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Naas - Network as a Service
How does Naas work?
Advantages of Naas
Key Takeaways
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Naas in Cloud Computing

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Every application we use stores our data and shows our progress always. The online banking and transaction applications store our transaction details and display them. Did you ever wonder how the application shows details even from the past years? Where do they store the details? Yes, you guessed correctly. They store all the details in a “cloud”.  
Cloud Computing is a technology that uses remote servers to store, access, and manage data online. The data can be audio, video, files, images, text, etc. Cloud computing is highly reliable as we can access the data on the cloud from anywhere and any device. The cloud offers us services based on our requirements and our purpose. In this article, let’s learn about a service provided by cloud Naas - Network as a Service.

Naas - Network as a Service

Naas is a service offered by the cloud to allow the users to avail networking services from the cloud providers and operate their own networks without maintaining any infrastructure. Naas allows us to deploy custom routing protocols. It uses virtualized network infrastructure to provide services to the customer, and the service providers take up the responsibility of maintaining and managing the network resources. It offers the network as a utility to the customers on a pay-per-use basis. This service needs only an internet connection as it does not need any infrastructure or hardware to operate from the user’s side.

How does Naas work?

The user needs to log in to the web portal provided by the cloud to use the services. The user can then customize the routing protocols according to requirements from the online API. The users will be charged for the capacity and APIs they use. The capacity or protocols can be customized and changed anytime. The mobile Naas offers efficient and flexible control over mobile devices. It uses virtualization to simplify the architecture to create efficient processes.

Advantages of Naas

The Naas - Network as a service provides us with the advantage like

  • Flexibility - offers great flexibility and customization to users.
  • Security - It uses firewalls as security services to provide better security to users.
  • No maintenance - The user can use the services with the internet, and the cloud provider handles upgrades, networks and manages software.
  • Network Accessibility - Users can access the services anywhere and on any device.
  • Isolation of customer traffic - The customer traffic on the networks is isolated logically for a better user experience.
  • Affordable - The services are affordable for everyone, and it provides subscriptions and licenses according to requirements and costs.


The Naas provides us with many advantages, but at the same time, it also has disadvantages. Let's see what those disadvantages are.

  • Compatibility - The network's infrastructure might not be compatible with the legacy systems.
  • Data centers - Most organizations still store the data on data centers, which might be complex to switch to the cloud.


  1. What is cloud computing?
    Cloud computing is a storage technology that uses remote servers to store, access, and manage data online. The data can be audio, video, files, images, text, etc. Cloud computing is highly reliable as we can access the data on the cloud from anywhere and on any device.
  2. What is Naas?
    Naas is a service offered by the cloud to allow the users to avail networking services from the cloud providers and operate their own networks without maintaining any infrastructure.
  3. Is AWS a NaaS?
    The entire architecture of the AWS(Amazon Web Services) is provided by the VPC(Virtual private cloud) - a Naas(Network as a service). VPC is an isolated building where the organization can set up labs, architecture, infrastructure, etc.
  4. What are the pros of Naas?
    Naas provides us with some benefits like scalability, flexibility, security, less cost, can be accessed from anywhere and any device, no maintenance, etc.
  5. What is included in NaaS?
    Naas includes VPN(Virtual Private Network), custom routing protocols, firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention, Wide Area Network (WAN), content monitoring and filtering, antivirus, etc.

Key Takeaways

We have discussed the concept of cloud computing and Naas - Network as a Service in cloud computing.

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