Last updated: Mar 28, 2022


In MySQL, we will be introducing what it is and how to install it. As in DBMS, MYSQL is one of the most popular platforms to implement SQL databases, we will be explaining its features and other such things in detail and with examples. In this, we will explain different data types such as integer, varchar, strings, etc, and their notations in MYSQL. There are other data types such as date and time, numeric. One by one we will look into all of the different data types and how we can represent them in MYSQL. Then we will take up variables and with the help of examples depict how in MYSQL we can write them. Later, how to connect databases in MySQL? We will show to create, drop and account manipulation such as changing the password, lock user account and unlock a user account, providing the grants, revoking and manging the roles. We will also learn how to backup and restore MySQL.
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Some of the best books in the market that can help you have a firm grip on writing SQL queries and detailed knowledge of SQL books are listed in this...
Difference Between Mariadb and Mysql
MariaDB and MySQL are Relational Database Management Systems. MariaDB and MySQL are like the pudding and the sugar as said in the title. MySQL is supp...
MySQL Introduction
In this post, we will learn what MySQL is and why it is utilized. Benefits and features such as data security, high availability, and cloud service will be discussed.
MySQL Installation
We will learn how to install and configure MySQL in this tutorial. MySQL may be installed in a variety of methods. We'll use the MySQL installer to install MySQL in the easiest way possible.
Create Schema MySQL EASY
In this blog, we will learn about Create Schema MySQL. We will learn how to use schema in MySQL.
Author Rashmi
MySQL Features
This article discusses the main MySQL features that are needed to know to every MySQL user.
Author Alisha
MySQL Data Types
 In this article, we are going to learn about the data types involved in the MySQL database, and also we are going to learn about their properties.
In this blog, we will learn about MySQL error 1819. We will further in the blog learn about the password policies in mysql.
mul mean in mysql EASY
In this blog, we will learn about mul mean in mysql. We will also create table and write queries for better understanding.
Mysql Create Database EASY
In this blog, we will learn about Mysql Create Database. We will how to create a database in MySQL command line and MySQL workbench.
MySQL TRIM() Function EASY
In this blog, we will learn about MySQL TRIM() Function. We will explore how to use syntax and apply the trim() function in our table.
In this blog we will learn about MySQL STR_TO_DATE() Function. We will also create table and write queries for better understanding.
This article will discuss MySQL UNIX_TIMESTAMP() Function with examples and detailed explanations.
This article will discuss MySQL UNIX_TIMESTAMP() Function with examples and detailed explanations.
Correlated Subquery MEDIUM
A correlated subquery is a subquery that uses values from the outer query to complete its execution.
This article covers the concept of MySQL CONCAT() function along with its implementation.
Collation In MySQL EASY
In this article, we will learn about collations in MySQL and how to set it at different levels.
Alter Command in Mysql EASY
In this blog, we will learn about Alter Command in Mysql. We will understand its core concepts, its usage, and much more for better understanding.
MySQL Variables
In this blog, we are going to learn about the three types of MySQL variables. Also, we would be learning about their properties and uses with examples.
This article will provide a comprehensive guide to Rollup MySQL and explain its syntax, usage scenarios, performance considerations and limitations.
Primary Key in MySQL EASY
In this blog, we will learn about Primary Key in MySQL. We will also create a table using primary key in mysql.
This article will discuss the FLUSH PRIVILEGES Statement in MySQL in detail.
In this blog, we will learn about MINUTE(), MICROSECOND(), and HOUR() functions in MySQL. We will also understand its syntax with the help of some examples.
How to Change Time Zone on MySQL Server? EASY
In this article, we will check out different ways to change the time zone on MySQL Server along with some faqs
What is View in SQL EASY
In this blog, we will discuss what is View in SQL, including its usage, creating and updating them with its advantages.
Update Query in MySQL EASY
This article will discuss update query in MySQL with the help of examples.
MySQL Connection
 In this blog, we are going to learn various methods using which a user can establish a connection with the database server.
SQL Month() Function EASY
In this blog, we will learn about sql month() function. We will also explore and learn about this function through tables and query.
Second Highest Salary in SQL MEDIUM
In this blog, we will learn about Second Highest Salary in SQL. We will understand its core concepts, its usage, and much more for better understanding.
This article discusses MySQL cursor, its usage, and steps to use MySQL cursor, along with examples.
MySQL Backup And Restore
You'll learn to use the MySQL tool to restore a SQL dump file and back up one or more databases in a MySQL Server using the mysqldump command.
MySQL: Case Statement EASY
In this article, we will learn about the MySQL case statement. We will discuss the topics like loops in MySQL, why we need a Case when we have a where clause, Where we can use a case statement, and how to use a case statement.
MySQL vs Oracle EASY
This blog will discuss MySQL vs. Oracle with a detailed explanation of both MySQL and Oracle along with their differences and some frequently asked questions.
MySQL vs. SQLite
This article will learn about MySQL and SQLite and compare the differences between MySQL and SQLite, also showing different features of each.
Author Arya27


