Last updated: Apr 22, 2022

Mathematical Puzzles

Mathematical Puzzles mainly refer to the puzzles which are or include mathematical formulas or logic behind them. The solution to such puzzles is based on the mathematical background and solved on such a basis. This includes puzzles that have solutions with mathematics as their backbone.
Monty Hall Problem EASY
In this article, we have extensively discussed the Interview puzzle, Monty Hall Problem, which involves logical thinking and observation to solve.
Monkeys and the Doors MEDIUM
This blog discusses a puzzle called the Monkey and the doors, including its approach and implementation in python language.
Cross the Bridge
In this article, we have discussed very famous Cross the Bridge puzzle which will enhance your problem solving skills.
Wizards and the Dwarves
In this article, we will go through the Wizards and The Dwarfs Puzzle Question that will build up you problem solving skills
Color of the Last Ball
In this article, we will discuss a puzzle called Color of the last ball that will enhance your problem solving skills ability.
Measuring Time by Burning Ropes
In this article, we will go through the Measuring Time by Burning ropes Puzzle Question and its solution for better understanding.
Dinner Hand Shakes
In this article, we will go through the Dinner Hand Shakes Puzzle Question that will increase your problem solving ability.
Color of the Last Ball II
In this article, we will be talking about the Color of the last ball 2 questions along with its solution in detail.
Measure Time by Hourglass
In this article, we will discuss a tricky puzzle i.e. Measure time by hourglass with a detailed solution that may blow your mind to some extent, so stay until the end.
Make a Statement
In this article, we are going to discuss a very tricky puzzle that may blow your mind to some extent, so stay until the end.
Bee Travel
In this blog, we will learn about the Bee Travel puzzle problem and how to solve it.
Prisoners and Poison
In this article, we discuss a famous puzzle, 'prisoner and the poison' to brush up your thinking ability and logical reasoning.
World Trips
In this article, we will be discussing the puzzle; 3 planes are standing at the same airport, and we have to find the maximum distance traveled by 1 plane with the help of 2 other planes.
Next Number EASY
It's a puzzle question based on the number sequence for interview preparations. We have to find the next number from the series given.
One Mile on the Globe
In this article, we will be discussing a puzzle question One Mile on the Globe in detail along with its solution approach.
Marbles in the Jar
In this article, we will see a very famous puzzle problem asked in many interviews.
100 People in a Circle
In this article, we will be discussing a famous puzzle, 100 people in a circle with a sword, and also the general solution for the problem where people may vary.
Fastest Horses
In this article, we discuss a famous puzzle Fastest Horses in which we need to find the top 3 horses out of 25 horses, with some constraints.
Train Station
This article discusses train stations with their solution. We will first understand the problem statement and then will discuss the solution in detail
Cross Bridge II
In this article, we will discuss a famous interview puzzle named the cross-bridge II.
Last Palindromic Date
This article will discuss a famous interview puzzle named the last palindromic date that will brush up your palindrome concept and thinking ability skills.
Fake Note
This article will brief you on the mathematical puzzle of Fake Note.
Next Number
This article will brief you on a mathematical puzzle.
Celebrity Problem MEDIUM
This article will discuss one of the most frequently asked in Google, Apple, Amazon - “The Celebrity Problem”.
Spider's web
This article will brief you on a mathematical puzzle.
Ratio of Boys and Girls
The ratio of boys and girls puzzle is about finding the ratio of boys and girls in a town, where people stop having a child after a boy is born in the family.