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Have you ever tried doing projects in java? How convenient is it to work with Java using Maven? Do you want to create a Maven Web application?
Don’t worry! Coding Ninjas got your back and in this article we will learn about Maven Web Application.
But, before that let’s learn about Maven.
What Is Maven?
Maven is a technology used to build and manage any Java-based project. It has various functionalities like creating, compiling, deployment, source management, etc. The next question is, how does Maven do it? Every Maven project consists of a POM file, and it is used for configuring.
Creating a Maven Web Application
First, ensure that you have installed Java and Maven in your system according to the Operating Systems requirements.
Check the following articles if you need to install Maven.
The next step is to open the command console, go to the ‘C:\Users\geeti\coding’ directory, and execute the following mvn command.
C:\Users\geeti\coding>mvn clean package
Maven will start building the project.
Deploy Web Application
Now copy the coding.jar created in the directory to your web server web app directory and restart the web server.
Test the Maven Web Application
You can test the application by invoking the web project's URL:
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the command to create a Maven Web Application?
To create a simple Maven web application, we will use this command- mvn archetype: generate. Maven will start the creation of the project if installed properly.
What is a POM File?
POM stands for Project Object Model. This file contains the details of the project and its configuration information. This information is used by Maven to build a project.
What are groupId, artifactId, and version?
groupId, artifactId, and version are maven coordinates that are used for identifying the projects. They are compulsory to define.
What is the use of Maven in building web applications?
Maven increases reusability and takes care of most of the build-related tasks. Maven was originally designed to simplify building processes.
What is the method to check the presence of Maven?
We use the maven –version command to check if Maven is present or not. If we get an error, we should download it from the official website.
In this blog, we studied how to create a Maven Web Application. We also looked at the deployment and testing aspects of it. We hope this article helped you clear your concepts. Enjoyed reading about Maven?