Table of contents
What is Microinstructions Format
Symbols with their Binary Code for Microinstruction Fields
Micro operation field
Condition Field
Branch Field
Address field
Symbolic Microinstructions
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a control word? 
Differentiate between micro-operation and micro-instruction.
What is the program counter? What is the status bit?
What are the two types of Microinstruction formats?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Microinstructions Format

Author Urwashi Priya
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microinstruction in computer architecture


In this blog, we will discuss the microinstructions format.

Each step in a sequence of steps in executing a certain machine instruction is considered a microinstruction, and a control word represents it.


ADD R1, X 

The above statement means that the content of a memory X is added to R1, and then this is stored at register R1. This operation is not done in a single step. The steps involved in performing this simple operation are:

  • The value at X is first stored in the memory address register. i.e., MAR=X.
  • The value of the memory address register goes to the memory’s address line, and the contents present there are stored in the memory data register.
  • Then this data register’s value is added to R1.
  • Finally, the obtained result is stored in register R1.

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So the simple instruction ADD R1, X follows multiple steps to execute itself. 

What is Microinstructions Format

The 20 bits present in microinstruction are divided into four main functional parts as follows: 

microinstructions format field
  • Three micro-operation fields each of 3 bits. (11th, 12th and 13th bit for F3, 14th, 15th and 16th bit for F2, 17th, 18th and 19th bit for F1)
  • one condition for branching field of 2 bits. (9th bit and 10th bit)
  • one branch field of 2 bits. (7th bit and 8th bit)
  • one address field of 7 bits. (from 0th bit to 6th bit)
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Symbols with their Binary Code for Microinstruction Fields

  Name Code Symbol
F1 000 None NOP
  001 AC ← AC + DR ADD
  010 AC ← 0 CLRAC
  011 AC ← AC + 1 INCAC
  100 AC ← DR DRTAC
  101 AR ← DR(0 − 10) DRTAR
  110 AR ← PC PCTAR
  111 AC ← AC + DR WRITE
F2 000 None NOP
  001 AC ← AC + DR SUB
  010 AC ← AC ∨ DR OR
  011 AC ← AC ∧ DR AND
  100 DR ← M[AR] READ
  101 DR ← AC ACTDR
  110 DR ← DR + 1 INCDR
  111 DR(0 − 10) ← PC PCTDR
F3 000 None NOP
  001 AC ← AC ⊕ DR XOR
  010 AC ← AC′ COM
  011 AC ← shl AC SHL
  100 AC ← shr AC SHR
  101 PC ← PC + 1 INCPC
  110 PC ← AR ARTPC
  111 DR(0 − 10) ← PC Reserved

Micro operation field

The 3 bits in each field are encoded to specify 7 distinct micro-operations plus one idle micro-operation (i.e: no operation). This gives a total of 21 micro-operations. We already know that if n bits are given, we can perform 2^n operations. 

A microinstruction includes 3 micro-operation, one for each field, so no more than 3 micro-operations can be selected for a microinstruction. If the micro instruction needs micro-operations less than 3, one or more of the micro-operation fields will be occupied by a binary code 000 for no operation.

micro operation field


Starting with the F1 instruction field, we know that each field supports a total of 8 operations. Out of this, one operation 000 remains idle(i.e., no operation). 001 performs the addition of contents of the accumulator and data register, and the result is stored in the accumulator. 010 performs a clear accumulator operation. 011  performs increase accumulator operation. 100 performs the operation of transferring the content of the data register to the accumulator. 101 performs the operation of transferring the content of the data register to the address register. 110 Performs the operation of transferring the content of the program counter to the address register. 111 performs the operation of transferring the content of the data register to the memory address of the address register.

Now, in the F2 instruction field, 000 performs no operation. 001 performs subtraction of contents of accumulator and data register, and the result is stored in the accumulator. 010 performs the OR operation between accumulator and data register and stores the result in the accumulator. 011  performs the AND operation between accumulator and data register and stores the result in the accumulator. 100 performs the read operation. 101  performs the operation of transferring the content of the accumulator to the data register. 110  performs increase data register operation. 111 performs the operation of transferring the content of the program counter to the data register.

In the F3 instruction field, 000 performs no operation. 001 Perform the XOR operation of accumulator and data register and store the result in the accumulator. 010 performs the complement operation of the accumulator. 011 performs left shift operation on the accumulator. 100  performs right shift operation on the accumulator. 101  performance increment program counter operation. 110  performs the operation of transferring the value of the address register to the program counter. 111 is used for reserved purposes. 

Condition Field

This microinstruction field select status bit conditions. It consists of 2 bits which are encoded to specify 4 status bit conditions.

branching field condition

Also read, microprogrammed control unit                                                                                                      

Branch Field

The BR field, which consists of two bits, specifies the type of branch used. This branch field is used in conjunction with the address field AD to choose the following microinstruction address.

branch field


The abbreviations used above implies:

JMP - jump.

CAR - control address register.

AD - address.

CALL - call a subroutine.

SBR - subroutine register.

RET - return

MAP - mapping.

DR - Data register. 

Address field

This is an address field that contains a branch address. This field is of 7 bits since control memory has 128 words. It may contain symbolic addresses, NEXT, empty.

Symbolic Microinstructions

This provides symbols for each field of the microinstruction and allows users to create their own symbolic addresses to create an assembly language for a microprogram quickly and easily. The symbolic microinstructions are divided into five fields each.

The five fields are the label field, the microoperation field, the condition field, the branch field, and the address field.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a control word? 

Control signals associated with operations are stored in a special memory unit inaccessible by the programmer as control words. Each individual bit of the control word represents the various control signal. 

Differentiate between micro-operation and micro-instruction.

Instructions present in control memory are called microinstructions, whereas the atomic operations that execute a particular microinstruction are called micro-operation.

What is the program counter? What is the status bit?

The program counter is generally used to store the address of the next instruction to be performed. Status is used to update the state of a particular instruction.

What are the two types of Microinstruction formats?

Vertical microcode and Horizontal microcode are the two different forms of microinstruction formats. In vertical microprogramming, the control bits are encoded using separate codes for each operation to be carried out. Without any encoding, horizontal microinstructions are used in horizontal microprogramming.


This article taught us about the microinstructions format. 

We hope you could easily take away all critical and conceptual techniques by walking over the given examples. 

To learn more about Micro Operations, refer to Arithmetic Micro Operations.

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