User explains basic functions that the user performs or seeks on MySQL. These functions are explained under user. The functions such as Create, drop, and show. These three functions are used to create, drop and show the tables, and databases. Other such functions such as account manipulation which involved how to change the password and unlocking the account. It also includes how to provide certain privileges to the user which includes grants, revoke, and how to manage the roles. These features are explained in-depth with examples.
MySQL Create User
This article comprises MySQL Create User operation followed by the various privileges regarding the same.
MySQL Drop User
In this article, we will learn about the MySQL DROP USER command that is used to remove one or more user accounts and their privileges from the database server.
MySQL Show Users
In this article, we will learn how to show users in the MySQL database server. We will also discuss how to show current and currently logged users.
MySQL Account Manipulation
In this blog, we will discuss various ways of manipulating a user account in MySQL.
MySQL Grant Privilege
In this article, we’ll be learning about how to grant privileges in MySQL.
MySQL Revoke Privilege
This blog incorporates how to revoke privileges in MySQL in detail.
MySQL Manage Roles 1
This article will discuss the MySQL SHOW GRANTS command And all about Managing roles. Some of the FAQs will follow it.


With the name, it covers all the topics that are miscellaneous yet important to cover and are part of Mysql. Such topics are how to add comments in MySQL. Not everywhere we can use Hash and c-comments. Other such topics are check constraint, storage engine and how to export and import the database or import the CSV file into the database or export a table to CSV, Universal Unique Identifier (UUID), lead and lag functions, and Common Table Expression (CTE)
MySQL Comments
In this article, we will discuss comments in MySQL. We will also see their types, benefits, and how you can put comments with your SQL statements in MySQL.
SQL - CHECK Constraint
This blog introduces the CHECK constraint in SQL with various examples to understand how to use CHECK constraint with columns or on ALTER TABLE.
MySQL Storage Engine
This blog will understand various storage engines or table types MySQL uses. Read the blog to learn more.
MySQL Export and Import Database
The article discusses the import and export of databases in MySQL and the ways to do that by command-line tool and MySQL workbench.
MySQL Import CSV file in the database
In this session, we are going to learn how we can import a CSV file into a MySQL database using the command live client and MySQL workbench.
MySQL Export Table to CSV
In this blog, you will find various detailed approaches to export a MySql table to a CSV file.
MySQL LEAD and LAG Function
This blog incorporates MySQL LEAD and LAG functions along with their syntaxes and examples.
In this session, we are going to learn about MySql CTE, recursive CTE, and we will talk about how to use MySql CTE in multiple tables with examples.
The MySQL group_concat function is an aggregate function. Aggregate functions are functions that are performed on a group of values - and return a single value.
ON DELETE CASCADE in MySql is a crucial referential action used in database management to maintain data integrity.
Author Tisha
In this article, we will learn about the RLIKE operator in MySQL. We’ll also cover the difference between LIKE and RLIKE and examples.
Author Shiva
This article gives a detailed overview of the SQL Clauses, followed by their types along with examples.
Author Komal
Constraints in SQL Server MEDIUM
This blog will discuss constraints in SQL servers. We will discuss NOT NULL, UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY, DEFAULT, and CHECK constraints.