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MySQL Features
Uses Of MySQL 
Key Takeaways 
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

MySQL Features


In this technologically advanced era, we deal with databases almost everywhere. For example, your local electricity provider uses a database to manage related services like billing, customer complaints, new connection establishment, connection withdrawal, and so on.

We have a plethora of real-life examples that demonstrate how we are surrounded by the database almost all of the time.

Without any doubt, one can say that MySQL is an amazing database tool to work with. For all new webmasters, terminology like features of MySQL can be a little intimidating.

However, the objective of this article is to provide you with a detailed explanation of all the potential features of MySQL. You'll also be able to see the big picture, which will aid you in determining the importance of these terms for your learning. 

MySQL Features

MySQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS). According to many ardent MySQL supporters, MySQL is faster, more reliable, and less expensive than any other Database system — or, to put it another way, better (including commercial systems such as Oracle and DB2). 

The fact is that the number of MySQL users is growing all the time, and the vast majority of them are very happy with it. As a result, we can say that MySQL is sufficient for these users.

The following is a list of MySQL's most significant features. This section is intended for readers who are already familiar with relational databases:

Below are some key features of MySQL which discusses how MySQL has evolved to do more than just fast data queries. 

  • It was written in C and C++ and compiled for use on a variety of platforms.
  • To create a multi-layer server design, it uses a modular design approach.
  • It supports multi-threading, making it simple to scale up to multiple CPUs if they are available.
  • A thread-based memory allocation system is used.
  • To improve performance, it uses hash tables in memory.
  • Client/server and embedded server environments are supported.
  • Multiple data storage engines are supported.
  • It uses a class library to implement all SQL functions.
  • It supports all of the standard SQL data types.
  • It has a security system that allows for both user-based and host-based authentication.
  • Large databases with more than 5 billion rows of data are supported.
  • It offers application programming interfaces (APIs) for a variety of popular programming languages including PHP. 

Some other features are: 


MySQL is open-source software, which means that anyone can download, use, and modify it. It is simple to use and understand. MySQL's source code can be examined and modified to meet specific needs. It is licensed under the GNU General Public Licence, which establishes guidelines for what can and cannot be done with the application.

Platform Independent 

Microsoft Windows, Apple Macintosh OS X, Ubuntu, and a variety of Unix platforms, including AIX, BSDI, FreeBSD, HP-UX, OpenBSD, Net BSD, SGI Iris, and Sun Solaris, are all supported by MySQL Server.

Highly Secured

MySQL is widely regarded as the safest and most reliable database management system available. Its data security features ensure that sensitive information is kept safe from intruders.

Client/Server Architecture 

The client/server architecture involves the primary database MySQL Server and multiple clients – application programs. MySQL Server creates the database and establishes the relationship of each table. The clients then communicate with the server to request and manipulate the data with the specific SQL statements. The tasks include querying the data, saving and adding changes, etc. The server application provides the requested information on the clients’ side.

Both the server and the clients can be on the same computer or on separate computers. They communicate through the network in the latter case (local or the Internet). For all large database systems, the client/server architecture is standard.

ODBC Support

The MySQL Connector/ODBC is the name for the family of MySQL ODBC drivers (previously called MyODBC drivers) which provide access to a MySQL database using the industry standard Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) API. This reference covers Connector/ODBC 8.0, which incorporates the functionality of the Unicode driver and the ANSI driver.

You can use the ODBC interface Connector/ODBC to connect to MySQL from programming languages like Delphi, Visual Basic, and other standard Windows languages.

Foreign Key Constraints 

Foreign key constraints are fully supported for InnoDB tables in MySQL databases. You can rest assured that all table cross-references are correct and valid.

Data Dictionary

MySQL has a large number of objects and a large amount of data about them. As a result, it created a dedicated data dictionary that stores all of the information about those MySQL database objects. It's a more reliable, centralised, and optimised format than the previous file-based metadata storage system. It's also a lot easier to get to and work from.


The contents of a MySQL database can be copied to other computers. This way, you can protect your data from system failures by replacing a database with a replica when necessary. This option also improves database query performance.


The term "transaction" refers to the execution of multiple operations in a single block. A critical feature is that either all operations in the transaction are correctly executed or none of them can be performed. As a result, transactions allow programmers to interrupt or revoke commands that have already been executed – and this is just one example. This feature, in general, makes all processes easier. Transactions are also supported by MySQL, though not for the MyISAM table format. You can, however, use other formats in MySQL to ensure this useful feature.

Uses Of MySQL 

First and foremost, it is an Oracle-backed open-source and freely available database system. 

  • It's simple to use, with both a graphical user interface (MySQL Workbench) and a command-line interface (mysqladmin) available to the user. 
  • MySQL can be distributed over the internet, allowing users to access and modify data from any location at any time. 
  • MySQL's connections are secured using encryption technology. MySQL databases are used by popular websites such as Youtube, Twitter, Netflix, Pinterest, Amazon, Shopify, Udemy, and Airbnb.

If you're looking for a database, MySQL is a good option. You have no risk and no investment in trying MySQL. If you get stuck, the community can assist you. It takes less time to install and configure than other database systems.

The discussion is not over yet, let’s look at some frequently asked questions that can help you: 

Source: Tenor


  1. Is MySQL a database or a server?
    MySQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS). A database is a collection of data that is organised. A database management system, such as MySQL Server, is required to add, access, and process data stored in a computer database.
  2. Which server is the most suitable for MySQL?
    Bluehost, Hostinger, SiteGround, A2 Hosting and so forth are the examples of servers that are ranked high as well as the rating is quite good. Thus, one can consider these servers for MySQL. 
  3. Who is the father of MySQL?
    Michael Widenius (Monty) is the father of MySQL. The “MY” in front of MySQL is the name of his daughter and SQL is the compatible language that is used in MySQL. 
  4. Are SQL and MySQL the same?
    MySQL and SQL are not synonymous. SQL stands for Structured Query Language in MySQL. It's the common language for interacting with databases. MySQL is a relational database management system that allows you to manipulate data stored in various computer tables.
  5. What is the most recent MySQL version?
    The most recent GA release is MySQL 8.0.

Key Takeaways 

To wrap up the above discussion, we've discussed the top features of the MySQL database management system, as well as its uses. 

I would recommend MySQL as a starting point for your database journey because it is open source and freely available. MySQL is adaptable enough to work in dynamic settings like web applications. MySQL is also useful for software delivery, embedded applications, content indexing, data warehouses, highly available redundant systems, online transaction processing (OLTP), and much more.

Recommended Readings:

Don't stop here, Ninja; check out the Top 100 SQL Problems to get hands-on experience with frequently asked interview questions and land your dream job.

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