The data in MongoDB has a flexible schema. We do not need to declare the new columns of a collection in MongoDB before entering data into the database, as we would in a traditional RDBMS(Relational Database Management System). So, when developing a schema in MongoDB, there are a few basic things to keep in mind.
- We need to create a schema that meets our needs.
- If we use two items together, we must merge them into a single object.
- Joins can be performed while the data is being written.
- Our schema has to be optimized for the most common data searches.
- We can handle the most complicated data aggregation tasks.
In MongoDB, a document is the fundamental data unit, which is relatively similar to a row in relational databases.
A document is a collection of keys with data or values associated with them. Every programming language has its own representation of these documents, although the basic structure of these documents is usually a map, hash, or dictionary. A document is an object in JavaScript, just like in the example below.
Document in the collection
{"message" : "Hello, MongoDB"}
The key "message" in the above document sample has the value "Hello, MongoDB." Most documents have a more comprehensive structure that includes several nested key-value pairs. A document's key is often made up of string data. Instead, there are always some notable exceptions in the key.
There are no null characters in the key. If a null character appears in a key, it implies the key has come to an end.
Some special characters (such as $ or .) are reserved for specific situations. These are reserved characters.
According to the RDBMS concept, a collection in MongoDB can be regarded as a Table. The collection is essentially a gathering of documents. Dynamic schemas are always present in MongoDB collections. This means that documents in a single collection might have various elements and shapes.
For example:
"_id" : ObjectId("61a8f4b791f30e5db6642602"),
"name" : "Sapna",
"phoneNumber" : "0123456789"
"_id" : ObjectId("61a8f59d91f30e5db6642603"),
"name" : "Simran",
"phoneNumber" : "123321123"
"_id" : ObjectId("61a8f5dd91f30e5db6642604"),
"name" : "Aman",
"phoneNumber" : "456654456"
Refer here to learn more about creating MongoDB databases, collections, and documents.
MongoDB Update Document
The database can be updated using one of four MongoDB Update methods. Within MongoDB, each method has a specific reason for being performed.
The following are the update methods:
- Update()
- UpdateOne()
- UpdateMany()
- ReplaceOne()
To update a document from the MongoDB collection, use any methods listed above.
update() Method
The update method is used to make changes to a document that already exists in the collection.
Depending on the criteria of an update, you can change a specific field for the entire document. The update technique is used to edit only one record by default. If you want to update many documents, use the "multi: true" option in the update method's options parameter.
Syntax for mongoDB Update:
db.collection_name.update(query, update, options)
db.collection_name.update(query, update, options) query: The query parameter is the update method's selection criterion. The name is the selection criteria if you wish to update a student's age in the collection who has a specific name.
update: You can use this argument to specify what you wish to change in an existing record. Assume the document includes three fields: name, age, and class. The student's class must then be updated by name. You'll pass $set with the field you want to edit in the update parameter. Mongo push is required to update an array.
options: As an update method, we have a variety of options to choose from. But we'll concentrate on both of them because they're necessary to know. The first option is "upset," which, if true, means that if it tries to alter a non-existing document, it will generate a new record. If the value is false, it will not attempt to update a non-existing document by inserting a new record. If the default value is false, the second option, "multi," is used to apply criteria to multiple documents within a collection. If the value is true, the changes will be applied to all documents that satisfy the query criteria entirely. |
For example:
Let us update the student’s phone number by having the name “Aman”.
db.students.update({name: "Aman"}, {$set:{phoneNumber: ”456654676”}})
The first parameter is the name of the student whose phone number is to be modified {name: "Aman"}, and the second parameter is the set keyword, which means to set(update) the next matched key value with the older key value, i.e., from 456654456 to 456654676.

