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Last updated: Aug 7, 2022

Ninja Level

Welcome to the Ninja Level section of this category, so far you must have solved hundreds of questions as a competitive programmer if you've solved the previous sections thoroughly. Now you'll be challenged with Ninja Level problems and topics that help you become a Ninja Programmer. Problems and Topics in this section are the most important ones and are often asked in job interviews and hackathons, and solving them will help you crack your dream jobs easily.
This blog will explore the 0-1 BFS Algorithm: Approach, Example, and C++ Code Implementation.
Author Spider
01 Matrix
In this blog, we will discuss one of the famous and important questions from the interview perspective, i.e., 01 Matrix.
Topological sort without Kahn’s algorithm EASY
This article will discuss an alternative approach to Khan’s algorithm for topological sorting.
Stepping Numbers
This article discusses finding stepping numbers in a given range using Brute Force and DFS.
Beautiful Arrangement MEDIUM
This article will discuss the Beautiful Arrangements problem and various ways to solve this problem, starting from the brute force approach to the efficient approach.
Understanding Stock Span MEDIUM
In this blog, we will discuss about Understanding Stock Span problem.
Shortest path in a directed acyclic graph EASY
Find the shortest path from any node to any other node in a directed acyclic graph by approaching the problem using a brute force approach. Read on!
Shortest Path in an Unweighted Graph HARD
Let's discover the shortest path in an undirected graph. Learn efficient algorithms for finding optimal routes in unweighted graphs.
Minimum possible modifications in the matrix to reach the destination
In this article, we are going to learn how to convert a matrix problem into a graph problem and solve it using graph algorithms.
Articulation Points in a Graph HARD
A vertex is called an articulation point or a cut vertex if removing it disconnects the graph. In this article, we will write an algorithm to find all articulation points in a given graph.
Find First Undeleted Integer From K to N in Given Unconnected Graph After Performing Q Queries. HARD
In this article, we will discuss how to find the first undeleted integer from K to N in the given unconnected graph for Q queries of two types - delete K and find the first undeleted integer from K to N. We will also focus on the time and space complexity of our approach.
Length of Longest Increasing Sequence in a Graph HARD
In this blog, we'll be solving a fascinating problem on a graph, i.e., the length of the longest increasing sequence in a graph
Alien Dictionary
This blog will discuss how we can solve the problem ‘Alien Dictionary’
Check if there is a path of more than k length from a source MEDIUM
In this article, we will check if there is a path of more than k length from a source.
Minimum steps to reach target MEDIUM
In this blog, we will see how to solve the problem of Minimum steps to reach target.
Rotting Oranges Problem EASY
In this blog post, we’ll learn the rotting oranges problem and how to code it in C++ with brute force and a time-efficient approach.
Check if the end of the Array can be Reached from a Given Position MEDIUM
This blog will discuss the problem of checking if the end of the array can be reached from a given position.
Minimize Steps Required to Convert Number N to M.
This blog will cover the problem of finding the minimum steps required to convert the number N to M using arithmetic operators and discuss its Time and Space complexity.
Check if it is possible to reach the index with value K when the start index is given MEDIUM
This article discusses checking if it can reach value k with the start index in a given array.
Check If Cells Numbered 1 to K In A Grid Can Be Connected After The Removal Of At most One Blocked Cell EASY
This blog discusses the breadth-first search solution to the above problem and its applications.
Kahn's Algorithm for Topological Sorting
Kahn's algorithm is a topological sorting algorithm that sorts a directed acyclic graph (DAG) in linear time. This article explains the algorithm in detail, with examples and a pseudocode implementation.
Optimal read list for given number of days MEDIUM
In this article, we will check if there is a path of more than k length from a source.
All Possible Walks from a Source to a Destination with exactly k Edges MEDIUM
In this blog, we will learn to find all possible walks from a source to a destination with exactly k edges.
