Table of contents
What is Maven Compiler Plugin Dependency?
Example of Maven Compiler Plugin Dependency
Advantages of Maven compiler plugin 
Disadvantages of Maven compiler plugin
Frequently asked questions
What are some common use cases for the Maven compiler plugin?
Can I use the Maven compiler plugin to compile non-Java source code?
What are some alternatives to the Maven compiler plugin?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Maven Compiler Plugin Dependency

Author Tashmit
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Maven Compiler Plugin helps to compile Java source code. It can compile Java code and generate bytecode for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). 

Maven Compiler Plugin Dependency

In this article, we will study about maven compiler plugin dependency, its examples, advantages, and disadvantages.

What is Maven Compiler Plugin Dependency?

Maven compiler plugin dependency is a set of dependencies which are required to use Maven plugins. When the plugin is executed, these dependencies are automatically downloaded from the Maven central repository. 

Moving forward, let's see example of maven compiler plugin dependency.

Example of Maven Compiler Plugin Dependency

Let us understand Maven Compiler Plugin Dependencies with the help of an example:

You can also try this code with Online PHP Compiler
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In the above php code, the Maven Compiler Plugin Dependency is defined using the <dependency> tag. The groupId, artifactId, and version attributes are used to specify the Maven dependency. 

Java Version

In Maven we can specify the Java version we want to work on. Let us see an example of it.

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In the above code, in the configuration section we have mentioned the version we want to use for source as well as the target of compiler. 


The Maven compilers can troubleshoot in the following ways:

  1. By checking the Java version: Ensure that the Java version you’re using is compatible with the source version. Do check that you have the correct Java version. The Java version can also be checked by running command java -version on command prompt.
  2. By checking the Maven version: Do check that you are using the latest and the updated version of Maven. The Maven version can also be checked by running command mvn -version on command prompt.
  3. By checking the build output: Always check the build output for errors or warnings.
  4. By checking Maven Plugins: Do check that all the required plugins must be installed. They must be included in the ‘.xml’ file of your project.

Advantages of Maven compiler plugin 

Some advantages of Maven Compiler plugin dependencies are:

  • Easy to use: It is automatically downloaded. It adds the required dependencies to the project classpath.
  • Saves time: As we don’t have to manually add the dependencies, it saves a lot of time while developing.
  • Error reduction: It reduces the chance of generating errors because it is automated.

Disadvantages of Maven compiler plugin

Some disadvantages of Maven compiler plugin dependencies are:

  • Conflicts of version: The plugin download is an automated task. Therefore, there is a chance that sometimes the plugin adds a conflicting dependency. It may lead to errors.
  • Limited control: We have limited control on the dependencies that are added on the project. Since, it is automatically downloaded and added.

Also see, Phases of compiler

Frequently asked questions

What are some common use cases for the Maven compiler plugin?

Maven compiler plugins are used for compiling Java source code for a web application, command line application and library or SDK.

Can I use the Maven compiler plugin to compile non-Java source code?

The Maven compiler plugin is designed to compile Java source code only. Therefore, we can not use the Maven compiler plugin to compiler non-java source code. If we want to compile non-Java source code, we may use a different build tool or plugin.

What are some alternatives to the Maven compiler plugin?

Some alternatives to the Maven compiler plugin are Gradle, Ant, Apache Buildr, SBT, and Eclipse Buidlship.


Maven Compiler Plugin simplifies the process of adding dependencies to a Java project. which makes it easier for developers to compile their code. In this article, we studied about maven compiler plugin dependency. We understood it with the help of an example, advantages, and disadvantages. To know more, you can refer to mavenmaven jar plugins, or operators in java.

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