Table of contents
What is a Memory Leak?
Causes of Memory leaks
How to avoid memory leaks in C
Examples of Memory Leaks in C
Frequently Asked Questions
How to see memory leaks in C?
How can I fix a memory leak?
What tool is used to check memory leaks?
How to check memory leak in web application?
Last Updated: Dec 20, 2024

Memory Leaks in C

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Memory management is a critical aspect of programming, especially in languages like C where developers have direct control over memory allocation and deallocation. However, despite its power and flexibility, C's manual memory management can lead to a notorious problem known as memory leaks. In this blog, we delve into the concept of memory leaks in C programming.

Memory Leaks in C

What is a Memory Leak?

A memory leak occurs in a computer program when it allocates memory but fails to deallocate it properly, resulting in unused memory that cannot be reclaimed by the system. In languages like C, where manual memory management is required, memory leaks can occur when a programmer forgets to release dynamically allocated memory using functions like free()

Over time, repeated memory leaks can lead to the gradual depletion of available memory, ultimately resulting in performance degradation or even program crashes. Detecting memory leaks can be challenging, as they often manifest gradually and may not immediately cause noticeable symptoms. However, by understanding the causes and symptoms of memory leaks and employing proper memory management techniques, developers can minimize the risk of memory leaks and ensure the efficient use of system resources in their programs.

Causes of Memory leaks

A memory leak in C happens when a pointer loses its original allocated value. Because the allocated object becomes inaccessible and cannot be deallocated, it becomes the source of the memory leak. Let's look at some memory leak cases.

  • Failure to Free Dynamically Allocated Memory: Forgetting to call the free() function on dynamically allocated memory blocks leads to memory leaks.
  • Lost References: Losing track of pointers to dynamically allocated memory blocks without freeing them can cause memory leaks.
  • Conditional Memory Allocation: Conditional logic that allocates memory but fails to deallocate it properly under certain conditions can result in memory leaks.
  • Premature Exiting: Exiting a function or program without freeing dynamically allocated memory within it causes memory leaks.
  • Circular References: Data structures with circular references may prevent memory from being deallocated even when it's no longer needed, leading to memory leaks.
  • Unreleased Resources: Memory leaks can also occur when other resources, such as file handles or database connections, are not released properly.
  • Inefficient Data Structures: Inefficient use of data structures, such as poorly implemented linked lists or trees, can lead to memory leaks if nodes are not properly deallocated.

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Must Read Passing Arrays to Function in C

How to avoid memory leaks in C

Memory leaks can be detected using a variety of methods. However, we can avoid memory leaks by following basic programming principles. So, let's have a look at some of the practices to avoid memory leaks.

1. Malloc and Calloc functions should have a free function

It's good to include a free function after each malloc (calloc) function. Let us assume that we need to construct an array of characters to store some data in an application. Since we know that to generate a dynamic array in C language, we use the memory management function (malloc or calloc).

It is good to write the free function immediately following the malloc or calloc. It avoids the situation in which the programmer forgets to write the free function.

void func(int n)
  char *arr = malloc (n *sizeof(char));

  /* Write some code */


2. Don’t use the original pointer

It is a good practice to work on a copy of the pointer since it retains the address of the allocated memory. If an unintentional modification is made to the pointer, this approach allows you to obtain the real address of allocating memory required at the time of memory deallocation.

int *ptr = malloc (sizeof(char));

//Create a copy of the original pointer
int *temp = ptr;

// Write some code here

free (ptr);


3. Write proper comments

We should write comments in every section of the code. It helps us remind us what logic we have used in our code. The proper use of commenting can make code maintenance considerably easier and help in the quicker detection of bugs.

Commenting will help us remember where we have allocated memory and where we should deallocate memory.

Also see, Short int in C Programming and Decision Making in C

Examples of Memory Leaks in C

Here are a few examples of common memory leaks in C, along with explanations of their causes and potential consequences:

Example 1: Forgetting to Free Dynamically Allocated Memory

#include <stdlib.h>

int main() {
    int *ptr = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
    *ptr = 10;
    return 0;

Explanation: In this example, memory is dynamically allocated for an integer using malloc(), but the allocated memory is never deallocated using free(). As a result, the memory remains allocated even after the program terminates, causing a memory leak.

Example 2: Losing References to Dynamically Allocated Memory

#include <stdlib.h>

int main() {
    int *ptr = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
    ptr = NULL; // Losing reference to the dynamically allocated memory
    return 0;

Explanation: In this example, after dynamically allocating memory for an integer, the pointer ptr is assigned NULL, losing the reference to the allocated memory. As a result, the allocated memory cannot be deallocated, leading to a memory leak.

Example 3: Conditional Memory Allocation without Proper Deallocation

#include <stdlib.h>

int main() {
    int *ptr = NULL;
    if (condition) {
        ptr = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
    // Missing free(ptr) here
    return 0;

Explanation: In this example, memory is conditionally allocated based on a certain condition. However, if the condition is not met, the allocated memory is not freed, leading to a memory leak.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to see memory leaks in C?

Memory leaks in C can be detected using memory profiling tools like Valgrind. By running the program through Valgrind, it tracks memory allocations and detects any memory that is not properly deallocated.

How can I fix a memory leak?

To fix a memory leak in C, ensure that dynamically allocated memory is properly deallocated using free() after it is no longer needed. Review the code for missing free() calls or lost references to allocated memory.

What tool is used to check memory leaks?

Memory profiling tools like Valgrind, AddressSanitizer, or Electric Fence are commonly used to check for memory leaks in C programs. These tools analyze memory allocations and detect any memory that is not properly deallocated.

How to check memory leak in web application?

For web applications written in languages like PHP or JavaScript, memory leaks can be detected using browser developer tools like Chrome DevTools or server-side tools like PHP's Xdebug extension. Monitor memory usage over time and analyze memory growth to identify potential leaks.


In this article, we have discussed memory leaks in C language and we have also discussed the causes of memory leaks. I hope you must have gained some knowledge after reading this blog. 

Happy Learning!

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