We will be studying various significant functions for sklearn/scikit-learn.
Scikit-learn is a prevalent Python library, especially in Machine Learning. It is instrumental in implementing various Machine Learning models for classification, regression, and clustering. It also provides multiple statistical tools for model analysis.
Scikit-learn Functions
Sklearn built upon various libraries such as NumPy, SciPy, and Matplotlib.
Sklearn provides functionality for datasets, preprocessing, models and results. We will be going through all the functions, one by one.
→ One of the significant functionality of sklearn is the availability of inbuilt datasets.
→ Sklearn provides access to various inbuilt datasets such as the Iris Plants Dataset, Boston House Prices Dataset, Diabetes Dataset, Breast Cancer Dataset, and the MNIST Dataset.
#loading Iris Dataset using sklearn import pandas as pd import sklearn from sklearn import datasets iris = datasets.load_iris() df = pd.DataFrame(iris.data, columns=iris.feature_names) df
→ In the above code, we have imported the iris dataset and printed the dataframe of the same.
→ Similarly, we can import other datasets and visualize them using sklearn.
→ In the above output, we notice that initially, the labels were categorical.
→ After performing label encoding using sklearn, we converted the features to numerical ones.
→ One limitation of label encoding is that it assigns a unique integer to each label. This might cause priority issues or bias in our model. For example, Labels with high values may be considered to be of higher priority than labels with low values.
→ ‘One hot encoding’ helps overcome this issue by converting a separate column for each unique label. For example, consider a dataset with the target variable as ‘Hair Colour.’ There are two unique labels, ‘black’ and ‘brown.’ If we predict ‘black,’ we will have ‘1’ in the ‘black’ column and ‘0’ in the ‘brown’ column and vice-versa.
→ In the above output, we notice a separate column for each unique label. These columns are filled with values ‘0’ or ‘1’, indicating the output at each input.
(iv) Binarization
→ Binarization refers to thresholding numerical features to get boolean values.
→ This technique is very common in the field of text processing.
→ We can use the ‘Binarizer’ function for this technique. This function is part of the ‘Preprocessing’ module.
binarizer = preprocessing.Binarizer(threshold=1) # fit does nothing binarizer.transform(X)
→ In the above code, we notice that using Binarizer, we set the threshold as 1. This implies that all those values >1 would be assigned a ‘1’ whereas those <=1 would be given a ‘0’.
→ Hence, we have been able to binarize the given array.
(v) Splitting
→ We can use sklearn for splitting data into training data and testing data.
#train-test split from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
df= pd.read_csv('iris.csv') print(df.shape)
X= data [ : , 0:5] Y= data [:, -1]
print(X.shape) print(Y.shape)
#split train_x, test_x, train_y, test_y = train_test_split(X, Y, test_size=50, random_state=4)
#printing shapes to check split print(train_x.shape) print(train_y.shape) print(test_x.shape) print(test_y.shape)
→ In the above code, we have specified the test size as 50. As a result, we get the following shapes/dimensions:-
Train_x : (100,5)
Train_y : (100, )
Test_x : (50, 5)
Test_y : (50, )
→ We can implement various models such as Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes, Decision Trees, Random Forests, Support Vector Machines, KMeans, and more using none other than sklearn.
(i) Linear Regression
#Linear Regression
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
regression_model = LinearRegression()
regression_model.fit(train_x, train_y)
y_predicted = regression_model.predict(test_x)
→ In the above code, we have created the Linear Regression model object. ‘LinearRegression()’ creates an object of Linear Regression. Then, we fit this model on the training set and then get the predictions on the test set.
(ii) KMeans
→ We will test the KMeans model on the Iris Dataset and get the predictions.
→ In the above code, we have applied KMeans on the Iris Dataset and generated the predictions for the same.
→ Similarly, we can use sklearn for implementing other models.
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn import svm from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN
→ As part of sklearn, various evaluation metrics are available for testing our models.
(i) Confusion Matrix
→ A confusion matrix is a table describing the performance of classification models. It consists of the following four terms:-
True Positive(TF): the model predicted positive, and it is actually positive.
True Negative(TN): the model predicted negative, and it is actually negative.
False Positive(FP): the model predicted positive, but it is actually negative.
False Negative(FN): the model predicted negative, but it is actually positive.
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix confusion_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred)
(ii) Classification Report
→ It helps to analyze the predictions of classification algorithms.
→ It consists of various parameters:-
Accuracy: number of correct predictions
Precision: number of correct positive predictions.
Recall: number of correct predictions out of total positives.
F1 Score: checks balance between precision and recall.
2/(Precision + Recall)
#classification report for training set print(classification_report(train_y, train_labels))
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. Which Python libraries are essential for Machine Learning apart from sklearn?
Some of the other vital libraries are:-
Q2. What is the difference between sklearn and scikit-learn?
Sklearn and Scikit-learn are two different names for the same library. sklearn is a dummy project on PyPi that will, in turn, install Scikit-learn.
Q3. What is the limitation of sklearn?
The limitation of sklearn is that it is not optimized for graph algorithms. It is not very suitable for string processing too.
Key Takeaways
Congratulations on making it this far. This blog discussed significant Scikit-learn functions for Machine Learning!!
We learned about various sklearn functions for inbuilt datasets, data preprocessing, ML models, and various evaluation metrics.
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