Author akscrv
Channel Assignment Problem MEDIUM
In this blog, we will learn about the Channel Assignment Problem, with examples and a coding problem.
Author akscrv
Travelling Salesman Problem | Part 2 MEDIUM
In this article, we'll be seeing the dynamic programming approach to solving one of the classic optimisation problems, i.e. Travelling Salesman Problem.
The Stable Marriage Problem MEDIUM
In this article, we will learn about a famous problem, the stable marriage problem.
Jumping Numbers Smaller Than or Equal to a Given Value MEDIUM
In this article, we will study jumping numbers and print all jumping numbers in different languages.
STL-based BFS for competitive coding MEDIUM
This blog will explain how to implement BFS using STL
Shortest distance between two nodes in a Graph by reducing the weight of an edge by half
In this article, we will discuss the problem to find the shortest distance between two nodes in a Graph by reducing the weight of an edge by half
Shortest path in a Matrix from top-left to bottom right-corner with neighbours exceeding at most K
In this blog, we are going to solve a very interesting problem: Shortest path in a Matrix from top-left to bottom right-corner with neighbours exceeding at most K. We will also see the code implementation and discuss the space and time complexity.
Minimum edges connected to node B to be removed from undirected graph to remove any existing path between nodes A and B.
In this article, we will discuss the problem to find the minimum edges connected to node B to be removed from undirected graph to remove any existing path between nodes A and B.
Minimum Vertex Cover Size of a Graph Using Binary Search MEDIUM
In this article, we will learn how to find the minimum cover size of a graph using a binary search.
Find the minimum number of edges to be removed such that no path exists between the given pair of vertices
In this article, we will learn how to determine the minimum number of edges that need to be removed from the given graph such that no path exists between the given pair of vertices.
Count the number of nodes in a Graph whose sum of neighbors is at most K
This article discusses the approach and implementation on how to count the number of nodes with the sum of neighbors at most K
Find Eventual Safe States
Learn to find the safe states in the given graph.
Count all Hamiltonian Paths in a Directed Graph MEDIUM
In this blog, we will learn how to count all hamiltonian paths in a given directed graph.
Bipartite Graph MEDIUM
This article explains the bipartite graph, its properties and algorithm to determine if a graph is bipartite or not, along with its space and time complexity.
Solving Water Jug Problem using BFS MEDIUM
This article discusses one of the famous puzzle Water Jug Problem which will be solved using BFS approach including its implementation in C++ language.
Shortest Distance Between Given Nodes in a Bidirectional Weighted Graph by Removing any K Edges
In this article, we will take a coding problem based on DFS. We will learn to explore all paths using DFS traversal and efficiently find the sum of K largest elements using minHeap.
Multi Source Shortest Path in Unweighted Graph
This blog gives an overview of Multi Source Shortest Path in Unweighted Graph.
Print all Hamiltonian Cycles in an Undirected Graph.
This article will brief you on how to Print all Hamiltonian Cycles in an Undirected Graph.
Maximum Bitwise XOR of values of nodes of an Acyclic Graph made up of N given vertices using M edges
This article will brief you to find the Maximum Bitwise XOR of values of nodes of an Acyclic Graph made up of N given vertices using M edges.
Determine whether we can travel to every node under the given conditions
In this article, we will learn whether we can travel to every node under the given conditions.
Pair of positions in matrix which are not accessible HARD
In this article, We will discuss the problem of finding Pair of positions in matrix which are not accessible.
Find palindromic path of given length K in a complete Binary Weighted Graph
This blog will discuss a problem involving palindromes and complete graphs.
Find the Roots of a Tree that gives Minimum Height HARD
This article will discuss the algorithm and implementation to find the roots of a tree that gives minimum height.
Maximize Difference between pair of Nodes in a given rooted Tree such that one Node is Ancestor of another
In this article, we will learn how to maximize the difference between pair of nodes in a given rooted tree such that one node is the ancestor of another.
