Table of contents
Example 1: Finding the square root of a positive number
Example 2: Finding the square root of a variable
Example 3: Calculating the hypotenuse of a right triangle
Frequently Asked Questions
What happens if I try to find the square root of a negative number using Math.sqrt()?
Can I use Math.sqrt() with other numeric data types besides double?
Is there any performance difference between using Math.sqrt() and calculating the square root manually?
Last Updated: Jul 29, 2024

Math.sqrt() Method in Java

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In programming, working with numbers is a fundamental task. One common operation is finding the square root of a number. In Java, there's a built-in method called Math.sqrt() that makes it easy to calculate square roots. 

Math.sqrt() Method in Java

In this article, we'll learn how to use Math.sqrt() in Java, along with examples to help you understand its use.


The syntax for using the `Math.sqrt()` method in Java is very simple and easy. Let’s see how you can use it:

double result = Math.sqrt(number);

In this syntax, `number` is the value for which you want to find the square root. The `Math.sqrt()` method returns the square root of `number` as a `double` value, which is stored in the `result` variable.

It's important to note that the `Math.sqrt()` method always returns a `double` value, even if the input is an integer. If you need to work with integers specifically, you'll need to perform additional type casting.


Let's look at a few examples to see how `Math.sqrt()` can be used in practice.

Example 1: Finding the square root of a positive number

  • Java


double number = 25;

double squareRoot = Math.sqrt(number);

System.out.println("The square root of " + number + " is " + squareRoot);
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The square root of 25.0 is 5.0

In this example, we find the square root of the number 25 using `Math.sqrt()`. The result, which is 5, is stored in the `squareRoot` variable and then printed to the console.

Example 2: Finding the square root of a variable

  • Java


int x = 16;

double squareRoot = Math.sqrt(x);

System.out.println("The square root of " + x + " is " + squareRoot);
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The square root of 16 is 4.0

Here, we demonstrate that `Math.sqrt()` can also work with variables. We store the value 16 in the `x` variable and then pass `x` to `Math.sqrt()`. The result is stored in the `squareRoot` variable and printed to the console.

Example 3: Calculating the hypotenuse of a right triangle

  • Java


double base = 3;

double height = 4;

double hypotenuse = Math.sqrt(base * base + height * height);

System.out.println("The hypotenuse is " + hypotenuse);
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The hypotenuse is 5.0

In this example, we use `Math.sqrt()` to calculate the hypotenuse of a right triangle using the Pythagorean theorem. We have the base and height of the triangle stored in variables, and we compute the square of each using multiplication. Then, we add the squares together and pass the result to `Math.sqrt()` to find the hypotenuse.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I try to find the square root of a negative number using Math.sqrt()?

If you pass a negative number to Math.sqrt(), it will return NaN (Not-a-Number), indicating that the result is undefined in the real number system.

Can I use Math.sqrt() with other numeric data types besides double?

Yes, you can use Math.sqrt() with float, int, and long data types. However, the method always returns a double value, so you may need to cast the result back to the desired data type.

Is there any performance difference between using Math.sqrt() and calculating the square root manually?

Math.sqrt() is a highly optimized method implemented in the Java standard library. It is generally faster and more efficient than calculating the square root manually using techniques like the Babylonian method or Newton's method.


In this article, we learned about the Math.sqrt() method in Java, which provides an easy way to find the square root of a number. We discussed the syntax of Math.sqrt() and looked at several examples showing its usage in different scenarios. 

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