Last updated: Nov 24, 2022


Maven is a one-stop shop for automating tools and project management services for various programming languages, primarily Java and C#. Apache Software Foundation provides Maven. This guide will teach you about Maven's design, architecture, implementation, plugins, and other tools, and comparison to other automation tools. In addition, you can learn about Maven integrations with Eclipse, Netbeans, Jenkins, and other applications.
What Do You Mean By Maven?
This blog will discuss the topic of Maven in detail, which includes its definition, its uses, features, and building tools in Maven.
What are the Features or Advantages of Maven
In this blog, we will look at some of the key features and advantages of Maven.
Maven Architecture
This blog will discuss Maven architecture. We will further look at the Build lifecycle in Maven, Maven phases, and Maven goals.
Maven Compiler Plugin Dependency
In this article, we will focus on understanding maven compiler plugin dependency. We will also have a look at its examples, advantages, and disadvantages.
How to Install Maven on Windows EASY
This blog will discuss how to install Maven on windows. We will discuss every step to install Maven on the windows operating system.
How to install Maven on Ubuntu EASY
Maven installation on Ubuntu can be done through a few simple steps, which will be shown in this write-up.
How to install Maven on Mac OS
This article discusses how we can install maven on the macOS. We will discuss two methods to install Maven.
Introduction to Maven Command EASY
This blog will discuss the Apache Maven Command. We will further look at the primary, intermediate, and advanced commands in Apache Maven.
Ant Vs Maven
We will compare Ant vs Maven in various fields, such as by definition, conventions, project structure, lifecycle, nature, type, dependency, preferences etc., along with their advantages and disadvantages.
Gradle Vs Maven
This blog will discuss the topic of Gradle Vs Maven, including the definition of both Gradle and Maven, along with their pros and cons.
What is the Maven Project Object Model? EASY
In this article, we will learn about the Maven Project Object Model. We will discuss the uses and minimum requirements of the Maven Project Object Model.
What is meant by the Maven Build Lifecycle? EASY
In this article, we will discuss the maven build lifecycle. We will discuss the default, clean and site build lifecycle. We will cover basic commands.
Build Profile in Maven and its Types MEDIUM
This article will discuss the build profile in Maven and its types. We will discuss how to trigger profiles. Further, we will discuss how to activate it.
Maven Repositories and its Types EASY
We will discuss the Maven repository and its types. We will also see how Maven searches for repos and how the repo manager works.
Introduction To Maven Plugins EASY
In this article, we will discuss plugins in Maven. We will take a look at the Build lifecycles in maven. We will learn about the types and core maven plugins.
Maven WAR Plugin MEDIUM
This blog will discuss the WAR plugin available in Maven. We will also see some examples of WAR Plugin in this blog.
Author Harsh
Maven Failsafe Plugin MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss what is a failsafe plugin in Maven. We will then discuss how to configure and invoke the failsafe plugin in Maven.
Maven Enforcer Plugin
In this article, we will discuss what is Enforce Plugin in Maven and how to use it in Maven. Further, we discussed the two goals of this plugin in detail.
Maven Javadoc Plugin
In this article, we will discuss what is a Javadoc tool and how Maven uses this tool as Maven Plugin to generate documentation for API.
Maven Jar Plugin MEDIUM
This blog will teach you about the maven jar plugin. You will also learn about the pom file and go through a sample project involving the jar plugin.
Maven Shade Plugin MEDIUM
This blog will teach you about the maven shade plugin. You will also learn about the capabilities of the shade plugin using sample projects.
Maven Assembly Plugin MEDIUM
This blog will teach you about the maven assembly plugin. You will also learn about the types of archives the assembly plugin can handle and the pom file.
Maven Exec Plugin MEDIUM
This article explains what the Maven Exec plugin is, the goals in it, the purpose of each goal, and how we can use each goal to execute programs.
Maven Eclipse Plugin EASY
This blog explains the Maven Eclipse Plugin, as well as its replacement, the M2E (Maven to Eclipse) Integration, and how to install and use it.
What are the Maven Plugin tools? MEDIUM
This article explains what are Maven Plugin Tools and the various plugin tools available, along with their descriptions, purpose, and functions.
How to Build and Test a Maven Project? EASY
In this article, you will learn how to build and test the Maven projects.
Various Scopes of Maven Dependency
In this article, you will learn about various scopes of Maven dependency. Maven consists of six dependency scopes - compile, test, provided, import, system, and runtime.
Introduction to Maven Phases
Maven is one of the robust build management tools for Java projects. It consists of the sequence of build lifecycles defined by a list of various phases, with each build phase having a series of several goals.
What is a Maven Artifact?
In this blog, we will study the concepts of Maven Artifact in detail.
Introduction to Maven Skip Test MEDIUM
In this article, we will look at the Maven Skip Test including all the possible ways in detail.
Introduction to Maven Surefire MEDIUM
In this blog, we will learn about Surefire, a useful plugin of Apache Maven. We will discuss its plugin goal and how to configure it.
What is a Maven Archetype MEDIUM
This blog will discuss the topic of the Maven Archetype. In detail, we have seen the Maven Archetype, the creation, and building of an Archetype, its famous uses, and its advantages.
How to Create Archetypes? MEDIUM
This blog will discuss how to create maven archetypes. We will discuss the maven archetype, commands to create archetypes, and the structure of pom files.
Build Automation in Maven HARD
This blog explains build automation in Maven and how to set up automated building of a project's dependents on rebuilding the project with new code.
In this article, we will discuss Snapshots in Maven. We will see how snapshots differ from versions and what the need is for using snapshots.
Maven Deployment Automation MEDIUM
This blog explains how we can automate the deployment process in Maven, including linking it with source control like Github, and creating releases.
Maven Web Application EASY
This blog will study creating a Maven Web Application.
Integration of Maven With Eclipse EASY
Meta Description: This article will discuss the step-by-step process of Integration of Maven with Eclipse efficiently.
Author kaido
Integration of Maven with TestNG EASY
In this article, we will discuss Integration of Maven with TestNG, talk about what maven and TestNG are and why there is a need to integrate Maven with TestNg.
Maven with Jenkins EASY
This article will show how we can set up Maven with Jenkins
Maven NetBeans
In this article we will be discussing Maven NetBeans. You will learn how to use and build a Maven project using NetBeans. Maven is one of the features of NetBeans, which helps in project management.