Tarjan’s Algorithm to find Strongly Connected Components HARD
In this blog, we will learn Tarjan’s Algorithm to find Strongly Connected Components.
Author akscrv
Red-Black Trees Top-Down Insertion
This article will discuss the algorithm for Red-Black Trees Top-Down Insertion along with the discussion on its space and time complexity.
Insertion in Left-Leaning Red-Black Tree
In this article, we will design an algorithm to insert in a left-leaning Red-Black Tree(LLRB). An LLRB performs the search, delete, and insert operations in O(logn) time.
Check if a given Binary Search Tree is height-balanced like a Red-Black Tree
This article discusses how to check if a given BST is height-balanced like a red-black tree.
Find the largest K for every Array element such that at least K prefixes are ≥ K.
In this article, we will discuss the approach to finding K for every index such that there are at least K prefixes greater than or equal to K. We will also focus on our approach’s time and space complexity.
Count Inversions in an Array Using AVL Tree
Inversion count for an array indicates how far (or close) it is from being sorted. In this article, we will design an algorithm for counting inversions in a given array using AVL Tree.
Find the Minimum number of nodes in an AVL Tree
This article discusses how to find the minimum number of nodes in an AVL Tree with a given height.
Count of Array elements greater than all elements on its left and at least K elements on its right
This blog finds the number of array elements greater than all elements on its left and at least K elements on its right
Sort the big sized array where there are many repetitions of elements
This article will discuss the problem of sorting the big array with many repetitions of elements
Counting smaller elements on the right side
In this article, we will discuss the problem of counting smaller elements on the right side.
Suffix Trees (Implementation - Brute Force)
In this article, we discuss the implementation of a brute force algorithm to generate suffix trees and discuss applications and improvements
Find the indices of all the occurrences of a pattern in a string
In this article, we will learn to find the indices of all the occurrences of a pattern in a string.
Longest Palindromic Substring using a suffix tree
This article will discuss the solution to find the Longest Palindromic Substring using a suffix tree in an optimized way. Along with the solution, the article focuses on the time and space complexity of the solution.
Suffix String Rank Problem
In this blog, we will learn to solve a problem based on the Suffix of String.
Generalized Suffix Tree
In this blog, we will discuss the Generalized suffix tree.
Substrings and Repetitions
This blog discusses the solution to the Substrings and Repetitions problem using the suffix tree approach. It explains how to build and visualise suffix trees.
Longest Common Substring using a suffix tree
This article will discuss the solution to find the Longest Common Substring using a suffix tree in an optimized way. Along with the solution, the article focuses on the time and space complexity of the solution.
Searching All Patterns Using Suffix Tree MEDIUM
This blog will discuss how we can solve a problem - Searching All Patterns Using Suffix Tree.
Solving the I Love String Problem Using KMP Algorithm
This article will cover the unique problem of searching a substring in the main string based on String data structure and implementation.
Largest Area EASY
In this article, we will discuss the largest area problem
Length of Longest Substring Occurring in a Given Substring at Least ‘K’ Times
In this blog, we will learn to solve a problem based on the string.
Queuing Problem
This blog will discuss how we can solve the Queuing Problem using Suffix Trees.
Find the Median of BST in O(N) Time and O(1) Space
We are given a BST, and we need to find the median of BST in O(N) time complexity and O(1) space.
Kth Largest Element BST
This article will discuss the approach to find out Kth largest element in a Binary Search Tree starting from the brute force approach to the efficient approach.
Number of pairs with a given sum in a Binary Search Tree
This article will discuss the problem to find the number of pairs with a given sum in a Binary Search Tree.
Find the minimum absolute difference in two different BST
This article will brief you on how to Find the minimum absolute difference in two different BST.
Convert a Sorted Linked List to Balanced BST MEDIUM
In this blog, we will discuss how to convert a sorted Linked List to Balanced Binary Search Tree.
Count Number of Subsets With Given Sum MEDIUM
In this blog, we will learn how to count the subsets using naive and dynamic programming approaches.
