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Welcome, Ninjas! This blog will follow a series of topics like next() and nextLine() in Java, but before that, we will discuss the basics of Java language to familiarize you with its concepts.
NextLine() in Java is a method from the Scanner class and is used to take string inputs from the user. So, to use this method nextLine() in Java, firstly, we create an object of the Scanner class. This method takes the input until a new line is encountered, i.e., enter is not entered.
Syntax of nextLine() in Java
For declaring, use the following syntax to read the input of the String type:
public String nextLine()
To implement, first import the necessary Scanner class as follows:
import java.util.Scanner
Then, you have to first create a scanner class object like the one below:
Scanner s = new Scanner(
It is created to read from the standard input(
Then, you have to call the nextLine() method to take the following line of the input by the user.
String inp = s.nextLine()
This is the whole syntax for implementing the nextLine() method in Java.
Parameter of nextLine() in Java
The nextLine() method in Java does not accept any parameter.
Return Values of nextLine() in Java
The nextLine() method in Java's Scanner class reads and returns the entire current input line, including any newline characters or spaces.
Example of nextLine() in Java
Example 1
import java.util.Scanner; public class ninjas{ public static void main(String args[]){ //creating object of Scanner class Scanner sc=new Scanner(; //Taking input by nextLine() System.out.print("Enter the string you want to print: "); String ninja=sc.nextLine(); //printing output System.out.println(ninja); } }
You can also try this code with Online Java Compiler
In this section of the blog, we will see the difference between the two methods, next() and nextLine(), in Java.
next() in Java
nextLine() in Java
next() in Java is a method of Scanner class.
nextLine() in Java is also a method of Scanner class.
next() in Java takes input until space is encountered
nextLine() in Java takes input until enter is entered.
The cursor is placed in the same line after taking input.
The cursor is placed in the next line after taking input.
The syntax is, where sc is the object of the scanner class.
The syntax is sc.nextLine(), where sc is the object of Scanner class.
Frequently asked questions
What is the function of nextLine() method in scanner class?
The nextLine() method in Java's Scanner class reads a line of text from the input until a newline character or the end of the input, returning it as a string.
Give an example of the exception the function nextLine() in Java can throw.
One of the exceptions is NoSuchElementException which is thrown when no line is found in the input.
Give examples of more methods of Scanner class other than next() and nextLine() in Java.
Some examples of methods of the Scanner class are - nextInt() which is used to read input value from the user, and close(), which is used to close the Scanner object.
What will be the output if next() and nextLine() in Java are used, and the input is "Hello Ninjas"?
The output will be "Hello" if next() is used, and it will be “Hello Ninjas” if nexLine() in Java is used.
nextLine() method, part of the Scanner class, offers a straightforward way to read entire lines of input. With its simple syntax and practical applications, mastering nextLine() enhances your Java programming skills.
We hope this blog was easy to understand. Firstly, We discussed the basic concepts of java language and its features, followed by the use of next() and nextLine() in Java and their implementation. This blog contains the example of next () in Java and nextLine() in Java.
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