. We will be giving details about what actually is Mapreduce and what is a map and what is reduced in it? It is a complex topic with various key points to note down so take your time and we will be giving you a good idea.
Functional versus Procedural Programming Models
This article will discuss functional and procedural programming models in detail and how they support big data.
MapReduce Fundamentals
This blog introduces MapReduce, i.e., Google’s approach to collecting and analyzing website data for search optimizations. Google’s proprietary MapReduce system ran on the Google File System (GFS).
MapReduce Types
The article covers the concept of MapReduce in Hadoop, various MapReduce types of input and output formats, along with some frequently asked questions.
MapReduce Combiner EASY
The article covers the concepts of MapReduce Combiner, its workings, advantages, and disadvantages, along with some frequently asked questions.
Understanding The Map Function EASY
In this article, we will understand how to process large amounts of unstructured data across a distributed group of processors into a structured unit.
MapReduce Features
In this article, we will discuss some mapreduce features and how it is used in hadoop ecosystem.
Adding the reduce function
In this article, we will understand how to add the reduce function.
Shuffle and Sort in MapReduce EASY
This article covers the concept of Shuffle and Sort in MapReduce along with the Map Phase, Reduce Phase and the pictorial representation of these Phases.
Putting Map and Reduce Together EASY
This article will discuss MapReduce in detail, how it supports Big data and some information about why we put Map and reduce together.
Foundational behaviors of MapReduce EASY
In this article, we will understand the foundational behavior of the MapReduce framework.