Subset Sum Problem MEDIUM
This blog cover the popular subset sum problem along with its implementation and time and space complexity analysis.
Minimum insertion to convert the string to a palindrome
This blog will see how to calculate the minimum number of insertions to convert the given string to a palindrome string along with the discussion in time and space complexities.
Wildcard Matching EASY
Let's explore the process of solving the wildcard matching problem, where the goal is to ascertain whether a given pattern can be matched with a provided text or not.
Best time to buy and sell stock II MEDIUM
The best time to buy and sell stock is an important interview problem. This blog discusses the solution for it.
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III HARD
In this blog, we will discuss one of the most asked questions, i.e., the Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III, using multiple approaches.
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with at most K Transactions HARD
This article explains the solution to the problem of finding the best time to buy and sell the stock with at most K transactions.
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown HARD
This blog will discuss how to gain the maximum profit by buying and selling a stock multiple times with a cooldown.
Number of Unique Good Subsequences MEDIUM
The article explains the solution to the problem to find the number of unique good subsequences in a given binary string, its implementation in C++, Java, and Python, and its time and space complexities.
Minimum Score Triangulation of Polygon
This article explains the solution of minimum score triangulation of polygon using dynamic programming.
Maximum sum such that no two elements are adjacent EASY
In this article, we will discuss the problem of finding a Maximum sum such that no two elements are adjacent in an array.
Maximize the Sum of Elements ARR[i] Selected by Jumping Index by Value i EASY
This blog will discuss how we can solve the problem, maximize the sum of elements ARR[i] selected by jumping index by value i.
Maximize the sum of the product of neighboring elements of the element removed from Array EASY
In this blog, we will learn how to maximize the sum of the product of neighboring elements of the element removed from the array.
Longest Palindromic Substring
In this blog, we will cover the question Longest Palindromic Substring and discussion over its Time and Space complexity.
Tiling Problem
This blog will discuss the Tiling Problem, a fundamental problem of Dynamic Programming, and analyze its time and space complexity.
Building Bridges HARD
This article contains information on how to solve the building bridges problem using dynamic programming.
Collect Maximum Points in a Grid using Two Traversals MEDIUM
In this blog, we will be solving a coding problem related to dynamic programming.
Author Harsh
Minimum Number of Taps to Open to Water a Garden
In this blog, we will solve one of the problems Minimum Number of Taps to Open to Water a Garden of “Hard” categories, from brute force to an optimized approach.
Author Yogi21
Rod Cutting Problem MEDIUM
The blog discusses in detail the Rod Cutting Problem. We’ll discuss many approaches to solve the problem along with time and space complexity for each method.
Author Zenith
The last remaining element after repeated removal of odd and even indexed elements alternately
In this article, we will solve a DP programming problem where we have to find the last element after repeatedly removing odd and even indexed elements alternately.
House Robber MEDIUM
The following article discusses the popular 'House Robber' problem along with its implementation from the most intuitive method to the most optimal one.
House Robber 2 HARD
This article discusses the Problem and the implementation of House Robber 2, one of the most famous questions in dynamic programming.
Maximize Subsequence Sum after a Plus-Minus Sign Alternatively on Elements
In this article, we will learn how to maximize subsequence sum after putting plus minus sign alternatively on element.
Minimum Number of Days in which No Task is Performed
In this article, we will learn how to minimize the number of days in which no task is performed.
Maximize Score by Multiplying Elements of Given Array with Given Multipliers MEDIUM
In this blog, we will be solving a really interesting problem: "Maximize score by multiplying elements of given Array with given multipliers". We are also going to discuss the time and space complexity of the approaches discussed.
Minimum moves to make M and N equal by repeated addition of divisors except 1
This blog will cover the question to find the Minimum moves to make M and N equal by repeated addition of divisors except 1 and discuss its Time and Space complexity.
