Table of contents
About Eclipse
What is Moreunit in eclipse?
How to install it?
How is it used in Testing
Frequently Asked Questions
What type of files are found in the ‘src’ and ‘bin’ folder, of the java project in Eclipse IDE?
From where do we install the plug-ins from?
What do you mean by JUnit Tool?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

MoreUnit in Eclipse

Author Komal
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Welcome, Ninjas! Have you ever used Eclipse IDE for writing and compiling programs? Do you know about the other features of this software? Are you curious to learn more about it? Well, here we go. 

MoreUnit in Eclipse

Let us get started!

About Eclipse

Before moving on to further topics of the blog, let’s establish basic concepts of the Eclipse software. 

Eclipse logo

Eclipse, an integrated IDE for Java Development, is an extensible plug-in system. The development environment of Eclipse consists of the Java development tools (JDT) for Java and Scala, Eclipse CDT for C/C++, and Eclipse PDT for PHP, among others. Eclipse provides a well-efficient workspace, editors, and views.

What is Moreunit in eclipse?

Before proceeding with the MoreUnit plugin, let’s start with what plugins are in Eclipse. 

The Eclipse runtime provides an efficient infrastructure that supports the activation and operation of multiple plug-ins working together to provide a seamless environment for development activities. A plug-in in Eclipse forms a component that provides a certain type of service within the context of the Eclipse workplace. It is an object that may be configured into a system at system deployment time. 

Now, what services does the MoreUnit plug-in in Eclipse provides? You can write additional unit tests by using the Eclipse plugin MoreUnit. All programming languages are supported (moving between tests and classes under tests, etc.)

MoreUnit in Eclipse specifically supports Java and helps in the following: 

  • Creating test stubs
  • Mock support
  • Decoration
  • Refactoring support

How to install it?

Let us see how to install the MoreUnit  Eclipse Software.

Step 1 - First, open the Eclipse workspace and go to the top left menu. Under the ‘Help’ drop-down, find the ‘Eclipse Marketplace’ option and click on it.


Step 2 - Now, In the search bar, type ‘MoreUnit’. Now click on the first option below, as shown.

confirm installation

Step 3 - The following window pops up. Here, confirm the selected options.



Step 4 - A license agreement box pops up as we confirm the selected options. Select ‘I accept the terms and conditions of license agreement’ and click on finish. 


Step 5 - Click on ‘Restart now’ to apply the software update.


Step 6 - After this, we can check if the software has been installed successfully. Go to the ‘Window’ option in the top bar and the ‘Show view’-> ‘Other’.

check if installed

Step 7 - The following window shows that MoreUnit was installed successfully.

searching MoreUnit

How is it used in Testing

In this section of the blog, we will discuss the use of MoreUnit in Eclipse.

First, let’s create a Java program under the src folder of our project. 

java file

The code of file:

package moreunit;
public class test {

    private String message;
     public String msg() {
        return generateMsg();
     private String generateMsg() {
        return "Hey " + message;

    public String getMsg() {
        return message;

    public void setMsg(String msg) {
       this.message = msg;

You can also try this code with Online Java Compiler
Run Code

Then, right-click on the file, go to the MoreUnit option, and select‘ Jump to Test/Member under Test’.

creating test class

After selecting the above option, the following window pops up.

creating test class

Select the Junit framework, change the name accordingly, select the method stubs you want to create and select ‘Finish’

As soon as we click on ‘Finish’, we can observe the ‘’ test file under our package.

src folder view


(Note that there’s a green rectangular mark on the Java source file icon. It’s a MoreUnit feature to show that the class has a test class.)

test class view

The test classes should be placed in a different source folder because they don’t need to be packaged and released to the user. For this, we can create a folder named ‘test’ and keep all our test classes in it.

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of files are found in the ‘src’ and ‘bin’ folder, of the java project in Eclipse IDE?

‘.java’ files are likely to be found in the ‘src’ folder and their corresponding ‘.class’ files are there in the ‘bin’ folder.

From where do we install the plug-ins from?

We install the plug-ins from the Eclipse Marketplace in the top menu.

What do you mean by JUnit Tool?

It is one of the unit testing frameworks for Java programming language. It is used in  test-driven development and belongs to the family of xUnit.


We hope this blog was easy to understand. Firstly, We discussed the basic concepts of the Eclipse software and its features, followed by the MoreUnit plug-in, its installation, and implementation.

If you found this blog insightful, refer to similar blogs:

TestNG in Eclipse

JUnit Introduction

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