Table of contents
Applications of Computer Networking
Network Address
Classful Network Addressing
Host ID
Network ID
Class A
Class B   
Class C
Class D
Class E
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the ‘And’ operator?
List all the problems associated with classful network addressing.
How can we fix the problems associated with Classful network addressing?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Network Addressing

Author Harsh Goyal
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Computer Networks


This blog will discuss network addressing and all the types of addressing methods. Before jumping on the addressing of computer networks, let’s first understand what Computer networking is and what are the applications of computer networking:

Computer networking is a word derived from a Computer network. The computer network is a combination of shared resources established by the network of devices/nodes. The devices use communication protocols above digital interconnections to interact with each other. These interconnections are built up of telecommunication network technologies. 

(Also see, Network Types)

Applications of Computer Networking

The computer networking applications are as follows:

  • Resource Sharing
  • Server-Client Model
  • Communication Medium
  • eCommerce
  • Access to remote information
  • Person-to-Person communication
  • Interactive entertainment
  • Electronic commerce


Source: lifewire

Network Address

  • In the telecommunication network, we need to uniquely identify a host or a machine. So, a logical or physical address to do the same is known as a network address.
  • Internet Protocol (IP) address, Media Access Control (MAC) address are a few examples of network addresses.
  • The Network address can be of any time, either numerical, symbolic, or both in a few cases.


  • IPv4 stands for Internet Protocol version 4.
  • It is a 32-bit address that is used to uniquely identify a connection of the device to the internet.
  • The address ground of IPv4 is 2^32. 
  • There are two types of notation to present the address.
    • Dotted Decimal Notation (represented as
    • Binary Notation (represented as 10000000 00001011 00010101)

Classful Network Addressing

  • In Classful Network Addressing, the address ground is divided mainly into five classes: A, B, C, D, E.
  • In this type of network addressing, the first byte of all the classes deals with different ranges. For example,
    • The First byte in Class A will be from 0 - 127,
    • The First byte in Class B will be from 128 - 191,
    • The First byte in Class C will be from 192 - 223,
    • The First byte in Class D will be from 224 - 239,
    • The First byte in Class E will be from 240 - 255.
  • In these five classes, Classes A, B, C are for unicast, and Classes D and E are booked for multicasting and experimental purposes only. 
  • The class of the IP address is determined by order of bits in the first octet.
  • Each unique IP address is separated into two parts:
    • Host ID 
    • Network ID 

Host ID

  • The host ID is a kind of frame of an IP address that is used to uniquely identify the host on a particular IP/TCP network.
  • We can calculate the host id by getting the ‘AND’ between the IP address in binary form and the respective default Subnet mask in binary form only.

Network ID

  • It is a part of the IP address that is used to denote the network for a specified host.
  • Network ID length varies according to the classes. For example, The length of network ID is 8, 16, 24, 32, 32 for Classes A, B, C, D, E, respectively.

Now let’s discuss some parameters of each class one by one,

Class A

  • The length of the Network ID is 8 bits.
  • The length of the Host ID is 24 bits (32 - 8 bits).
  • The default subnet mask of class A is
  • Class A network addressing is used for huge networks.

Class B   

  • The length of the Network ID is 16 bits.
  • The length of the Host ID is 16 bits.
  • The default subnet mask of class B is
  • Class B network addressing is used for intermediate to huge networks.

Class C

  • The length of the Network ID is 24 bits.
  • The length of the Host ID is 8 bits.
  • The default subnet mask of class C is
  • Class C network addressing is used for smaller networks.

Class D

  • The length of the Network ID is 32 bits.
  • The subnet mask of Class D is not defined yet.
  • Class D network addressing is used for multicasting.

Class E

  • The length of the network ID is 32 bits.
  • The subnet mask of Class E is not defined yet.
  • Class E network addressing is reserved for future experimental purposes.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the ‘And’ operator?

‘And’ is a logical operator, which gives the positive output if both the input values are greater than one and gives the negative output if both the input values or any one of the input values is zero.



A & B













List all the problems associated with classful network addressing.

A lot of addresses of classes A and B are wasted because it uses the ranges between 0 - 127 and 128 - 191, whereas, in Class C, the range is very small. Therefore, it will not serve all the needs of the organizations.

How can we fix the problems associated with Classful network addressing?

We can fix the problems associated with classful network addressing by using the methods listed below: 

  • Subnetting, 
  • Network Address Translation, 
  • MPLS, 
  • ATM


In this article, we discussed network addressing and all the classes of network addressing.

Recommended Readings:

To study more about computer networks, refer to disadvantages of computer network.

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