Count of subsets with sum equal to X
This article describes how to find the count of subsets with a sum equal to X
Expected Swaps to Sort an Array when Probability of Swapping for Every Inversion Pair is Equal
The task is to find the expected number of swaps to sort an array when the probability of swapping for every inversion pair is equal.
Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix MEDIUM
In this article, we discuss the problem Longest Increasing Path in a matrix along with how to approach solving ranging from most intuitive to most optimal solutions and their implementation.
Minimum Number of Removals to Make a Mountain Array
In this article, we discuss a famous problem, 'the minimum number of removals to make mountain array', its core approach, and implementation.
Minimum Number of Removals to Make a Mountain Array - Part 2 EASY
In this article, we will discuss a famous problem, 'the minimum number of removals to make mountain array,' its efficient approach, and implementation.
Minimum number of operation required to convert number x into y MEDIUM
In this article, we will find the minimum number of operations required to convert the number x into y.
Maximize the sum of the product of two arrays at corresponding indexes by reversing at most one subarray of the first array
This article will discuss the problem of maximizing the sum of the product of two arrays at corresponding indexes by reversing at most one subarray of the first array.
Lexicographically smallest anagram of given string in range [L, R] for Q queries
This blog will cover the question to find the lexicographically smallest anagram of the given string in the range [L, R] for Q queries
Minimum Characters Require to Remove from Binary String to Sort it in Ascending Order
In this blog, we will learn to solve a problem based on Dynamic Programming. We will discuss an efficient approach to solve the problem.
Find the Minimum Insertions in the Given String to Form a Palindrome MEDIUM
In this blog, we will learn to solve a problem to find the minimum insertions in the given string to form a palindrome based on Dynamic Programming. Here, we will discuss two approaches based on recursion and dynamic programming.
Minimize Cost to Convert all ‘0’s to ‘1’s with Cost of Converting ‘0’s Group be K and that of ‘1’ be K / 3
The task is to find the minimum cost to convert all the ‘0’s of the given binary string to ‘1’s.
Decode ways
Decode Ways: Explore various methods to decode a string with problem statements and approaches, including recursion, dynamic programming, and constant space solutions, with implementations.
Minimum and Maximum values of an expression with * and +
This article explains the solution to the problem of finding the minimum and maximum values of an expression with * and +
Number of Ways to Convert 2 into N by Squaring, Adding 1, or Multiplying with 2
In this article, we will design an algorithm for counting the number of ways to convert 2 into a given number N by squaring, adding 1, or multiplying with 2.
Number of ways of Triangulation
In this problem, we’ll learn about the Catalan series and how to find the total number of ways a polygon can be triangulated.
Count of non-decreasing Arrays C[] such that A[i] <= C[i] <= B[i] HARD
This article will discuss problem count the number of non-decreasing arrays C[] such that A[i]<=C[i]<=B[i], for all i, such that 0 <=i<=n-1.
Count subsequences with GCD equal to X
In this blog, we will discuss a problem based on dynamic programming. Dynamic programming is a well known topic asked in programming contests and coding interviews.
Maximum sum path from the leaf to leaf(Extend it to any node to any node)
In this blog, we will discuss how we can calculate the maximum sum path from leaf to leaf in a binary tree. Further, we’ll extend it to the maximum sum path from any node to any node in a binary tree.
Sum of the Length of Paths from Every Node to All Other Nodes
This article will cover the approach and implementation of the problem- Sum of the Length of Paths from every Node to all other Nodes using the Tree Rerooting technique.
Unique Binary Search Trees
This article is based on the problem of finding the total number of unique binary search trees which could be generated using ‘N’ nodes, using various approaches.
DP with Bitmasking
This blog will cover the famous NP-Hard problem Travelling Salesman Problem. We will be solving it using DP with BitMasking.
Minimum Number Of Days To Debug All Programs EASY
This article will discuss to calculate the minimum number of days to debug all programs and the approach to solve this problem.
