Last updated: May 12, 2022

Miscellaneous Topics in C#

Some concepts are advanced and sometimes unique that a programming language can offer us. That's how this section came into the picture. Let's read the complex features, functions, or concepts that C# offers us.
Regular Expressions in C#
This article will discuss the theory of the Regular Expressions in c# along with its implementation.
Operator Overloading In C#
Operator overloading in C# allows you to define or modify how operators like +, -, *, etc., behave for user-defined types (e.g., classes or structs).
SOLID Principles in C# EASY
This article explores the concept of SOLID principles in software development, providing examples and a way to implement them.
Garbage Collection in C# EASY
In this article, we will discuss garbage collector and garbage collection in brief with steps, generations, triggers and methods with codes.
C# Stack Class
In this article, we shall be covering the C# Stack class along with examples, features, and uses.
C# Queue Class EASY
This article incorporates the Queue Class in C# illustrated with examples.
C# Hashtable Class
In this article, we shall be discussing the C# Hashtable Class along with its introduction, examples, features, uses, and how to implement them.
C# BitArray Class
This article discusses C# BitArray Class in detail. the article also discusses Constructors, Properties, and Methods in C# BitArray Class in detail
C# SortedList Class EASY
In this blog, we will learn how to create a SortedList and use SortedList methods and SortedList properties on the collection.
HashSet in C# EASY
This article introduces you to the concept of HashSet in C# with detailed code and explanation.
Tuples in C# EASY
This blog discusses the theoretical and practical implementation of Tuples in C#.
C# Indexers
This blog discusses the theoretical and practical implementation of Indexers in C#.
Difference between IEnumerable vs IQueryable MEDIUM
IEnumerable and IQueryable are both interfaces in .NET that represent collections of objects, but they have different purposes and behaviors.
Fibonacci Series in C# EASY
This article will discuss the Fibonacci series in c# using different approaches with the help of examples.
How to Convert String to DateTime in C# EASY
Dates and times are typically represented as strings. There are numerous ways to convert a string to a datetime in C#. Using the parsing techniques offered by the DateTime struct in C#, a string can be transformed into a DateTime object.
Singleton Design Pattern in C# MEDIUM
This blog will discuss the Singleton Design Pattern in C# in detail. We will look into different ways to implement and applications of singleton design patterns.