The ‘Output' shows the updated collection after running the query, and we can see that the phone number has been updated from 456654456 to 456654676.
UpdateOne() Method
db.collection_name.updateOne() locates the first document that meets the filter and updates it with the provided changes.
{Selection_Criteria}, {$set:{Update_data}},
upsert: <boolean>,
writeConcern: <document>,
collation: <document>,
arrayFilters: [<filterdocument1>, ... ],
hint: <document|string>
Parameter |
Description |
upsert |
This parameter's default value is false. If true, it will create a new document in the collection if no document meets the update method's criterion. |
writeConcern |
This parameter is used when you don't want to utilize the default write concern. This parameter has the type of document. |
collation |
It describes how the collation will be used in operations. Users can set language-specific string comparison criteria, such as rules for letter case and accent marks. This parameter has the type of document. |
arrayFilters |
It's an array of filter documents that tell an array field update which array elements to change. This parameter has an array as its type. |
hint |
It's a document or field that provides the index that will be used to support the filter. It can accept an index specification document or an index name string, and it will return an error if you specify an index that does not exist. |
Field |
Description |
nMatched |
This field contains the total number of documents that have been matched. |
modifiedCount |
This field contains the total number of documents that have been modified or updated. |
upsertedId |
The upserted document's _id is stored in this field. |
acknowledged |
If write concern was enabled, the value of this field is true; otherwise, it is false. |
For example:-
Let us update the phone number of the student having the name “Sapna”.
db.students.updateOne({name: "Sapna"}, {$set:{phoneNumber: 456654456}})
The first parameter is the name of the student whose phone number is to be modified {name: "Sapna"}, and the second parameter is the set keyword, which means to set(update) the next matched key value with the older key value, i.e., from 0123456789 to 456654456.

The ‘Output' shows the updated collection after running the query and we can see that the phone number has been updated from 0123456789 to 456654456.
UpdateMany() Method
updateMany() applies modifications to all matching documents in the collection that matches the filter, using the update criteria.
upsert: <boolean>,
multi: <boolean>,
writeConcern: <document>,
collation: <document>,
arrayFilters: [ <filterdocument1>, ... ],
hint: <document|string>
Parameter |
Description |
upsert |
This parameter's default value is false. If true, it will create a new document in the collection if no document meets the update method's criterion. |
multi |
This parameter's default value is false. The update method changes all documents that meet the query criteria when it is true. Otherwise, only one document will be updated. |
writeConcern |
This parameter is used when you don't want to utilize the default write concern. This parameter has the type of document. |
collation |
It describes how the collation will be used in operations. Users can set language-specific string comparison criteria, such as rules for letter case and accent marks. This parameter has the type of document. |
arrayFilters |
It's an array of filter documents that tell an array field update which array elements to change. This parameter has an array as its type. |
hint |
It's a document or field that provides the index that will be used to support the filter. It can accept an index specification document or an index name string, and it will return an error if you specify an index that does not exist. |
Field |
Description |
matchedCount |
This field contains the total number of documents that have been matched. |
modifiedCount |
This field contains the total number of documents that have been modified or updated. |
upsertedId |
The upserted document's _id is stored in this field. |
acknowledged |
If write concern was enabled, the value of this field is true; otherwise, it is false. |
For example:-
Let us update the phone number of the student having the name “Simran”.
db.student.updateMany({name: "Simran"}, {$set:{phoneNumber: 123321124}})
Using the updateMany() method, we update the 'phone number' of a student named 'Simran' from 123321123 to 123321124.

The ‘Output' shows the updated collection after running the query, and we can see that the phone number has been updated from 123321123 to 123321124.
findOneAndReplace() Method
Based on the filter, it replaces the first single document matched in the collection.
replacement: <document>,
projection: <document>,
sort: <document>,
maxTimeMS: <number>,
upsert: <boolean>,
returnNewDocument: <boolean>,
collation: <document>
Parameter |
Description |
projection |
This parameter's type is a document. It decides which fields are returned to the documents which matched. |
sort |
If the query selects multiple documents, it determines which document the operation will modify. The first document in the sort order indicated by this argument will be replaced by findOneAndReplace(). This parameter's type is a document. |
maxTimeMS |
This parameter's type is number. It defines a millisecond time limit within which the operation must be completed. If the time limit is exceeded, an error is thrown. |
upsert |
This parameter's default value is false. If true, it will create a new document in the collection if no document meets the update method's criterion. |
returnNewDocument |
This parameter's type is boolean. This function returns the original document by default. Set value of the returnNewDocument option to true to return the replacement document. |
collation |
It describes how the collation will be used in operations. Users can set language-specific string comparison criteria, such as rules for lettercase and accent marks. This parameter has the type of document. |
This function returns the original document by default. Set value of the returnNewDocument option to true to return the replacement document.
For example:-
db.students.findOneAndReplace({phoneNumber : 123321124},{name:"Samir", phoneNumber : 123321123})

The ‘Output' shows the updated collection after running the query, and we can see that the phone number 123321123 has been updated from 123321124 to 123321123.