Number of Ways to Wear Different Hats to Each Other
The blog discusses in detail the Number of Ways to Wear Different Hats to Each Other. We’ll discuss different approaches to solve the problem and time and space complexity for each method.
Author Zenith
Count the number of ways you can give each person a different cap
This article explains how to count the number of ways to give each person a different cap when we have 50 different types of caps.
Count numbers from a given range whose product of digits is K
In this blog, we'll talk about two approaches to count numbers from a given range whose product is K.
Count of Numbers in the range [L, R] Whose Sum Of Digits is Y MEDIUM
In this blog, we will discuss the problem of counting the numbers in the range [L, R] whose sum of digits is Y.
Count of numbers from the range [L, R] whose sum of digits is Y
In this blog, we will discuss a range query problem named count of numbers from the range [L, R] whose sum of digits is Y.
Find Count of numbers from a given range whose product of digits is X HARD
This article will discuss the problem to find the count of numbers from a given range whose product of digits is X.
Count of N digit numbers which contains all single-digit primes
In this blog, we will discuss an interesting problem: Count of N digit numbers which contains all single-digit primes. We will also discuss the time and space complexity of the approaches discussed.
How to find all N digit numbers with at least one repeated digit
In this blog, we will learn to solve a problem based on Dynamic Programming. We will discuss three approaches based on number theory, dynamic programming, and Combinatorics.
Total count of sorted numbers up to N digits in the range [L, R]
This blog will cover the question to find the count of the total sorted numbers of up to N digits in the range [L, R].
Count of N-digit Numbers whose bitwise AND Of Adjacent Digits Equals 0 HARD
This article discusses the problem of counting N-digit numbers whose bitwise AND of adjacent digits equals 0.
Count of N Digit Numbers having each Digit as the Mean of its Adjacent Digits HARD
In this article, we will find the count of N digit numbers having each digit as the mean of its adjacent digits.
Count All Possible N-digit Numbers Such that Each Digit Does Not Appear More Than the Given Number of Times Consecutively
In this blog, we will learn to solve a problem count of all possible N-digit numbers such that each digit does not appear more than the given number of times consecutively.
Nth Number EASY
In this blog, we will discuss one of the famous questions that are regularly asked in technical interviews, i.e., Nth Number.
Classy Numbers HARD
In this blog, we will discuss the solution to the renowned problem of “classy numbers.
Longest Bitonic Subsequence
This article discusses the approach to finding the longest bitonic subsequence with complete explanation and its implementation in C++.
Author Spider
Maximise Difference Between Sum Of Even And Odd-Indexed Elements Of A Subsequence
This article discusses the Problem, Maximise Difference Between Sum Of Even And Odd-Indexed Elements Of A Subsequence.
Maximum sum subsequence of any size that is decreasing-increasing alternatively
This article will brief you on the problem of finding the maximum sum subsequence of any size that is decreasing-increasing alternatively.
Maximum sum subsequence of any size which is decreasing-increasing alternatively HARD
This article will discuss the find maximum sum subsequence of any size which is the decreasing-increasing alternative problem and approach to solve this problem.
Count of valid arrays of size P with elements in the range [1, N] having duplicates at least M distance apart
In this blog, we will take up a coding problem based on dynamic programming. We will see how to efficiently implement a recursive solution using memoization.
Check if a path exists from start to end cell in given Matrix with obstacles in at most K moves
In this article, we will try to solve a graph theory problem that can be asked in the interviews
Longest subsequence such that the difference between adjacent elements is K
In this article, we will discuss the problem find the longest subsequence such that the difference between adjacent elements is K.
Inclusion-Exclusion Principle
In this blog, we will cover the Inclusion-Exclusion Principle and its applications.
Basic Geometry Knowledge EASY
This article will discuss a step-by-step walk-through of basic geometry knowledge, including lines, angles, triangles, and circles.
Convex Hull (Jarvis’s Algorithm) HARD
In this blog, we will learn how to compute the convex hull of a given set of points using Jarvis’s algorithm.
Convex Hull Problem using Divide and Conquer Algorithm HARD
The following blog discusses the Convex Hull problem along with some of the approaches to solve it focusing mainly on the Divide and Conquer Algorithm based approach.
Check if Two Line Segments Intersect MEDIUM
In this article, we will learn to check if two line segments intersect.
Find Maximum Perimeter of Quadrilateral Formed by Choosing Sides from Given Array.
In this blog, we will learn to solve the implementation-based problem, i.e., maximize the perimeter of the quadrilateral.
Count Number of Intersection Points for Given Lines Between (i, 0) and (j, 1)
The task is to find the point of intersections of the given N lines.
Finding the number of triangles amongst horizontal and vertical line segments
The blog aims to find the number of triangles amongst horizontal and vertical line segments.
Average Value of Set Bit Count in Given Binary String after Performing All Possible Choices of M Operations
In this article, we will solve a problem using the basic concept of probability which can be asked in the interviews or coding round of MAANG.
Find two Integers whose GCD is A, and the Difference Between their Squares is B
In this article, we will design an algorithm to find two integers X, Y whose GCD is a given number A, and the difference between their squares is also provided.
Cycle and cord
The objective of the problem is to find the number of ways in which we can divide a circle using a given number of chords such that no two chords intersect each other or non-intersecting chords.
Count of Distinct Integers Belonging to First ‘N’ Terms of at least one of Given Geometric Progression Series(GPs)
In this blog, we will learn to solve a problem based on number series. We will discuss an efficient approach to solve the problem.
Connect Chords HARD
This blog will cover the question Connect Chords and discuss its Time and Space complexity.
Length Of All Prefixes That Are Also The Suffixes Of The Given String
This article discusses the problem of finding the length of all prefixes that are also the suffixes of the string given.
Online Election MEDIUM
In this blog, we will discuss the problem of finding out the persons leading in the election and the implementation in Java
Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
This article covers the different approaches and Implementations in C++ for the Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters.
Author Spider
Stone Game VI
In this blog, we’ll see how to solve the famous problem of Stone Game VI by brute force, sorting, and multimap.
Winner of Tic-Tac-Toe EASY
The blog discusses in detail the ”Winner of Tic-tac-toe” problem. We’ll discuss the approach to solve the problem along with its time and space complexity.
KMP String Matching Algorithm EASY
The blog aims to help find all the occurrences of search string in a target string using the KMP algorithm.
Naive String Matching Algorithm HARD
This article describes the naive solution to the pattern matching problem.
Z Algorithm EASY
In this blog, we will discuss the Z Algorithm.
The number of times array B appears as a subarray in A
Given two arrays A and B, we have to find the number of times array B appears as a subarray in A if we can add some arbitrary constant value to every element in the second array.
Inappropriate Words Filter
This article discusses the problem of filtering inappropriate words
Decode Morse Code
This article discusses the problem of decoding the morse code
Prefix-Suffix Palindrome EASY
In this article, we will solve one of the popular problems, Prefix-Suffix Palindrome using Manacher's Algorithm.
Password Substring
This article discusses the problem of Substring Password
Equal substrings
This article will discuss the approach to finding the number of ways to select exactly ‘query[i]’ equal substrings from the given string. We will see how we can efficiently solve it using the Z-algorithm.
Count all substrings of all lengths that match exactly with the prefix and suffix of a string
The article discusses the brute force and optimal approach for calculating the count of all substrings that match exactly with the prefix and suffix of a string.
Longest Palindromic Substring For Every Center
In this article, we will learn how to find the length of the longest palindromic substring for every possible center. We will also focus on the complexity of our solution.
Substring Queries
This article will discuss the problem "Substring Queries," solution approach to the problem, its C++ implementation, and its time and space complexities.
Author Riya
1 upvote
x-Prime Substring
This article explains the methods for solving the problem of the x-prime substring.